Foreigners working here...

29 Jan 2008
I love all this blame on the younger generation for being workshy and f.eckless (and that rhetoric hasn't changed for the last 100 years :p) - well, we (parents/society) brought them up like that, no? So whose fault is it really.

Their own fault - they're capable of independent thought... if they chose to do relatively little in order to pursue work or to have kids they can't afford then its up to them and they are left dealing with the consequences.
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
Their own fault - they're capable of independent thought... if they chose to do relatively little in order to pursue work or to have kids they can't afford then its up to them and they are left dealing with the consequences.

Take your common sense get out of here!

Here we blame others for our own failures and **** ups in life.

Not their fault they don't have the resolve or discipline to rise above work a semi-trained monkey could do.
2 Aug 2009

well they haven't took it yet, I'm too skilled/qualified/experienced in my job to be replaced by some pole- but I sure know a lot of my friends who've lost their jobs to them.
3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
I love how this thread turned from an honest question about a guys EDUCATED foreign girlfriend wanting to come over to the UK for the summer into a typical GD "foreigners taking our jobs lol"

@ OP: Get her over here, we need more educated willing people to do actual work whilst the "natives" lay back on benefits and don't put anything back into society.
4 Mar 2010
Got to love uneducated folk who messed around at school, didnt study or work hard who now find themselves in a position where the only job they can get is incredibly low paid and so much so, that Polish and EU nationals are doing the job better than them for the same money.

I made sure I worked hard and studied with no extra priveleges over any other person in school and I find myself in a position where I can get well paid work with ease and never encounter foreigners taking jobs.

Its got nothing to do with your background....if you work hard in life you can have anything you the minimum you'll end up in the gutter and blaming everyone but yourself and that includes these foreigners.
You are talking guff frankly.

I spent time doing low skilled work as I had relocated to keep me going. While I was there, I took no time off when I was sick, I was never late and I worked bloody hard. But guess who got the job at the end of it?

It wasn't me, it was the fellow who was the same nationality as the supervisor. I even tried to learn their language so I could be a more useful team member.

You speak of no privilege yet here we are, you who had brains to do well. Perhaps you should be a bit more polite about the people who do the menial jobs which are below you and have a little empathy towards Brits who aren't as smart or naturally gifted and just want to work and live their lives, but can't because jobs have been displaced.

The thing is I don't blame them. If I was offered an opportunity to earn essentially double pay for the same job I would do the same, but there are too many here. It's not only that, many of the foreign born workers are post grads how is an average Brit meant to compete with that, they are being flushed out without being given a chance.
2 Aug 2009
What do you do and what jobs have your friends lost?

I'm an IT subcontractor for the NHS, I do infrastructure, hardware, tech rollout and consulting.

My friends have lost jobs in construction, bar work and retail- mostly while in education, but for some it was their main source of income.
7 Jun 2011
You are talking guff frankly.

I spent time doing low skilled work as I had relocated to keep me going. While I was there, I took no time off when I was sick, I was never late and I worked bloody hard. But guess who got the job at the end of it?

It wasn't me, it was the fellow who was the same nationality as the supervisor. I even tried to learn their language so I could be a more useful team member.

You speak of no privilege yet here we are, you who had brains to do well. Perhaps you should be a bit more polite about the people who do the menial jobs which are below you and have a little empathy towards Brits who aren't as smart or naturally gifted and just want to work and live their lives, but can't because jobs have been displaced.

The thing is I don't blame them. If I was offered an opportunity to earn essentially double pay for the same job I would do the same, but there are too many here. It's not only that, many of the foreign born workers are post grads how is an average Brit meant to compete with that, they are being flushed out without being given a chance.

Sorry if you feel that im sitting on a high horse....but I am certainly not.

You mention about being privileged with a "brain" to do well, but it was actually more to do with hardwork and effort that allowed me into a position where I can work and earn a decent wage.

My girlfriend is heavily dyslexic and as such came away with very poor grades at school, instead she works hard worked her way up and does a lot of out of hours work and from that earns a good wage and she is only 20.

Unfortunetley thats the nature of the beast in the low skilled sector.....too many people fighting for the same poor jobs that require little skill.
4 Mar 2010
Sorry if you feel that im sitting on a high horse....but I am certainly not.

You mention about being privileged with a "brain" to do well, but it was actually more to do with hardwork and effort that allowed me into a position where I can work and earn a decent wage.

My girlfriend is heavily dyslexic and as such came away with very poor grades at school, instead she works hard worked her way up and does a lot of out of hours work and from that earns a good wage and she is only 20.

Unfortunetley thats the nature of the beast in the low skilled sector.....too many people fighting for the same poor jobs that require little skill.
No, it's fine. :) I just wanted to try and put a balanced view on what perhaps some of the lower skilled population cannot articulate. :)

I've been on both sides of the fence. done plenty of low skilled work and currently working my way through Uni.

