Okay, I'll get the ball rolling on this:
Saturday 9pm - King's Fall - PS4
1) Drunzer
2) CoreyMcK20
3) TehMoe
This is a run for our alternates. BlueBear, you're welcome to hop in on this one with us. It will be a fresh run but it won't take us long to get through it. We usually have the whole thing complete in about 2 hours, just depends how much Moe dies he's a pain sometimes.
Wednesday 9pm - King's Fall - PS4
1) Drunzer
2) CoreyMcK20
3) TehMoe
Back to our mains again for this one, I unfortunately can't do Tuesday and neither can Corey so I'm shooting for Wednesday instead.
EDIT - Again Moe I've added you just to make sure you have a spot, if you can't make either of these just let me know.
How open are you to beginners on the alt one? Would be my first raid. Im a competent gamer just not run a raid before. Level 293 at this point!
Psn is: Kinger_8938
Wednesday 9pm - King's Fall - PS4
1) Drunzer
2) CoreyMcK20
3) TehMoe
4) Greeboth
5) sk8board_pete
6) AStaley
Oh go on then
Saturday 9pm - King's Fall - PS4
1) Drunzer
2) CoreyMcK20
3) TehMoe
4) Steedie
5) Kinger
6) TehBluebear
Done it all up to Deathsingers, and I sort of know the strat for Singers and Oryx due to OweO and Greb talking us through it on Tuesday. I *will* be new to those last two fights though.
Just to let you guys know, you may get a little bit of echo from my mic as I don't have it up to my mouth and I play the output via my TV (can't use the earphone).
Middgen - that's perfectly understandable mate, I've got tons of time on my hands so I don't mind at allMay RNGsus be with you.
Nice one so how do u usually do this? Get online a bit before so you can invite us all in?