HP LP2475w, IPS 24" Official Thread! (Now Available from OcUK)

Nope, that's because it's a wide-gamut monitor, meaning it can display more reds and greens, and without proper colour management and calibration images will look over-saturated.

Thanks for the technical view philjohn. I have to say, for normal use, I quite like the effect, but I intend to get a calibrator in due course as I want to spend more time on my photography.
Thanks for the technical view philjohn. I have to say, for normal use, I quite like the effect, but I intend to get a calibrator in due course as I want to spend more time on my photography.

My pleasure, if you want some "instant gratification" with the colours, try the following (cannot remember what forum these were on, either here or on the red and black one):


Follow the settings in the word document or text file, and use the ICC profile with a LUT loader like the following (their website has recently gone down, so I'm posting a RS link to it, it's freeware though, so hopefully no foul): LUTManager_setup_1.1.0.45.msi

These profile and settings (at least on my panel) are the best I've come across and will do me until I can get an Eye One Display LT (most places seem out of stock at the mo with 2 month lead times).
I greatly value mrk's opinion and feel the comparison has been covered.

The only test I feel have been neglected is a subjective assessment of the input lag and the consequenses for fast paced online FPS games. As no one seems to care as deeply about this as me. I have ordered the HP and should recieve it today or tomorrow to test...
I greatly value mrk's opinion and feel the comparison has been covered.

The only test I feel have been neglected is a subjective assessment of the input lag and the consequenses for fast paced online FPS games. As no one seems to care as deeply about this as me. I have ordered the HP and should recieve it today or tomorrow to test...
Did you read the whole thread? ;) Baddass covered input lag in his review.
I greatly value mrk's opinion and feel the comparison has been covered.

The only test I feel have been neglected is a subjective assessment of the input lag and the consequenses for fast paced online FPS games. As no one seems to care as deeply about this as me. I have ordered the HP and should recieve it today or tomorrow to test...

Played GRID and GTR Evo without issue, and some ET:QW online - input lag is not detectable to me (and I was able to feel it on the Dell, so I'm not immune :p )

As for the poster who wondered about the Hazro and HP side-by-side, my Hazro went back the day before I got the HP, but subjectively the HP has a much better black level and passes all of the Lagom "by eye" tests very well. No banding (horizontal or vertical) and once you get used to the Wide Gamut (which can be toned down somewhat with just manual adjustments, look at the settings I posted a page or so back) it's a joy to site in front of.
As for the poster who wondered about the Hazro and HP side-by-side, my Hazro went back the day before I got the HP, but subjectively the HP has a much better black level and passes all of the Lagom "by eye" tests very well. No banding (horizontal or vertical) and once you get used to the Wide Gamut (which can be toned down somewhat with just manual adjustments, look at the settings I posted a page or so back) it's a joy to site in front of.

Thanks a lot ;)
Did you read the whole thread? ;) Baddass covered input lag in his review.

Obviously you didn't read my post that carefully. I wrote " a subjective assessment of the input lag and the consequenses for fast paced online FPS games"

Emphasising: "fast paced online FPS games"

I am only satisfied when I have personally tested if my skills degrade in HL2DM and UT2004 ;)

This subjective test will be posted soon :)
Hey guys , I m still hesitating between this HP and the Dell 2709w.
My main use will be Photoshop editing /painting with some web sessions.Also some gaming thought.

My good old CRT is dead for good it seems , so i have to make a quick choice .What would you advice me ?
So been playing with the HP for a couple of hours now. Here are my plemenary thoughts:

Input Lag: I felt it as soon as I moved the mouse around on desktop (Note I'm a very sensitive to this :rolleyes:) . I loaded up Crysis played it a bit. Didn't notice it too much and now after approximately 3 hours I don't feel it at all on desktop. I guess the brain gets used to it or compensates somehow :confused:. Whatever ;)

Fast paced FPS games:
So the dreaded ultimate fast gaming test ;)
I played UT2004 + HL2DM online. Each for half an hour. Feels a little more sluggish compared to CRT(samsung 959NF) but I didn't seem to loose any skill.
And again the more I played the less I seemed to notice it.
I would say this screen feels as fast as NEC 20wgx2 pro but a little slower than HP 2207 and OcUK Value L2442WD-VA 24" for instance.
Enabling Vsynch amplifies the input lag so don't..

Viewing angle:
I was actually a little surprised by this. I don't find the viewing angles that good. The screen looses contrast fast. I would say the viewing angles is actually a little worse than VA panels (reference: OcUK Value L2442WD-VA 24")

Wide Gamut concerns:
So I feared the worst regarding this aspect. People on the net had filled me with fear regarding this problem :eek:
At factory defaults colors does indeed look like crap. But that was easily fixed by desaturating desktop + movie settings in ATI catalyst (I don't know if the same is possible using Nvidia). I found 85 to be the sweet spot.

ATI Control panel:
De-saturating desktop + games:

De-saturating movies:

Colors + settings:
Played with the posted ICC profile and suggested settings. Didn't improve anything for me. Just used http://www.calibrize.com/ and the previously mentioned desaturation tricks.
I used brightnes=12, Contrast= 80, color temp preset= 6500k

In closing why isn't it possible to find reviews like this on the net. Then I wouldn't have to buy and send so many monitors back :rolleyes:

ps. Pictures in next post...
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Thanks nightrhyme! I still game on 21" and 19" CRTs. I've been reluctant to buy any LCD, first because of pixel response times, and now more recently because of the publicity of input lag. It sounds like your gaming experience wasn't perfect, but still good enough? Are you going to keep the monitor and use if for online gaming?
Thanks nightrhyme! I still game on 21" and 19" CRTs. I've been reluctant to buy any LCD, first because of pixel response times, and now more recently because of the publicity of input lag. It sounds like your gaming experience wasn't perfect, but still good enough? Are you going to keep the monitor and use if for online gaming?

I have been through so many monitors that I'm just about ready to give up.
I'm not convinced yet regading the HP. I have 14 days to test before I have to make a decission.

Will report back. Feel free to ask any question ;)
Don't worry you HPers! we Hazro-ers will be joining you in error free imaging soon enough!


I don't think that's backlight bleed to be honest, looks more like "white glow" that IPS screens have. You can verify this by moving your head closer to the screen and into one of the corners (i.e. your head will be directly in front of one of the four corners of the screen) - the effect should disappear (it does on mine).
I don't think that's backlight bleed to be honest, looks more like "white glow" that IPS screens have. You can verify this by moving your head closer to the screen and into one of the corners (i.e. your head will be directly in front of one of the four corners of the screen) - the effect should disappear (it does on mine).

I know. Maybe I should have named the headline Backlight I don't think it bleeds. But thats for the viewer to decide
The picture on my screen randomly shifts to the right for a few ms, is it buggered? :\
I don't think that's backlight bleed to be honest, looks more like "white glow" that IPS screens have.
Yeah, it looks like white glow.
Don't worry you HPers! we Hazro-ers will be joining you in error free imaging soon enough!
you're all getting HPs? ;P
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