CS:GO Discussion

Who's still playing? Got back into GO recently and have so far managed to work my way up to GN2 on random MM. I floated around the MG ranks on the old system, shows how long it's been.

Pleyor, JDH and myself were on tonight and played 2 won 2. Pleyor and JDH both ranked up!! We are nova 1, nova 2 and nova master.

You're quite welcome to add me d0ct0r4t6 it makes a world of difference playing with a few buddy's on comms
Who's still playing? Got back into GO recently and have so far managed to work my way up to GN2 on random MM. I floated around the MG ranks on the old system, shows how long it's been.

Pleyor, JDH and myself were on tonight and played 2 won 2. Pleyor and JDH both ranked up!! We are nova 1, nova 2 and nova master.

You're quite welcome to add me d0ct0r4t6 it makes a world of difference playing with a few buddy's on comms ��

Definitely makes a massive difference over solo q. There are quite a few of us at GN level who play regularly.

It'll be worth checking out the spreadsheet on Silversurfer's webpage link. Edit: Link

I will be up for some more games tonight if anyone is around?
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interesting stuff.

valve finally going to crack down on gambling sites (issue notices saying to cease) they will then restrict API access for external sites.

wonder how this will affect the competitive scene? which i think has exploded and gained popularity due to the gambling aspect.
tried playing on valve servers and not able to get on, just keep getting lots of this message

corrupted packet -853655111 at 0

any clues? done some googling but not come up with much.
I've tried reinstalling, flushing steam cache.
anyone had this problem before? :confused:
Clicky is my ESEA profile, not played CS in a bit though as the guy I usually play with is on holiday for a month or so.

Cool cheers Ryan, will add you when I get home. Should be about at points this weekend. I'm in C aswell...nearly c+ so should be a good match, buddied up with a few random decent British players aswell so should be able to get a good British lobby together!
Finally got out of my losing streak last night playing with Weezy. I dont know what it is but even with just one friendly voice MM seems so much more bearable.

On for a game tonight if anyone is about? Few beers and CS seems like a good plan :)
im slowly getting back into CS:GO also, added you too if you done mind doc, look out for scorchedbee / clarky on steam

No worries bud, already accepted;)

Played a few games now with some of the regulars here on oc and thoroughly enjoying it although my form sucks at the moment !!

It makes a huge difference playing with comms and I reckon once we get used to each other's strengths/ weaknesses we could be quite a team.

I'll be on tonight ...
Friend invites sent!

Got a couple of accounts, at Silver 4 and Gold 1. I play at a fair bit higher standard than that, but I keep getting demoted for not playing regularly enough :D
No worries bud, already accepted;)

Played a few games now with some of the regulars here on oc and thoroughly enjoying it although my form sucks at the moment !!

It makes a huge difference playing with comms and I reckon once we get used to each other's strengths/ weaknesses we could be quite a team.

I'll be on tonight ...

ill be on later from about 10 ish i guess if you fancy teaming up chap? took a huge nose dive in rank due to inactivity so looking to get it back up. on a 4 win streak with randoms so far and no increase from GN3. hopefully within a game or 2 ill move up a little
Former 1.5/1.6 player. Started playing GO around 6 weeks ago. I'm MGE after 36 games. Hopefully I should fly up the ranks.

Let me know your ID and I'll add you.
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