** 4K GAMING 1MS 60Hz MONITOR @ SUB £500 !!!!! ** (IN STOCK NOW)

22 Jan 2007
New member here. I calibrated the Samsung last night and tested some games and will be posting my calibration results and impressions at some point today I hope.

Good. Looking forward to it. Getting bored waiting for the LG UM95 to come back in stock. Not sure it ever will. The Samsung is my backup plan!
20 Oct 2007
Really tempted to jump on this. Been waiting for the Swift but this may have to be my choice instead! How is this compared to the other 4k monitors in the same price bracket? Are there any reviews comparing this with the asus, iiyama and aoc models?
20 Feb 2009
Well finally arrived :) First thing I noticed was colors, nothing close to my S27B970. Viewing angles aren't great, don't really notice it side to side but very noticeable when viewing from a downward angle. Will try the settings VEGACORTEZ has posted and see if it can be improved.

Tried a couple of games out, just roughly what I noticed with fraps.

BF4 : ultra - Mantle - AA disabled (saw no difference with it) 60 - 80 (normally 70ish)
Tomb Raider : 35 - 70 depends on indoors, outside around 35 - 50
Grid 2 : 70 - 85

All in all very impressed, all these games are more than playable, Tomb Raider especially looks amazing. Think i'm gonna have a second play through.

I'm running on...

2600k (4.5 watercooled)
8gig Ram 2000 oc
2x MSI Gaming R290
Crucial M4 SSD
29 Feb 2012
Well finally arrived :) First thing I noticed was colors, nothing close to my S27B970. Viewing angles aren't great, don't really notice it side to side but very noticeable when viewing from a downward angle. Will try the settings VEGACORTEZ has posted and see if it can be improved.

Tried a couple of games out, just roughly what I noticed with fraps.

BF4 : ultra - Mantle - AA disabled (saw no difference with it) 60 - 80 (normally 70ish)
Tomb Raider : 35 - 70 depends on indoors, outside around 35 - 50
Grid 2 : 70 - 85

All in all very impressed, all these games are more than playable, Tomb Raider especially looks amazing. Think i'm gonna have a second play through.

I'm running on...

2600k (4.5 watercooled)
8gig Ram 2000 oc
2x MSI Gaming R290
Crucial M4 SSD

One thing when people mention viewing angles when do we ever look from above or below or the sides???
How smooth was the experince? any lag/input? how noticeable ?
OcUK Staff
12 Apr 2008
3 Jun 2010
Oh ffs, you'd think they would include cables for all 3 possibilities, hdmi, mini and full dp. :(

Not even sure if the one ocuk sell would be of any use its only for upto 2560x1600 apparently.

Ordered this along side my monitor knowing it only came with DP to DP, sadly this mini DP to DP doesn't quite cut it, I was hopeful :( haha. Lots of screen flickering, so I'm using HDMI like a dirty 30Hz peasant until I can find a decent Mini DP to DP or adapter at least.

Like some have mentioned, comes with a EU two prong plug.

Haven't had chance to play around much, had to do a full tear down and rebuild of my system including all the watercooling. It's been a lonnngggg day, can't wait to really get to grips with this monitor.

First thing I checked though.. I'm loving all this space.


Edit: Hang on one seconndddddd. Is this true?... or I'm guessing its outdated and means below 1.2.

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18 Oct 2002
Ordered this along side my monitor knowing it only came with DP to DP, sadly this mini DP to DP doesn't quite cut it, I was hopeful :( haha. Lots of screen flickering, so I'm using HDMI like a dirty 30Hz peasant until I can find a decent Mini DP to DP or adapter at least.

Like some have mentioned, comes with a EU two prong plug.

Haven't had chance to play around much, had to do a full tear down and rebuild of my system including all the watercooling. It's been a lonnngggg day, can't wait to really get to grips with this monitor.

First thing I checked though.. I'm loving all this space.


Edit: Hang on one seconndddddd. Is this true?... or I'm guessing its outdated and means below 1.2.

Does look the part, considering snagging one of them myself just unsure of how my card will perform, I was comparing it to my current res of 5760x1080 but 3840x2160 is over a million pixels more so performance might not be upto it. :eek:

Do these also support around 2560x1600 as well?
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3 Jun 2014

On windows 7 using Nvidia card (set to no scaling and monitor scaling) when I set it to desktop 1600p it makes the image small but 1:1 I guess and still says 2160p in the OSD. 1440p, 1080p, 1200p etc work correct and fullscreen or with side borders but they don't look that hot obviously due to scaling up to a 4k panel. I have to use Nvidia aspect ratio GPU scaling to get 1600p full screen with side borders to work.
Personally if your setup can't achieve about 30fps or about as a min with good graphic settings I would go 1440p as 4k monitors look at there best with 4k, scaling is never the greatest of idea's and the samung scaling is not the best I have seen. 1440p native monitor still looks brilliant and offers high performance in the now.
3 Jun 2010
My Mini DP to DP cable arrived today, let me tell you I'm glad to be at 60Hz once again. 30Hz was driving me crazy, even the cursor on the desktop wasn't moving fluidly, let alone trying to game. Can finally start appreciating this monitor a lot more.
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