i dont realy have a favourite list but there are some apps i use on a daily basis i will list some . I actualy thought about making an andriod useful apps post.
Beeb player- BBC iplayer for andriod
Shazam- Listens to music and then tells you the artist and song
imusic- you can download free songs
MSN Driod- realy nice looking MSN clone
Listen- Made by google is used for downloading and managing pocasts
Google Goggles- Amazing technology it scans an image from your camera and then analyse it and search google for it. Example is i scan my Student card it sees the Staffordshire university logo and then pings back results about staffs uni
Fotmob- Live football scores
UltimateF1- F1 RSS feed
Default news and weather widget- Brillant little thing runs on your home screen and updates the latest news and weather no need to open the program. THIS IS DEFUALT ON THE PHONE
Facebook widget- like above
Gensold- Mega drive emulator (sonic, streets of rage)
SNESold- Snes emulator (mario, donkey cart)
Theres a ton more useful things like calorie an diet diaries, Google translate, Twitter widgets, Google Sky maps the list is endless.
I use the google speech stuff almost daily. Its so much easier to say to my phone "map of KFC" and it just brings up a map of all the local KFC's no hassle in the car.