LG DM2780D 27" 3D monitor

I just got mine and I'm playing with the settings looks a bit dark and it's smaller then my Hanns G 27 1920X1200" :(
I got the wrong glasses but the clip on ones are ok. 2D-3D is great been watching F1 with VLC player.
Games work well in 3D so ..so far so good. I just wish I could get more depth in 3D.
Going to use Monitor asset manager to see what's what.

Edit= I just tried some Irange 3D vision glasses and they work :) they are not good looking by any means but
for only 95p you can't moan.
Oh I wear prescription glasses if that makes any difference.
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I just got mine and I'm playing with the settings looks a bit dark and it's smaller then my Hanns G 27 1920X1200" :(
I got the wrong glasses but the clip on ones are ok. 2D-3D is great been watching F1 with VLC player.
Games work well in 3D so ..so far so good. I just wish I could get more depth in 3D.
Going to use Monitor asset manager to see what's what.

Edit= I just tried some Irange 3D vision glasses and they work :) they are not good looking by any means but
for only 95p you can't moan.
Oh I wear prescription glasses if that makes any difference.

these are not cinema style glasses are they?

do me a favour can u send a message in trust where u got them from as the cheapest i found them for £2.39
these are not cinema style glasses are they?

do me a favour can u send a message in trust where u got them from as the cheapest i found them for £2.39

Sorry I should have said I got them from poundland, look on their site.
I think I will pop to poundland as if they work I wont need them silly expensive glasses, I asked lg for another pair aswell but they wouldnt give in.
well they seem to work, less ghosting than the supplied ones but noway as good as thw correct glasses :) hope that makes sense as I've been up most of the night.
well they seem to work, less ghosting than the supplied ones but noway as good as thw correct glasses :) hope that makes sense as I've been up most of the night.

A mate has grabbed 10 pairs for me for backup :D
I must say 3D in games is awesome and SBS films are great to.
Have you guys got any hints on how to make the 2D-3D live TV better?
deuse or anyone else what settings have you found best for movies and games any tips would bge most helpfull

In games press 0 on the keypad to bring up the options then pick performance and play with the settings.

As for films I use VLC and play 3D SBS films and turn on the 3D on the LG.
I'm still playing with all the settings so plenty to learn.
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I turn off virtual 3D then turn on copy textures, this seams to work best for me and my GTX 295.
I will try more games today and report back. I should get the right glasses by wens?
deuse im running a gtx 460 with a alienware r3 desktop but report back on your settings have you tried prodotype also driver is a decent one also tekken vs street fighter also tipsy i havent noticed no lag
well on nightshift at the mo and sleep is my priority :) oh more work tonight. Its nice to know there is no input lag, will stopising it as a tv soon an swap it with my iiyama 27 when I'm awake.
I spotted them last week but with all the incidents who knows if they would work, oddly enough them cheapo poundland ones are not bad. I have input lag :( not happy as I get knifed on cs and I cant see them till its to late
Well I've finnaly got this hooked up to my gaming PC and after playing BF3 for five minutes I must say I'm a convert. BF3 in 3D was awesome using tridef, and if the experience in other games is much of the same, I'll be a happy bunny.

However the garbage glasses LG sent out with this monitor don't do it justice. The crosstalk is awefully distracting and the purple shadows everyone mentioned are visible. I spoke to an LG rep this time last week and was told I could get the glasses, but as I haven't heard anything since, I'm not holding much hope.

I haven't quite figured out how to watch movies in 3D (proper 3D, not the 2D->3D thing), do I need special software and special 3D versions of my films? Again though, if the 3D is as good as I saw in BF3 I'll be happy.

Anyone know if Tridef be used to play videos in 3D?
tobsmonster2 i use km player or power dvd for watching my 3d films weather they are sbs or in full 3d on my remote on my dm2780d just press the 3d button and it will give u a option of sbs up nand under or 2d to 3d also there is a player called steroscopic player u can use but i just stick with them above also with the proper glasses the ghoasting goes away also try prototype and driver really good in 3d
Thanks for that. Could you also recommend some glasses I could use in the meantime or maybe better glasses than the 'proper' LG ones? And how long did it take yours to arrive from LG?
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