Poll: Poll: Prime Minister Theresa May calls General Election on June 8th

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31 Jul 2008
No not at all, I know this is going to be difficult to grasp but not everything is a binary choice and some things cannot be said.
Eg when we said we would defend our currency to not come out of the ERM traders destroyed us.

So Osbourne would have been fully aware of the options available to the government and the BOE as the main levers. He however couldn't say the BOE were going to step in to limit the impact as the first action as that, as I pointed out before, would have opened the flood gates to the traders to make profits off the back of it, hence increasing the cost to the government. So he gave a fear speech that gave the same impact, but a different way.

Yes - he misled and likely scared a few people into voting remain. Luckily the majority ignored him.
4 Aug 2007
Wilds of suffolk
Yes - he misled and likely scared a few people into voting remain. Luckily the majority ignored him.

Where as the leave campaigns were all truths and nothing but. Shame as most of them immediately said in other words they lied immediately after the farce that was the referendum.

I don't know a single remainer who agreed with the emergency budget, just about every leaver seemed to agree with the £350M a week for the NHS, far lower immigration, regaining soverignt etc etc. I think its pretty clear who lied most and which people fell for it ;)
31 Jul 2008
Where as the leave campaigns were all truths and nothing but. Shame as most of them immediately said in other words they lied immediately after the farce that was the referendum.

I don't know a single remainer who agreed with the emergency budget, just about every leaver seemed to agree with the £350M a week for the NHS, far lower immigration, regaining soverignt etc etc. I think its pretty clear who lied most and which people fell for it ;)

Still leaving the EU which us exactly what I voted for.
26 May 2009
I've posted evidence already of the suicides from the Tory bedroom tax and I've prosted evidence of people dying from atos assessments declaring them fit for work when dying from cancer
1: Nobody commits suicide just because they've had their benefits reduced, there are always underlying factors. It may have been the last straw but they were already headed there. Maybe if they had studied/worked harder they wouldn't have been in that situation they felt trapped in. You can't ignore the life choices people made and the events they experienced with these things and just blame the "last straw".

2: If somebody dying of cancer, dies from cancer that is not the government's fault lol. And no, having cancer doesn't instantly make you bedridden, I knew a pilot who continued passing medicals and flying well after his initial diagnosis and you can bet an aviation medical is tougher than an ATOS one (which is fairly easy).
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10 Sep 2008
1: Nobody commits suicide just because they've had their benefits reduced, there are always underlying factors. It may have been the last straw but they were already headed there. Maybe if they had studied/worked harder they wouldn't have been in that situation they felt trapped in.

2: If somebody dying of cancer, dies from cancer that is not the government's fault lol. And no, having cancer doesn't instantly make you bedridden, I knew a pilot who continued passing medicals and flying well after his initial diagnosis and you can bet an aviation medical is tougher than an ATOS one.

You sound like such a nice person.

I wish everyone was as compassionate as you.
12 Mar 2008
West sussex
1: Nobody commits suicide just because they've had their benefits reduced, there are always underlying factors. It may have been the last straw but they were already headed there. Maybe if they had studied/worked harder they wouldn't have been in that situation they felt trapped in.

I can't believe you think that statement is reasonable. I've known people with everything going against them who have been cracked by something "small" at the end. Not everyone has a cushy life provided to them by their parents to sit and study and work hard.. there are MANY other factors that can make studying etc difficult. My best mate decided to end his life after his sister jumped off the roof, after many years of family problems he was ruined and depressed beyond belief. Studying was last of his worries.
26 May 2009
You sound like such a nice person.
Blaming the government because people are depressed with their lives because of the situation they have put themselves in is just stupid.

My best mate decided to end his life after his sister jumped off the roof, after many years of family problems he was ruined and depressed beyond belief.
And not to sound insensitive but you can't blame that on his sister, just like you can't blame the government for people who have had their benefits cut deciding to killing themselves.
29 Mar 2007
Swindon UK
1: Nobody commits suicide just because they've had their benefits reduced, there are always underlying factors. It may have been the last straw but they were already headed there. Maybe if they had studied/worked harder they wouldn't have been in that situation they felt trapped in.

