Am I that nasty, really?

25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
After realising OP is 77 it doesn't seem as odd now apart from the cee u next Tuesday bit but I find it rather amusing picturing an old woman (this may be an assumption) shouting that at her grumpy husband :D

If she were sufficiently old, then it wouldn't even be a rude word to her. I mean, it was good enough for Chaucer! It's just old Anglo Saxon. It only became vulgar (which literally means common) when the Normans had everybody speaking Old French. The Upper and Middle Classes didn't want to sound common so they avoided old Anglo Saxon terms. The Working Class meanwhile, just carried on talking how they always did. It's about class.

Anyway, I'm a programmer. I'm not sure it would be possible to code effectively without swearing.
Man of Honour
14 Apr 2017
what a delightful relationship you have

A reasonable but snidey assumption.
Whatever it sounds like, you should be so lucky to have one like ours, and for those who seem curious about her age, she's 58, but we've been together since she was 22.

You're not nasty, but you should be old enough to understand this is how women work.

I've been telling myself that since yesterday evening, at my age you would think that I'd know that by now.

Surely the right thing to do is to teach them how to search for it themselves.

A nice sentiment, but I fear it would be akin to trying to nail a soap bubble to the wall.

I would have said the same but then again my wifes an only child. ;)

Perhaps you're lucky in that respect Dan.

She is a doormat and her family are morons............. there I said it.

Thanks for that wildman, and FWIW, I REALLY laboured the point that I think her brother is as dumb as all get out, so although it was completely out of character for her to drop the "C" bomb, I feel that I perhaps asked for it, and with her white hot, auburn haired temper, she let me have it, big time.
19 Feb 2007
I'm not sure you can really class it as lazy as such, it takes a lot more effort to call someone, relay all the information to them, get their reply, make notes from their reply and then rinse and repeat for each option.

It's not uncommon for people especially the slightly older generation even if they use PCs every day in their job only to know I need to press this this and this and I get this and have no want to know anything outside what they need to know.
It is the same with people and facebook, they know facebook inside out, log out of facebook and world is over.
29 Jan 2008
There are lot of people out there who cannot use Google or National Rail Enquiries or pretty much anything online. They are frightened by it all and prefer to get someone else to do it for them.
I see it every day with teachers. Many of them can barely operate a computer let alone find something online that they haven't learned how to get to parrot-fashion.

So yes, you need to show some patience with such people.

I wonder if just doing it for them and providing a prompt answer encourages their ineptitude though, perhaps if instead of doing it for them the wife in this case could have just guided them through the process: "OK now go to google..."

the old "give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish..." etc..

Meh it's her time that she's wasting!

his time too if he's got to pause the TV instead of her being polite and leaving the room to take the phone call
12 Sep 2012
It isn't about being lazy or dumb, it is a lack of trying as a result of no confidence in the matter. People have it all the time with all sorts of stuff.

People put anything computer related into a catagory in their mind and if they decide 'i cant do computers' or 'im bad at computers' then they dont even bother trying to think about it just because it is out of their comfort zone. They shrug and pass it on. Its one of my pet hates. Some people wont even check their car oil even with the manual in front of them and the dip stick bang in view. People who say 'i cant do that, im **** at maths' recalling some failing at school in their head when faced with something like working out a percentage or dividing a bill between people.

These people seem dumb but in reality, they are just easily put out of their comfort zone. Maybe the worse of them are dumb but only because they are not willing to do or try much and so do not learn.
Man of Honour
14 Apr 2017
his time too if he's got to pause the TV instead of her being polite and leaving the room to take the phone call

In fairness to her, when her phone initially rang, neither of us had any idea how the long the call would be, so I froze the TV just as she would have done had it been my phone.
Once she realised what her brother wanted, she took the phone and laptop into the kitchen, but I didn't resume watching the TV, as it was something that we both wished to see.
I only went into apoplectic mode when I realised what she'd been asked to do, and then it started.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
It isn't about being lazy or dumb, it is a lack of trying as a result of no confidence in the matter. People have it all the time with all sorts of stuff.

People put anything computer related into a catagory in their mind and if they decide 'i cant do computers' or 'im bad at computers' then they dont even bother trying to think about it just because it is out of their comfort zone. They shrug and pass it on. Its one of my pet hates. Some people wont even check their car oil even with the manual in front of them and the dip stick bang in view. People who say 'i cant do that, im **** at maths' recalling some failing at school in their head when faced with something like working out a percentage or dividing a bill between people.

These people seem dumb but in reality, they are just easily put out of their comfort zone. Maybe the worse of them are dumb but only because they are not willing to do or try much and so do not learn.

Good point. I think I'd literally shoot myself if I couldn't figure out basic map reading/timetables though.
16 Jan 2010
He has a wife, children, regularly bikes and iirc has pitched to Bill Gates, I'm sure he'll take your post extremely seriously and leave the house some more.

Is that suppose to impress me like yawn, so for all the swanky things he does he has to come on a thread and be like a baby correcting a spelling mistake just wow.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
If we're going to be picky, it's spelt ellipsis (ellipses is the plural, and I only used it once) and you can actually use 3 or 4 dots/periods.

Three dots only. And I am well aware that I used the plural. It was correct to do so. If the word throws you, try substituting one you're more familiar with into the sentence:

"Ellipses only contain three dots"
"Dogs only have four legs".

Swapping it to "Dog only have four legs" doesn't sound right, does it?

In order to correct another, they must first be wrong. And to be clear, that's "they" as the genderless pronoun.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
He has a wife, children, regularly bikes and iirc has pitched to Bill Gates, I'm sure he'll take your post extremely seriously and leave the house some more.

I'm in the top 17% (over 150 million users) for s-health and I basically sit at a computer all day - I think people in general need to leave the house some more :p
23 Apr 2014
Bell End, near Lickey End
I'm in the top 17% (over 150 million users) for s-health and I basically sit at a computer all day - I think people in general need to leave the house some more :p

Well yes we all do if that's the case although in his judgement I think he was making out that random is some neckbeard, basement dweller who sits alone correcting people's grammar in threads.
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