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The first "proper" Kepler news Fri 17th Feb?

11 Jan 2011
they wont put a mid range card for less money than the previous high if its faster - sales of the GTX 5xx range - all of them , will die instantly.

Drop in @ same price then cuts on the 5xx series people will still buy them for sli if 2x of 1 5xx series beats the 6/7xx that was released and works out cheaper. For example someone with a single 580 snaps another up for sli getting more performance than dropping there 1 580 for the newer card for a small improvement.

Though that being said when Nvidia release there kepler's amd will have raked in enough cash to drop there 7970's in answer to nvidias 1st round of keplar XD win/win for consumers regardless
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
exactly its a good result for consumers now, only the early adapters have been punished by top prices.

Nvidia need to pull their fingers out and be the first to release for a change.

I might actually buy one then as i tend to upgrade every other dx gen. to the first company that gets it out..
24 Jan 2012
Thats a really bizarre analogy and actually reinforces the fact that you seem biased, not the other way around. You're basically implying AMD cards are made of balsa wood and masking tape, which seems a little unfair. Then again, if you made a representative example (Japanese mid range vs German mid range, VW etc) then your entire philosophy makes no sense at all.

I don't even care about graphics cards but I read this thread out of boredom and your whole idea is just baffling :p

AMD cards can't do PhysX, FSAA, are plagued by continuous driver problems & compatibility issues with certain games. That is why I don't buy them its simple common sense really I'm struggling to see why you're so confused by the concept of someone who pays a lot of money for something would want it to work properly.

18 Oct 2002
drunkenmaster -the GTX 580 was the high end so its obvious to repalce the high end gtx 480 - if nv release a mid range card faster and cheaper than the fermi high end , then no one would buy fermi cards as kepler would be better for less money

ocuk then have stock from the gt520 upwards sitting getting dusty on shelves, same as oem`s would have redundant stock they would find hard to shift - no , nv wont do that , and since Apple have hoovered up a lot of 28nm - prices wont be cheap.

When you can get 60% higher performance from a 7970 or 50% higher performance from a 7950, both, how many 580gtx's are being sold now and at what profit.

People are ignoring the obvious, a 530mm2+ core and higher bus card costs a LOT more to make. Again several million cards with a similar profit margin to a vastly smaller number of sales with the SAME profit per card, its a non argument.

Also the reason 285gtx/480gtx/8800gtx sales dropped to nothing more than any other reason is......... they stop production of them.

Otherwise, why not continue making 285gtx's and why not sell the 480gtx at significantly higher prices?

Cards get replaced, its really that easy, there isn't less profit on a $300 than a $500 card when the higher card already costs $200 more to make.
18 Oct 2002
AMD cards can't do PhysX, FSAA, are plagued by continuous driver problems & compatibility issues with certain games. That is why I don't buy them its simple common sense really I'm struggling to see why you're so confused by the concept of someone who pays a lot of money for something would want it to work properly.


It's because your reasoning is utterly flawed. I'm not a fanboy, I just won't touch AMD cards, I pay more because they have a proven track record and I go by proven technology, etc, etc.

Nvidia have PROVEN worse problems than AMD in terms of reliability, over the past three years Nvidia has been hit by bumpgate and what, 2 or 3 seperate drivers which have caused various cards to overheat and burn themselves up. 590gtx's had problems with blowing themselves up and drivers limited them even further than they were already stunted at stock.

This is the problem, you claim you stick with them and refer to AMD as

Still anythings better than an AMD/ATI/Radeon whatever you want to call it, buying one of those things does not compute lol.

Everything you've said comes across as nothing but fanboyism, yet you put in the generic "I'm not X but here's a statement where I come across as nothing but X" internet argument.

"I'm not a fanboy, but I wouldn't touch AMD with a bargepole"
"I'm not a racist, I just blame everything on black people", two very very common arguments on these forums.

AMD can't do physx, physx sucks, its used primarily as an excuse to hurt AMD rather than improve the experience for Nvidia users and more often than not hurts framerate to stupid levels for Nvidia users. FSAA, AMD can't do it, ok, constant driver problems, can't remember the last one I had, other users have problems, plenty of people have problems with Nvidia drivers. The biggest few problems in drivers of late and for the last few years would be, drivers KILLING cards, that would be Nvidia, and of late the TDR issue, another Nvidia problem that has taken ages to resolve, hit thousands of users and made the cards half useless for their owners.

The problem is, when you claim to NOT be a fanboy, then spout of incorrect info, blindly ignore all Nvidia problems and claim you would never use AMD, its pretty obvious that you are in fact a fanboy.
10 Jan 2012
they wont put a mid range card for less money than the previous high if its faster - sales of the GTX 5xx range - all of them , will die instantly.

If this was the case 8800gtx would still be 300£ and 460gtx would be 350£...

New gen needs to be faster AND chaper, if it only faster than its just extension to old gen.
9 Jun 2006
Lol wow you care about what I buy way too much its only a silly pc graphics card.
To be fair I don't think anyone is overly interested in your personal choice of video card. You were just taken to task for claiming not to be "a fanboy" and then behaving exactly that way. /shrug
24 Jan 2012
To be fair I don't think anyone is overly interested in your personal choice of video card. You were just taken to task for claiming not to be "a fanboy" and then behaving exactly that way. /shrug

If not buying inferior rubbish makes me a fanboy from your perspective fair enough I really couldn't care less...

*overdoses on shrugs*
17 Jan 2010
Lets see if we cant get to the next page without any bitchiness or fanboy comments, this thread is suppose to be about Kepler, admittedly theres absolutely nothing to say about it, but still theres always speculation.
24 Jan 2012
I wonder if NVIDIA have a display at CeBIT 2012 in Germany the show runs from the 6th to the 10th of March, could deffo be a potential candidate for a paper launch at least.

SB-EP chips are also being launched here.
8 Mar 2010
I think we will have to put up with a lot more rumour and speculation before Kepler lands ..... so i might as well have my 2 penneth worth ....
Kepler will land on the shelves between April 1st and 3rd the gtx670 will be priced at or around £429 for the most pricey version but we might get lucky and see lesser brands willing to forego a huge markup and sell for £379 ...... and i have my fingers crossed for the release of Bioshock Infinite at the same time :)
9 Jun 2006
Maybe they are having major issues with Kepler....
It's certainly starting to look a little that way... Either that or perhaps having been beaten to the punch by AMD the intended Kepler release didn't have the performance needed to beat it. Certainly it looks as if AMD could clock up speed binned 7970s and release them as 7980s in quick order if Kepler isn't ahead by a wide margin.

Then presumably there's a 7990 dual GPU card in the works?

I wonder if nvidia are spending more time and resource on the Tegra line, at the moment, in particular with a new market about to appear for Windows 8 SOC/ARM slate devices?
19 May 2004
We are a bit worried on the mobile front, the 670M might just be a rebrand of the 570M and the 675M and 680M (which cost more than the 580M does now) are going to be the new chips.
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