MP Jo Cox murdered in West Yorkshire [Thread title edited]

Not having read the entire thread have any of our resident lunatics on here claimed 'false flag' yet?

Here ya go:-

What if Remain win purely because of sympathy for the murder and then we have the court case and it turns out his motives weren't quite so straight forward?

Whatever - any Remain win will be tainted by this regardless.

Good to see the Brexiters being prepared and getting the excuses in early!
Whatever - any Remain win will be tainted by this regardless.

Tainted? Let me get this straight: someone who supports Leave went out and murdered a pro-Remain MP while shouting the rhetoric of the racist right and you think that it is Remain that is "tainted" by this? O_o

Wow not just David Cameron dining out on this.

You're the one claiming that a Remain win is a "win for terrorism" and that any potential Remain win is "tainted". I think a biblical quote is in order: "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye" - Matthew 7:5

If remain win, you only win because of xxx or yyy or rigged but if brexit wins, it is well deserved?

Save it for your kids footie game and stay away from the polling centres if you are going to take this attitude. People with this attitude froth at the mouth when someone questions democracy but if their solution is not the one chosen, then all sorts of fuss is kicked up.

What sort of biased viewing glass do you have to look through and find 5 different kinds of spin that this is the fault of remain or that this will positively effect remain or that remain had planned this?
Anyway what has he been charged with?

Mr Mair, 52, faces charges of murder, grievous bodily harm, possession of a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence and possession of an offensive weapon.

The third charge includes terrosism as an "indictable offence". This will be considered at a later hearing.
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Calm down - if the murder affects the outcome that is hardly democracy - given how much the PM and co are exploiting it they clearly know its the only way they can win now. Shameful but if thats what it takes....
Hardly, peoples minds have been decided for a long while. Do you know ANYONE that has changed opinion over the murder?

What reasoning is there behind basing you opinion on what a right wing nutcase carried out?

A thousand shameful strategies have taken place this campaign, you can argue that the general portrayal of refugees as rapists, murderers and other kinds of criminals have lead to an increase in hatred toward them and denial of safe resident anywhere. God knows what this attitude has costed the innocents among them.

Also regardless of what effects democracy, as long as the general public make the choice, it is still democracy.

I wont ask you to apologise for the murderer since you have no affiliation with them except for wanting to leave, the same way you should not associate remain with anyone who is exploiting the death of Jo Cox to further their agenda.
Remain losing polls, murder, Remain winning polls - yep no link.

Well, actually it looks like the polls were swinging back before the murder although it's essentially impossible to be sure. It was widely expected that there would be a swing back to Remain close to the vote, anyway, because this is the pattern you see in many referendums - as the vote gets close, the status quo option enjoys a pick up in support.

We can't say for sure whether Jo Cox's murder is influencing the polls, and when the vote comes it we won't be able to say for sure whether it made any difference. If it does, well there are worse tributes to a woman who's last article was an argument to vote Remain.
Im just going by the polls - 10% undecided and a swing to Remain straight after the murder.

What do you mean by 'them' are you suggesting a conspiracy?
Likely the swing is either because her article was googled far more recently because of the media attention surrounding her death or that the undecided have swayed to the 'stay as is' option as they normally do approaching a big vote deadline.
so why is one premeditated killing make a person mentally ill but the exact same premeditated killing when authorised by a government ok?
Snipped for space.

You're making an argument based on trying to assert a moral equivalence, amigafan2003 is stating the legal definition of what is or is not murder. If you both stick to your position then this just continues to go round in circles because you're looking at a different viewpoint to describe the same action.
Whatever - any Remain win will be tainted by this regardless.

Getting excuses in before the results? If remain win, it is because most votes were cast for remain. Reasons and motivations are completely irrelevant.

But I voted weeks ago (remain). So if my vote was because of this murder but the murder hadn't happened yet then..... inception brainsplode!
Hardly, peoples minds have been decided for a long while. Do you know ANYONE that has changed opinion over the murder?

Sure there are people with already rigidly fixed opinions who won't be affected on either side but there are plenty more in the middle who are undecided either way and something like this could be enough to tip the balance.

That ******* in the dock couldn't have done a better job for the Remain campaign if he tried, which is exactly the opposite of what he intended.
It seems that people on both sides can only deter people from their cause, the way the campaigns have headed. Whoever set the tone of negativity ruined this vote before the campaigns started

Everyone seems to be playing an incredible convincing double agent
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