2: If somebody dying of cancer, dies from cancer that is not the government's fault lol. And no, having cancer doesn't instantly make you bedridden, I knew a pilot who continued passing medicals and flying well after his initial diagnosis and you can bet an aviation medical is tougher than an ATOS one (which is fairly easy).

Quite the most appalling post I think I've ever read on these forums.
26 May 2009
Quite the most appalling post I think I've ever read on these forums.
So you think the government is killing people too? Seriously people dying from natural causes who have passed a government medical != government killing them. People committing suicide after becoming one of the thousands to get their surplus benefits cut != government killing people.

I honestly can't believe anyone tries to claim this, it's "The Sun Online" comments section level nonsense.
12 May 2012
1: Nobody commits suicide just because they've had their benefits reduced, there are always underlying factors. It may have been the last straw but they were already headed there. Maybe if they had studied/worked harder they wouldn't have been in that situation they felt trapped in.

So you don't think that someone that ends up out of work due to no fault of their own, & sanctioned because that's mostly what job centre tries to do at slightest chance, leaving folk with barely any money for food/bills, is going to put folk into depression?.

You can study/work as hard all that you want, it will not prevent events out of a persons control from making firms shut down &/or lay people off.

You try living on nothing for a few weeks/months & see how happy you are after a while...

2: If somebody dying of cancer, dies from cancer that is not the government's fault lol. And no, having cancer doesn't instantly make you bedridden, I knew a pilot who continued passing medicals and flying well after his initial diagnosis and you can bet an aviation medical is tougher than an ATOS one.
26 May 2009
Yes I do, but it's not really relevant. He was claiming that people had killed themselves entirely due to having their housing benefits cut. I pointed out that was nonsense and there would be multiple underlying factors.
12 May 2012
So you think the government is killing people too? Seriously people dying from natural causes who have passed a government medical != government killing them. People committing suicide after becoming one of the thousands to get their surplus benefits cut != government killing people.

I honestly can't believe anyone tries to claim this, it's "The Sun Online" comments section level nonsense.

Yeah, because the govt are so innocent in all of this. ATOS have been proven to lie on their "results" far too many times & their decisions getting thrown out afterwards. Nice to see they take notice of a persons health before hand....



'Go back to work', DWP tells man who suffered four heart attacks. One of many such cases.
28 Feb 2011
26 May 2009
18 Oct 2002
Wargrave, UK
Jees, I really hope we're not heading towards a society where the poor, disabled, or mentally ill are just ignored because "they should have worked harder". Sadly I fear we are.
28 Feb 2011
"Thousands have died after being found fit for work, DWP figures show"

I'm actually laughing that you tried to used such comical clickbait as an argument point, all of those people also died after being born, should we blame the midwife? I'll bet most of them watched Television at some point too, quick ban the TV it's killing people!!!

I've already been banned for 24 hours on here for losing my cool with your sort.

But damn there's something wrong with your mentality.
26 May 2009
I've already been banned for 24 hours on here for losing my cool with your sort.
The sort that can actually see through clickbait designed to trigger an emotive response?

But damn there's something wrong with your mentality.
There isn't anything wrong with reading/understanding articles. People dying of natural causes who are medically able to work, does not mean the government murdered them.
28 Feb 2011
The sort that can actually see through clickbait designed to trigger an emotive response?

There isn't anything wrong with reading/understanding articles. People dying of natural causes who are medically able to work, does not mean the government murdered them.

You're missing the point entirely.

Even if you're declared medically able to work, if you're disabled or terminally ill you are entitled to disability living allowance / personal independence payments.

These benefits aren't means tested so you should receive them regardless if you're working or not.

These atos tests are merely to determine what band you get and the contractor has incentives to reject people.

This is what's wrong. People entiteled to these benefits and having them rejected making their lives misery through an unfit assessment with a subpar company with a history of failings in the uk and abroad.

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