Google employees given Google Nexus

nexus on pre order

Hey just in case you lot havent noticed the nexus is on pre order on play for £599 with a release date of 12/02/10
Hey just in case you lot havent noticed the nexus is on pre order on play for £599 with a release date of 12/02/10

LMFAO!! i hope all the people who didnt get one from USA and waited for the UK are angry now!

Glad i got mine from the states. £358 Havent even had any VAT yet (got my phone 3 weeks ago)
ill see what mood i am in come april to what i get, i have never been a fan of touch sensitive buttons. Likeing the bravo more with hardware buttons ;) How you finding the battery life?
LMFAO!! i hope all the people who didnt get one from USA and waited for the UK are angry now!

Glad i got mine from the states. £358 Havent even had any VAT yet (got my phone 3 weeks ago)

play are always a rip off for this kind of thing though

for example they sell the 16gb iphone for 600 notes
I placed my order today for the nexus, so hope to get it sometime next week. Just a quick question to those who already have one - what kind of battery life are you getting? There are some posts on google's forums about it and a link to another page about conditioning the battery. Is it pretty bad? Is it simple to just turn off stuff like wifi and bluetooth when not needed?
I placed my order today for the nexus, so hope to get it sometime next week. Just a quick question to those who already have one - what kind of battery life are you getting? There are some posts on google's forums about it and a link to another page about conditioning the battery. Is it pretty bad? Is it simple to just turn off stuff like wifi and bluetooth when not needed?

Mine was bad for the first 2 days and then it started to get much better.

I now have a few shortcuts installed on the start screen to shut wifi off when there is no free wifi availavle and an app called Y-5 that remembers all the connected wifi areas and switches the wifi off automaticly if im not in the area.

My rotuine was phone 100% charged at 7AM then i would be getting emails evrey 15 minutes a bit of browsing about an hour of music and it would need to be charged at about 6PM.

But i turned my email updates and other RSS apps to update every 2 hours and my phones battery is currently 70% and it was unplugged for 10AM

the first 4 days were horrific though.

Does anyone know how to get turn by turn navigation in the UK?
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Thanks stoke. That kind of thing is what this other forum post was mentioning - like not checking automatically for emails/updates/RSS etc. That app sounds cool, will have to look into that one, and many others no doubt when the phone arrives.
Got quite a shock today when I tried to start up my Nexus after work.

I was holding down the power button awaiting the usual vibration to indicate start up, instead I was greeted with what appeared to be a simple DOS screen. Tried switching the phone off and on again to be taken straight to a picture of the little green Android and a bit exclamation mark!!

I'm not sure what caused this but I took the battery out for 30 seconds and all seems fine now.
You wern't holding down one of the other buttons were you? (trackball or volume keys?)

Could have been bootloader/fastboot etc?
Got mine today. Got a call from the depot saying they wouldn't release it until the VAT had been paid! I went over there and apparently the Liverpool DHL depot are running a pilot scheme where some people are asked to pay any VAT/duties before they can have their parcel! The guy said they (DHL) were having issues chasing people for payment.

Sounds like you may have got away with it stoke ;)

Loving the phone though. Still getting to grips with it. Had a slight problem where the screen didn't respond after bringing it 'back to life' with the button on the top. You know where you input your 'unlock' gesture? Well it wouldn't register any keypresses, not on the soft keys either. It sorted itself out in the end, but I would like to know why it did it. Perhaps it was because there was allsorts in the memory. It hasn't done it since I got hold of that task killer app and cleared everything every now and then. Am I right in saying it automatically shuts down apps if/when resources get low?

Screen's beautiful though. I want to find some good apps for it now, but I can see myself wasting hours on trying out random crap!
I ordered it at some point early on Friday evening. The email confirmation I got from google phone webstore was received at 7:20pm local time and then I got a further email from them saying it had been shipped at 5:46am local time. The second email had my tracking number on it. If you ordered on saturday I would expect you would have got the second email by now?
i dont realy have a favourite list but there are some apps i use on a daily basis i will list some . I actualy thought about making an andriod useful apps post.

Beeb player- BBC iplayer for andriod

Shazam- Listens to music and then tells you the artist and song

imusic- you can download free songs

MSN Driod- realy nice looking MSN clone

Listen- Made by google is used for downloading and managing pocasts

Google Goggles- Amazing technology it scans an image from your camera and then analyse it and search google for it. Example is i scan my Student card it sees the Staffordshire university logo and then pings back results about staffs uni

Fotmob- Live football scores

UltimateF1- F1 RSS feed

Default news and weather widget- Brillant little thing runs on your home screen and updates the latest news and weather no need to open the program. THIS IS DEFUALT ON THE PHONE

Facebook widget- like above

Gensold- Mega drive emulator (sonic, streets of rage)

SNESold- Snes emulator (mario, donkey cart)

Theres a ton more useful things like calorie an diet diaries, Google translate, Twitter widgets, Google Sky maps the list is endless.

I use the google speech stuff almost daily. Its so much easier to say to my phone "map of KFC" and it just brings up a map of all the local KFC's no hassle in the car.
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