Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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22 Jun 2004
Deep England
And people accuse the Tories of lying through their teeth! :rolleyes:

You just know that they'll throw open the doors to all an sundry, heck i wouldn't be surprised if they order the Navy to redirect the boats coming across the med to the UK
Do people honestly think that Corbyn isn't a lying toad? https://medium.com/@takooba/the-mounting-lies-of-jeremy-corbyn-56b0c5e739e3 Since then we've had the lies about Diane Abbot's health.

Edit: oh and it seems that John McDonnell said that Jeremy Corbyn would have to resign if Labour lost the election, which they did. So come on Jeremy, are you going to resign or are you going to make your Shadow Chancellor a liar as well? https://order-order.com/2017/06/11/270145/
Last edited:
21 Jul 2012

24 Dec 2005
No, it's not. Why didn't you highlight the part where i asked - why can't they set up a company?

You're not making any sense, do you think every business costs billions to set up? Why use huge corporations as the example? these large companies didn't start off like that. Amazon started off as online book shop, did Bill gates have billions to start with?
Whats stopping someone using a £1000 bank loan and creating a company themselves?

Doesn't matter how much people spin it, not everyone is born equal, there are some people who just aren't going to be CEO of a multi billion pound company, they aren't going to be that superstar sportsman or superstar musician. There's a hierarchy at a biological level, and that plays out economically & socially.

I think you need to watch Micheal Moore's Capitalism a Love Story as you don't really have a clue. :)
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
How patronising and condescending do you want to be ??
Sorry to break it too you fella but the youth of today are more intelligent and informed than the youth of yesterday, but will not be as informed / intelligent than the youth of tomorrow . It's called evolution!

That's teleology. I.e. the misconception that evolution has a purpose, direction. The Theory of Evolution does not say that species get "better", it says they adapt. There's a significant chance that we're actually selecting for lesser intelligence at the moment because women who are academically successful have fewer children than women who are not, on average. This just to illustrate that evolution isn't a progression of improvements. Do you think the dodo ended up as it did by consistent "improvement"?

Aside from that, evolution does not work so quickly as to show an intellectual difference between generations anyway. The pace of change is determined by the pace of change in evolutionary pressures. Unless some monster from space suddenly devours everyone but the top 25% of people by intelligence, you're not going to be able to say that Generation Y is smarter than Generation X. Any change would be utterly, utterly dwarfed by factors such as education, nutrition and others.

Because trickle down economics is a lie:-


That doesn't answer their question at all which was what difference does it make to you how much money someone at the top has.
22 Jun 2004
Deep England
Hannan: Young Brits vote for free stuff

I know we have seen some surprising election results over the past year, but this one is off the scale.

Two in five British people have voted for an unrepentant Communist, a man who has consistently sided with the West's enemies, a man who regrets the outcome of the Cold War.

I realize that these are big claims and, in a political climate where hyperbole is normal, you might think I'm exaggerating. I am not. But Jeremy Corbyn is not simply a left-wing populist in the mould of say, Sen. Bernie Sanders. Sanders is, as P.J. O'Rourke might put it, wrong within the normal parameters of wrong. Corbyn's politics do not resemble those of the old Vermont senator, so much as one of those early 20th-century American Communists: John Reed, say, or Eugene Dennis.

The bedrock of Corbyn's ideology is that the West is always and everywhere wrong. This belief has led him into some strange alliances. He supported the IRA when it was seeking to bomb Northern Ireland into submission. He backed Hamas and Hezbollah. He was a cheerleader for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. He wouldn't even condemn the fascist Argentine junta that invaded the Falkland Islands in 1982, because hey, they couldn't be all bad if they were against us.
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia
Theresa May, 2016:

"I think the economic arguments are clear. I think being part of a 500-million trading bloc is significant for us. I think, as I was saying to you a little earlier, that one of the issues is that a lot of people will invest here in the UK because it is the UK in Europe.

If we were not in Europe, I think there would be firms and companies who would be looking to say, do they need to develop a mainland Europe presence rather than a UK presence? So I think there are definite benefits for us in economic terms."
20 Dec 2004

I continue to be staggered by the ineptitude of the Tories. After a disastrous snap election run on a campaign of no policies and focusing on personal attacks on Corbyn.....they continue to not talk about policy and instead focus on personal attacks on Corbyn.

All Labour have to do is stick with their manifesto and the Tories will dig their own grave by continuing to offer nothing of substance.
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