*** Destiny Raid & PvP discussion thread ***

Hey guys, also going to have to pull out. I've been having issues getting on and staying on PSN since yesterday. Started with party issues and now I just get disconnected every few minutes :(
Stuck with 5 at the moment for this raid so if anybody can help out send me a message on PSN cheers.

EDIT - Got sorted on LFG!
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Was great thanks for having me along and teaching me the ropes! Got some nice bits too mainly a ghost shell which was spot on as my existing one was holding me back at 285 i think new one was 306a then got a hand cannon and shot gun. Not my favourite types of weapon but will try them or infuse for the level
Oryx, it was an engram I probably should've mentioned that. Bit disappointed it never came out at 310 but you can't have everything I suppose.

Oh, that's interesting as I didn't think you could get an engram for killing Oryx. Or was it from killing the shade?
Oh, that's interesting as I didn't think you could get an engram for killing Oryx. Or was it from killing the shade?

Pretty sure it was the shade, they count as Ultras. I didn't actually see the engram drop, found it in my postmaster afterwards. Definitely didn't get it from the other bosses.
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Wish I could have joined you guys, but at that point yesterday I couldn't sit upright, let alone play Destiny. Feeling better today though.

Will have to see if tbere's a raid later this week I can jump onto!
Ok out up a Xbox one raid thread in the other thread so making one for here.

Kings fall raid, Xbox one. Tomo night 8pm start. Feel free to put your names down.

1. R0gue360
2. Je11y master

Let's try and get it done tomorrow but no stress if we don't.
Tuesday 7pm GMT King's Fall

1) middgen
2) OweO
3) Greboth
4) PsychoSonny
5) apatia7
6) Col_Jacko

Reminder for tomorrow :)

Just got a phone call. Going to view a house tomorrow at 6pm could maybe do with a sub. I should be home by 7 but you never know with these things. If I am not online by 7pm they can jump in.
R0gue, Je11y, if you can move to Wednesday we have an alt run happening you guys can get in on?

1. KWJay
2. G23 Mr Gimp
3. The Ultim8 Dave
4. SPK (possibly)
5. R0gue 360
6. Je11y Master
Just got a phone call. Going to view a house tomorrow at 6pm could maybe do with a sub. I should be home by 7 but you never know with these things. If I am not online by 7pm they can jump in.

Ok thanks for the update.

Anyone want to take a reserve slot for 7pm tomorrow? Asking for experienced raiders for this one off 'mid_gen wants his Touch of Malice' special :)
If PsychoSonny can't make it, could I humbly request that I be considered as a sub? Or are you after people who have done Deathsingers and Oryx before?

EDIT: never mind, middgen posted before I did.

Anyone doing a raid later on in the week that I can join?
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