HP LP2475w, IPS 24" Official Thread! (Now Available from OcUK)

thanks again dude...I didn;t have a clue about this, I was expecting there to be an optical out (toslink) on the monitor and I would just buy a toslink>toslink cable

just to be sure the S/PDif RCA cable is just a normal cable ? so a lead from a camcorder etc would do ? (I have plenty) it's only a short distance so shouldn't need a coaxial one, right ?

the only things i need to buy should be the converter box and toslink cable (or just an analogue box, but i didnt see any of those in the electrical mshop)

edit - what do HP expect you to connect the spdif to? do some amps have an rca spdif in or something ? or do they just expect you to buy converters ??
thanks again dude...I didn;t have a clue about this, I was expecting there to be an optical out (toslink) on the monitor and I would just buy a toslink>toslink cable

just to be sure the S/PDif RCA cable is just a normal cable ? so a lead from a camcorder etc would do ? (I have plenty) it's only a short distance so shouldn't need a coaxial one, right ?

the only things i need to buy should be the converter box and toslink cable (or just an analogue box, but i didnt see any of those in the electrical mshop)

edit - what do HP expect you to connect the spdif to? do some amps have an rca spdif in or something ? or do they just expect you to buy converters ??

They probably expect you to have a surround amp that can take the S/PDif input. To be honest though, I'm glad they resisted the temptation of putting a D/A converter and a jack out - means more money went in to the actual display side of things.
builder22, I agree with philjohn, but if I understand your setup correctly, you need to consider a different option.

The only significant advantage of using the digital sound leaving your mobo is that it contains more than just the stereo channels. By decoding that signal through a TOSLink cable going into a modern receiver, the receiver would then power 5.1, 6.1 or even 7.1 speaker setups. But I don't think you have more than two stereo speakers!

If you send the digital sound to the monitor through HDMI, return the sound using an electrical>optical conversion device just to plug it back into your TOSLink on your mobo, and then use your miniplug to dual RCA cable to go to your amp, you haven't gained anything. All you've done is output the digital and reinput the digital so that your sound card would decode it. The sound card does this internally already! Just connect your analog stereo out (usually color coded green) from your mobo to your amp. You'll hear the same stereo signal. You don't really even need to use digital audio cables at all.

Have I misunderstood something?
i was in an electrical shop earlier tonight, they sold these converter boxes
its to get the sound from my ps3, I have now discovered that I do get sound with an rca>jack plug lead (although its a stereo one, so 2 rca plugs in to one jack plug) but only in the ps3 menu, when I start a game it just makes noise, could this be happening because of the lead im using ? I looked in the shop earlier but there was no RCA>jack plug lead, only the stereo lead like what I have now
bought a 2 in to 1 adapter for the 2 rca's but that doesn't make any difference

will probably try the converter box, but its gonna be about 25 quid for the leads and box, hope it works !
Er why are you doing this? the PS3 has a perfectly good optical out which you can plug straight into your pc.
Oh, I forgot you're trying to connect a PS3 to your monitor. You don't even need to worry about any digital audio that is traveling through the HDMI. Just leave that audio at the monitor. Doesn't the PS3 have stereo analog audio outputs? Just plug those into your amp. If the PS3 doesn't have analog outs, then you'll have to follow bejo plz's suggestion and send the optical out directly to your mobo input for decoding. Then connect the analog stereo out from your mobo to your amp. Don't worry about trying to use the S/PDIF out connector from the monitor.
the ps3 is the other side of the room to the monitor, connected with a 10m hdmi cable, but the monitor is right next to the pc, was just to save buying/running another cable, my amps speakers are the other side of the room too, pc's only connected to the amp for playing music, is weird watching movies etc on the monitor when the sound comes out the other side of the room
I want the sound to come out the stereo speakers of the pc which are at either side of the monitor
that's why I want to connect the sound through the pc :)
I'm getting more interested in this monitor as I do more research.

Just found that you can apparently extend the warranty on this monitor with HP. Part number U7937E - do a search on the HP site to see the details. (URL seems to be excessively long to quote here).

Basically, increase to 5 years for about £14+vat. Seems to good to be true:-) There has to be a catch!

You can also add a sound bar to the monitor - HP Flat Panel Speaker Bar - part number EE418AA.

Does anyone here that also has the HP know if 1080p is supposed to be available when you hook up an xbox 360? Mine only seems to give me up to 1080i thru HDMI. Even tho in the blades menu it shows 1080p as an option. I've got it running thru 2nd DVI port for now (with VGA-DVI adapter).

I connected my xbox 360 elite last night and rainbow six 2 ran fine at 1080p (HDMI). No ghosting etc.

1080i made the screen flicker.
Hi there

Nope just relying the information, all I can get is confirmation of a price increase but nobody knows how much so it could be a couple of quid or more.....

Found a techy site with this quote:

"For those that were concerned on dpreview and other fora that the two model numbers on the HP UK site at very different prices meant two different specifications need not worry (according to HP !). The HP code KD911A4 is the monitor at the normal retail price of £476 + VAT whereas the KD911AT is the same monitor at a promotional price of £389 + VAT available through nominated retailers. They indicated that they have a set number of monitors available in the UK (they have no knowledge of what is happening elsewhere) at the promotional launch price and then they will revert to the normal price."

Guess that means that the price increase could be £90!!
What are peoples thoughts on the depth of this monitor? it looks pretty thick to me which is putting me off slightly. Say in comparison to a 2408?
I suppose I will only look at it straight on but I will know its there!

the ps3 is the other side of the room to the monitor, connected with a 10m hdmi cable, but the monitor is right next to the pc, was just to save buying/running another cable, my amps speakers are the other side of the room too, pc's only connected to the amp for playing music, is weird watching movies etc on the monitor when the sound comes out the other side of the room
I want the sound to come out the stereo speakers of the pc which are at either side of the monitor
that's why I want to connect the sound through the pc

Ahhh, now I understand. That said, it may still cost you less money to just purchase a 10 m analog audio cable to run along side the HDMI cable, but plug directly into your amp or into the 'line in" of your mobo if you don't have a spare input on the amp. I don't know for sure, but I'd expect an electrical>optical S/PDIF converter to cost more.
I connected my xbox 360 elite last night and rainbow six 2 ran fine at 1080p (HDMI). No ghosting etc.

1080i made the screen flicker.

Yeah I got it working now. Turns out the HDMI cable that came with my 360 Elite was faulty. The one bundled with HP works fine at 1080p :)
I make no warranties, express or implied, about it all working, but yes, that should all work fine :p

all working now, :)

question about the stand......is the rotation adjustment supposed to lock in place ? you know, to change from portrait to landscape
mines stops when the monitors horizontal or vertical, just thought it would lock in place ?
all working now, :)

question about the stand......is the rotation adjustment supposed to lock in place ? you know, to change from portrait to landscape
mines stops when the monitors horizontal or vertical, just thought it would lock in place ?

nope, doesn't lock in place, that would be a good idea though (never seen it before on a rotating monitor).
I kinda grudged paying the price but that's just the price of LCD monitors unfortunately
I felt the hazro had too many issues/flaws for the money (althought these are due to be sorted, not really the point though)
this monitor just feels like it's had more thought/quality control or whatever put in to it, probably because HP is a much bigger company than hazro....

so yeah IMO this is good for the money
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