HP LP2475w, IPS 24" Official Thread! (Now Available from OcUK)

Is mine faulty?

Hi all. I've been watching the Hazro thread for some time awaiting an indication that the various problems had been resolved then I noticed the discussion on this HP and I was sold. I popped over to Overclockers on Saturday and picked one up.

I have to say that it does look a quality piece of kit if a little industrial. Generally I'm quite pleased with the performance however I have a nagging feeling that mine just isn't quite right. I'm having real problems with decent black levels but I don't know if I'm just expecting too much.

When viewing completely black test images or when my PC is booting and the screen is mostly black, it seems as though there is a kind of sheen on the screen. As you move around off centre, you start to notice this white sheen on the opposite side of the screen. It does look very much like clouding, but its not clouding because it disappears if you move into a different position. It feels as though I have to be pretty much straight on to the screen to get the best black levels. This is the kind of effect I would have expected with a TN panel.

Looking at the review mentioned earlier in this thread, there is a picture of the screen showing a solid black image and it looks a lot better than mine.

Apologies in advance if these pictures are too big or there are too many, but it should hopefully help to demonstrate my concern. Some of these pictures do over emphasise the problem.


Note the white patches at the top and bottom


Again, white patches top and bottom but you can make it disappear by moving your position.


This makes the problem look much worse than it really is.


A non-black image from the side. Looks fine to me!


Browser image from an angle - again, seems ok.


Same image but face on - fine


OC page and forum from an angle - fine again


Wholly black screen - not so good


PS3 - Gran Turismo.I think these black levels are quite poor


Last one - the PS3 XMB. Again, the black levels aren't brilliant.

I have used the calibrated settings from the review so the brightness is set at 17 for example.

I guess I'm just looking for someone to say, oh yes thats normal for a screen of this type or yes it just needs to bed in a little and the black levels will improve. Or, do I just have a faulty one?

Thanks in advance for any help.


I guess I'm just looking for someone to say, oh yes thats normal for a screen of this type or yes it just needs to bed in a little and the black levels will improve. Or, do I just have a faulty one?

Thanks in advance for any help.



IPS screens do exhibit, at more extreme angles, something called "white-glow" which is probably what you are seeing. As for the totally black picture, looks like that could possibly be backlight bleeding (but it depends what camera settings you used).
HI there

As with any monitor give it a good 24-48 hours to settle in, I'd just leave it on for 24 hours with a screen saver running.

Then also ak guys on here for what settings they are using as some monitors out of the box have pretty awful settings but can be easily improved with custom settings.
Mine seems to have the same white glow, colours look great though. Does seem to get darker at the bottom edge of the screen, anyone else notice this?

Also came with one dead pixel in the top right quarter of the screen, would you guys keep it or send it back?
Got mine yesterday :)

Happy so far... further testing and calibrating needed.

Build quality is excellent except for the little panel at the back designed to hide the cables which is useless.

I am having one issue where it loses the DVI signal if it the screen goes asleep or gets turned off, requiring a reboot of the PC. Anyone any thoughts on this? I know I still need to rule out my PC being the issue.

Got mine yesterday :)
I am having one issue where it loses the DVI signal if it the screen goes asleep or gets turned off, requiring a reboot of the PC. Anyone any thoughts on this? I know I still need to rule out my PC being the issue.

Yep, that happens to me too using DVI out the back of a Radeon X800. If I mess around with the DVI settings in the ATI control panel on a second screen connected via a standard VGA cable then I can eventually get it to reestablish the connection but this is a little inconvenient as the second screen is my tv.

Its not just standby though. If I switch to the HDMI connection, when I try and switch back to DVI there is no signal.

I guess mine could also be PC related rather than the screen itself. Anyone else experiencing this?
Also came with one dead pixel in the top right quarter of the screen, would you guys keep it or send it back?

If it's fully dead (not just 2 dead sub-pixels with the third ok) you should definitely send it back, HP's dead pixel policy state that no dead pixels are acceptable (and there are low tolerances on dead sub-pixels too).
Having monitored various forums for a long time, particularly the overclockers threads, it was time to make a decision.
I wanted to upgrade my 20 in Dell (2005W?) to 24in, briefly looked at the Dell 2408 and then the Hazro 24/26in models, as well as the NEC 2470. Finally decided on the HP as it seemed to give me what I wanted at a reasonable price.

Ordered Sunday - arrived Tuesday afternoon. Overclockers give you a choice of delivery dates which is a nice touch.

All very easy to set up, and plug in, and the Mac auto detected the screen and delivered the correct resolution and worked immediately. My other machine is a RiscOS Iyonix and the HP supplied VGA to DVI cable plugged into the Iyonix with no problems. The monitor scanned the output, told me the optimum resolution was 1920x1200, then promptly displayed the image at 1680x1050. Very nice.

As others have noted, the default screen is extremely bright, and hurts the eyes when looking at a lot of white. Mine is set at 22 at the moment.

One of the first things I noticed is that all the program icons seemed brighter and more colourful that before, and webpages also seemed more 'alive' with a wider range of colours. (This probably says more about my Dell getting old that anything though).

I tried a couple of DVD's for fun - not something I normally do on the computer. The first was 'Pride & Pejudice' as it just happened to be at hand. The result was slightly disappointing as it seemed as though the monitor was almost too good, as it accentuated the faults in the original film. Then I tried Star Trek First Contact which was much better, although I suspect that watching via a dedicated DVD player would do full justice to the monitor rather than via the computer.

Couple of things to note: there is an on/off switch on the back of the monitor, as well as having the power button on the front. The monitor plugs directly into the mains - so no power 'brick' required:-)

The cable tidy at the back - mmm - very odd. Not quite figured that one out yet.

Overall impression is very good, and I'm pleased so far.

I will get a calibrator in due course and report back. I haven't noted any dead/stuck pixels yet, but I need to do more tests when the monitor is 'run in'.

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One of the first things I noticed is that all the program icons seemed brighter and more colourful that before, and webpages also seemed more 'alive' with a wider range of colours. (This probably says more about my Dell getting old that anything though).

Nope, that's because it's a wide-gamut monitor, meaning it can display more reds and greens, and without proper colour management and calibration images will look over-saturated

I tried a couple of DVD's for fun - not something I normally do on the computer. The first was 'Pride & Pejudice' as it just happened to be at hand. The result was slightly disappointing as it seemed as though the monitor was almost too good, as it accentuated the faults in the original film.

That's just because the monitor res is much, much larger than that of a DVD, so when it's scaled up you'll notice the MPEG artifacts more than you would normally.
Mine turned up today and has a cluster of dead pixels. Will be sending it back tomorrow.


Overall i like it. I love the menu system, find it really easy to use. You can even turn the power LED off in the menu which is just great :cool:

I like the button as they work and the overall construction of the monitor gives you an impression of a quality product. It is solid and i even quite like the base.

I have used smaller HP monitors with this stand and i didnt like them, for some reason in this size the stand looks OK and works very well.

After owning three Hazro's I am pleased i moved to this HP, although the Hazro's looks nicer (well its aluminium) and it doesnt get as hot as the HP.

Very pleased, I have actually noticed something on the photo i have as my desktop which i had never seen before on the previous monitors!

edit: o yeah............. the picture is stunning. Grid looks amazing as does well..everything i have looked at tbh :)
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according to philjohn HP states that no dead pixels are acceptable. I'm not sure whether it's true? but for a monitor of this price it sounds right.
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