I suppose my main point is that a lot of low skilled people are happy just to work their crappy jobs, pay bills and go home.
18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
I'm an IT subcontractor for the NHS, I do infrastructure, hardware, tech rollout and consulting.

My friends have lost jobs in construction, bar work and retail- mostly while in education, but for some it was their main source of income.

So you were told to go and your job was given to a foreigner?

Sucks about your friends but in low (no) skilled jobs this is always going to be the reality.
22 Oct 2008
Lisburn, Northern Ireland
From my personal experience - When a "foreign" lorry driver comes here to work he won't just work and send the money back home. He will claim tax credits, have his kids put through our schools, use hospital services, use ALL services...whilst getting his wife and kids a house via benefits and he claims to live elsewhere yet lives at taxpayers expense in the house with his wife. Scammer!!! Even when he was grassed on about the scam, nothing was done.

...yet my daughters classroom assistant for dyslexia, was given her p45 so they could instead hire a translator for the influx of eastern european kids. Classrooms are now a quagmire of half hearted efforts by the new foreign kids, whom dont' really understand what is going on as they can't espeak English at any level to communicate, unless it's via the translator (also Polish). While our own kids can't get the attention they need and deserve to help them progress.

Close the borders and have some balls to actually say NO to people just coming here for the gravy train of benefits.

Jan 2014 will see a HUGE surge in crime with the Romanians and Bulgarians coming over. Organised crime gangs will have a field day here and it'll be too late to have the "I told you so" chat.

If you think the beggars selling the "last copy of the Big Issue" are everywhere now just wait until Jan. I an seriously see civil unrest with locals coming to blows with gangs of migrants.
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7 Jun 2011
No, it's fine. :) I just wanted to try and put a balanced view on what perhaps some of the lower skilled population cannot articulate. :)

I've been on both sides of the fence. done plenty of low skilled work and currently working my way through Uni.

I suppose my main point is that a lot of low skilled people are happy just to work their crappy jobs, pay bills and go home.

Well there you go are working through Uni and will get something decent out of it no doubt.

Those same people then moan at the government and blame Foriegners when those jobs get taken.

My view of life is, you get out what you put in....a lot of people want to put minimum effort in and get angry when life isnt handed to them on a plate and blame others.
18 May 2006
C'mon, I want my roll eyes;

You were born and grew up in a first world country with first world education and opportunities and all you could amount to was unskilled factory work?

Oh wow, you are such a likeable person.
If you are talking to me, I went to Poly, so I'm quite happy with my education thanks :)

[FnG]magnolia;24086894 said:
Is 'troll' now just the word everyone uses when someone says literally anything that they even slightly disagree with? It's becoming very tiresome.
IMO you trolled the bitcoin thread by just mocking the idea, when really you had the background experience to have made a sensible counterpoint. It's very annoying when clever people don't contribute properly.
Also, agreeing on your troll point.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
From my personal experience - When a "foreign" lorry driver comes here to work he won't just work and send the money back home. He will claim tax credits, have his kids put through our schools, use hospital services, use ALL services...whilst getting his wife and kids a house via benefits and he claims to live elsewhere yet lives at taxpayers expense in the house with his wife. Scammer!!! Even when he was grassed on about the scam, nothing was done.

...yet my daughters classroom assistant for dyslexia, was given her p45 so they could instead hire a translator for the influx of eastern european kids. Classrooms are now a quagmire of half hearted efforts by the new foreign kids, whom dont' really understand what is going on as they can't espeak English at any level to communicate, unless it's via the translator (also Polish). While our own kids can't get the attention they need and deserve to help them progress.

Close the borders and have some balls to actually say NO to people just coming here for the gravy train of benefits.

Jan 2014 will see a HUGE surge in crime with the Romanians and Bulgarians coming over. Organised crime gangs will have a field day here and it'll be too late to have the "I told you so" chat.

If you think the beggars selling the "last copy of the Big Issue" are everywhere now just wait until Jan. I an seriously see civil unrest with locals coming to blows with gangs of migrants.

Whilst living in Belfast I saw a lot of eastern Europeans (including my neighbors) and yes, some of them have families with them and undoubtedly some are on the take. However, are you blinded to the estates that littler greater Belfast, and indeed the whole UK, which are full of people who for whatever reason are not at work during the day? The millies with 3 brat children on the way to the brew office? I think by far native scummers are the problem, not some people who have left their home and families to find a better life through hard work.

Also, I hope you aren't employed in one of the unnecessary civil service jobs handed out by the government to prop up NI... Now they are a real drain on the tax payer
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