Witcher 3

I can sort of understand them doing that for the console versions as there isn't much difference between the consoles but doing it for the PC is a bit poor really. PC should be as good as it possibly can be.
Agreed. The fact the PC doesn't have options to run the game better suggests the developers are either too lazy to do it, can't be bothered to do it, or are under too much pressure from the publishers to do it.
This game will be amazing, game of the contender surely :)

The PC thread for this game confirms why I no longer visit that section on this forum these days. All the console port, visual downgrade, not pushing pc visuals comments. Moaning about grass rather than talking about the incredible scope of the game.

Then use VPNs to get Russian versions of the game on the cheap :) That will definetly encourage Devs to make the PC the lead platform.

Not sure whether to get this on PS4 or Xbox. Not getting on PC as ill trade it at some point. Maybe the X1 as its been quite deglected lately.
lol that's what some said about the visuals Project CARS...anyone that says that are either A: blind
B: On the MS payroll

And yes I do play both back to back

Errrm, ok. But this is a different game. How is Project Cars relevant in any way?
Then use VPNs to get Russian versions of the game on the cheap :) That will definetly encourage Devs to make the PC the lead platform.

Not sure whether to get this on PS4 or Xbox. Not getting on PC as ill trade it at some point. Maybe the X1 as its been quite deglected lately.

Must admit the moaning in pc section has been a tad OTT imo, i am getting on pc but like you cant wait for the game for its story etc

Had to quote this part though as trading is pretty bad for the devs too ;) as they see none of the rebuy that i know of :D

We all do it though, not as bad as the VPN poop but similar :D

Im looking forward to digital foundry as the xb1 resolution thing aounds pretty interesting
While that is true, trading games means I can buy more new games so the devs/publishers make money by allowing me to sell/trade games when I'm done.

Indeed true that just dont get the sale from whoever buys preowned but tbh its always been the way and i often chose console over pc for the option to trade later too

only messing about bud :)
Indeed true that just dont get the sale from whoever buys preowned but tbh its always been the way and i often chose console over pc for the option to trade later too

only messing about bud :)

I know. Publishers want to do away with 2nd hand games but I honestly think it'd do more harm to them. If I was unable to sell games then I'd simply buy less games or wait til games were super cheap.
I know. Publishers want to do away with 2nd hand games but I honestly think it'd do more harm to them. If I was unable to sell games then I'd simply buy less games or wait til games were super cheap.

yea! I remember when the new consoles were thinking about not supporting preowned games, that wouldnt have worked well at all
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