MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

22 Aug 2014
It certainly makes you wonder what the media response would have been if Douglas Carswell had been gunned down in the street.
Would there have been an outpouring of grief like we're witnessing now.
The chance of having parliament recalled would have been less than nil, it simply wouldn't have happened.
22 Aug 2014
Jesus. Of course Parliament would have been recalled. He's a decent bloke/a man of principles/etc - there would have been wall-to-wall coverage. Dat paranoia :-\.

For a UKIP mp ? you must be joking no way on earth would that have happened and the campaigning would not have stopped neither.
He is a decent bloke but he isn't a woman.
I think there would have been massive coverage I agree but not as much as we've just witnessed.
12 Nov 2015
To those who accused me of 'dining out' who are now posting about crazy potential left wing conspiracies, suggesting any remain win is a win for terrorism or inventing scenarios of if some other person had died.

Specifically the claim that a win for a Cause Jo Cox supported in life is a win for terrorism (and after her husband came out and thanked people for supporting her causes) how dare you. Faux empathy, to suggest the causes she valued in life are a win for terrorism, how dare you!

Take a long look at yourselves before you condemn others.
31 Jul 2008
To those who accused me of 'dining out' who are now posting about crazy potential left wing conspiracies, suggesting any remain win is a win for terrorism or inventing scenarios of if some other person had died.

Specifically the claim that a win for a Cause Jo Cox supported in life is a win for terrorism (and after her husband came out and thanked people for supporting her causes) how dare you. Faux empathy, to suggest the causes she valued in life are a win for terrorism, how dare you!

Take a long look at yourselves before you condemn others.

Your camp faux outrage does you no favours nor does trying to twist my posts.

I'm merely pointing out that if the murder impacts the end result it highlights that violence can cause political change - if IS do something in the next few days it will guarantee a Leave win and I bet the leftie view will be different then.

Re 'left wing conspiracies' - until the court case NOBODY on here can state why he did it.

Clearly what side of the vote you are on colours your view of this case.
31 Jul 2008
You could never know whether the murder influenced the vote at all, unless you can think of a measure for it?

Maybe but given its so close a large move to Remain given the shambles of both sides might point to it - I'm sure some pollster will try and touch on it.
30 Jun 2007
You're making an argument based on trying to assert a moral equivalence, amigafan2003 is stating the legal definition of what is or is not murder. If you both stick to your position then this just continues to go round in circles because you're looking at a different viewpoint to describe the same action.

No hes saying if it's "murder" ie illegal then the killer always has mental health issues.

Which is ridiculous.

Why does some random government saying its legal or illegal suddenly cure or diagnose a mental condition
12 Nov 2015
Your camp faux outrage does you no favours nor does trying to twist my posts.

I'm merely pointing out that if the murder impacts the end result it highlights that violence can cause political change - if IS do something in the next few days it will guarantee a Leave win and I bet the leftie view will be different then.

Re 'left wing conspiracies' - until the court case NOBODY on here can state why he did it.

Clearly what side of the vote you are on colours your view of this case.

If IS do something? If someone else dies? So much for YOUR compassion, as you sit there thinking up further grim scenarios that would favour the leave or remain groups.
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