Poll: Exit Poll: UK General Election 2017 - Results discussion and OcUK Exit Poll - Closing 8th July

Exit poll: Who did you vote for?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 302 27.5%
  • Labour

    Votes: 577 52.6%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 104 9.5%
  • Green

    Votes: 13 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 19 1.7%
  • Scottish National Party

    Votes: 30 2.7%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 6 0.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 46 4.2%

  • Total voters
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Even now the Conservative party and supporters display the exact arrogance and contempt that got them into this mess in the first place. After such an epic disaster the correct response is to look in over at what you did wrong, where you could improve and what you need to do going forward. Instead we have "its the youths fault", "you voted wrong" and "you are idiots who shouldn't be allowed to vote" etc etc.

Carry on though, I hope this attitude continues because A. Its hilarious and B. It will lead to a landslide victory for an opposition party at the next election.
You can see in interviews with conservatives over the weekend (Michael Howard for instance) and subsequent posts by the more right wing people here, that they are trying to shift the narrative that Labour coming second is a disaster.

Prior to (and during) the election campaign, 80% of the print media were printing toxic headlines about Corbyn, The polls showed that Teresa May would gain 100 seats, and that Labour would lose roughly the same seats and that the Labour party was finished with Corbyn leading it.

In reality Labour gained 30 seats and had an almost equal share of the vote (43% Tory/41% Labour). If it wasn't for a slight Tory resurgence in Scotland (+12 seats) due to the SNP banging on about indyref2, they wouldn't even have been able to form a government.

Corbyn has had his position reinforced and they will only grow further from there.
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Even now the Conservative party and supporters display the exact arrogance and contempt that got them into this mess in the first place. After such an epic disaster the correct response is to look in over at what you did wrong, where you could improve and what you need to do going forward. Instead we have "its the youths fault", "you voted wrong" and "you are idiots who shouldn't be allowed to vote" etc etc.

Carry on though, I hope this attitude continues because A. Its hilarious and B. It will lead to a landslide victory for an opposition party at the next election.

You can see in interviews with conservatives over the weekend (Michael Howard for instance) and subsequent posts by the more right wing people here, that they are trying to shift the narrative that Labour coming second is a disaster.

Prior to (and during) the election campaign, 80% of the print media were printing toxic headlines about Corbyn, The polls showed that Teresa May would gain 100 seats, and that Labour would lose roughly the same seats and that the Labour party was finished with Corbyn leading it.

In reality Labour gained 30 seats and had an almost equal share of the vote (43% Tory/41% Labour). If it wasn't for a slight Tory resurgence in Scotland (+12 seats) due to the SNP banging on about indyref2, they wouldn't even have been able to form a government.

Corbyn has had his position reinforced and they will only grow further from there.

Listen, and understand. The Conservatives are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And They absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

The headline would better read...Young Brits finally listen too.

The Tories have been buying elections with freebies for old people years.

I know we have seen some surprising election results over the past year, but this one is off the scale.

Two in five British people have voted for an unrepentant Communist, a man who has consistently sided with the West's enemies, a man who regrets the outcome of the Cold War.

I realize that these are big claims and, in a political climate where hyperbole is normal, you might think I'm exaggerating. I am not. But Jeremy Corbyn is not simply a left-wing populist in the mould of say, Sen. Bernie Sanders. Sanders is, as P.J. O'Rourke might put it, wrong within the normal parameters of wrong. Corbyn's politics do not resemble those of the old Vermont senator, so much as one of those early 20th-century American Communists: John Reed, say, or Eugene Dennis.

The bedrock of Corbyn's ideology is that the West is always and everywhere wrong. This belief has led him into some strange alliances. He supported the IRA when it was seeking to bomb Northern Ireland into submission. He backed Hamas and Hezbollah. He was a cheerleader for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. He wouldn't even condemn the fascist Argentine junta that invaded the Falkland Islands in 1982, because hey, they couldn't be all bad if they were against us.

Still playing the man. It seems you haven't learned a thing.
Listen, and understand. The Conservatives are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And They absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Shes more Twiki the robot than T2000 to be honest.

You are correct though.
You can see in interviews with conservatives over the weekend (Michael Howard for instance) and subsequent posts by the more right wing people here, that they are trying to shift the narrative that Labour coming second is a disaster.

Prior to (and during) the election campaign, 80% of the print media were printing toxic headlines about Corbyn, The polls showed that Teresa May would gain 100 seats, and that Labour would lose roughly the same seats and that the Labour party was finished with Corbyn leading it.

In reality Labour gained 30 seats and had an almost equal share of the vote (43% Tory/41% Labour). If it wasn't for a slight Tory resurgence in Scotland (+12 seats) due to the SNP banging on about indyref2, they wouldn't even have been able to form a government.

Corbyn has had his position reinforced and they will only grow further from there.

Theresa May really should be buying Ruth Davidson a fruit hamper, she's been a great presence and representative for the Scottish Conservatives and I suspect their gains in Scotland would have been far fewer without her. She didn't get her a fruit hamper though, instead she got into bed with a party of nutcases who fundamentally disapprove of her way of life.
Theresa May really should be buying Ruth Davidson a fruit hamper, she's been a great presence and representative for the Scottish Conservatives and I suspect their gains in Scotland would have been far fewer without her. She didn't get her a fruit hamper though, instead she got into bed with a party of nutcases who fundamentally disapprove of her way of life.

Labour have tried to do several deals with the DUP in the past ...

You can see in interviews with conservatives over the weekend (Michael Howard for instance) and subsequent posts by the more right wing people here, that they are trying to shift the narrative that Labour coming second is a disaster.

Prior to (and during) the election campaign, 80% of the print media were printing toxic headlines about Corbyn, The polls showed that Teresa May would gain 100 seats, and that Labour would lose roughly the same seats and that the Labour party was finished with Corbyn leading it.

In reality Labour gained 30 seats and had an almost equal share of the vote (43% Tory/41% Labour). If it wasn't for a slight Tory resurgence in Scotland (+12 seats) due to the SNP banging on about indyref2, they wouldn't even have been able to form a government.

Corbyn has had his position reinforced and they will only grow further from there.

Would Corbyn had won if Scotland had stuck with the SNP predominantly?
Would Corbyn had won if Scotland had stuck with the SNP predominantly?

Probably. Let's say there was no change in Scotland

That means Labour would have gained 24 seats and Tories would have lost 26 seats.

At that point labour would have probably struck a similar deal with the SNP that Tories are forming with the DUP (not a coalition) and they would have formed a government.
This is a joke right? If not you really need to wise up to what has happened since last week :p
Uhm - Labour lost yet another election? Why did Corbyn's Shadow Chancellor say Corbyn would have to stand down if he lost the election? Did he ever have any intention of keeping that promise?
Uhm - Labour lost yet another election? Why did Corbyn's Shadow Chancellor say Corbyn would have to stand down if he lost the election? Did he ever have any intention of keeping that promise?

Why do the Tories keep saying they are going to reduce immigration but never actually do it?

The world wants to know....
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