Do you have passion in your life?

My passion is gaming and other hobbies that involve being in your own.

I also really enjoy the passion I have with my wife.

I have a wife, a 5 year old and a 1 year old. I rarely get time for my passions these days including the one hat I enjoy with my wife. Its a real shame and as much as I hate to say it, it was having kids that stunted my ability, time and energy for my passions.
Interesting discussions in this thread. I’ve been down in the dumps for quite some time which seems to be a direct result of asking the ‘now what?’ question. I have spent way too much energy in my life assuming I’d be happy and content when I have achieved things. What a load of rubbish. Achieving hasn’t made me content at all! :/

Advice to whippersnappers (probably few on the forums these days): put your energy into things you enjoy and do it all for you, not for anyone else nor their expectations.

So, I’m working on finding some peace. My current approach is putting effort into things that I know I have a passion for that I seem to have put on the side burner due to a lack of energy (or, frankly, because they are hard).

I’ll be a muscular guitar god before you know it. Y’all see! And heck, even if I still feel a little lost at the end, I will have enjoyed the journey a whole lot more :)
Not any more :(
Growing up I loved playing outdoors, playing computer games, doing gardening and making models amongst other things.
I needed a new job and ended up in McD, a lot of bad stuff happened in life and I ended up staying there for almost 10 years, I got myself into a lot of debt, so kept working to pay the debts etc, I moved up and up within McD and as soon as I became management, my whole life was put on hold, all my interests, seeing friends and family all pushed to the side for a job I hated. Being a 24 hour establishment and working any shift within that period I started missing out on sleep, the stress levels were through the roof and I was just so tired all the time, I didn't have the energy to do anything for myself, a lot of stuff happened in the restaurant and I ended up going home and having to work because I always had so much to do and not enough time while at work to actually do my job, I had no support from any of my collegues so it was hell for me.
I'm still struggling with debt, and I moved away from the area to force myself to get out and get a new job, something I always wanted to do but never had the time or energy to do. I still don't know what I want to do with myself but with my current job, I'm just a delivery driver for a motor factors, despite stupid hours and 6 days a week I am able to go home and forget about work for another day, which gives me a bit of time in the evening to try and do some things I enjoy, it's a struggle trying to get back into them as they've been pushed to the side for so long, but I think slowly I will get there and start enjoying my hobbies / passions again.

So right now, I don't have any passion for anything, but I am slowly working on it and hope to one day be passionate again.
I have a nice car and a nice bike, but both of the social elements of those have kind of fallen off recently and I don't think I could call them a passion, just something I enjoy riding/driving/making look nice.

It’s funny you say that. I was/am a big petrolhead, but as of last year, sold my car; I live near the city, and found I was using it less and resenting any bills (debts), but I had noticed for some time that social scene was very poor as of late, in comparison with say 10 - 15 years ago when I first got into it. Such a shame and it was one small factor that went towards me ultimately taking time out from that endeavour. That being said, I do miss it.
Not any more :(
Growing up I loved playing outdoors, playing computer games, doing gardening and making models amongst other things.
I needed a new job and ended up in McD, a lot of bad stuff happened in life and I ended up staying there for almost 10 years, I got myself into a lot of debt, so kept working to pay the debts etc, I moved up and up within McD and as soon as I became management, my whole life was put on hold, all my interests, seeing friends and family all pushed to the side for a job I hated. Being a 24 hour establishment and working any shift within that period I started missing out on sleep, the stress levels were through the roof and I was just so tired all the time, I didn't have the energy to do anything for myself, a lot of stuff happened in the restaurant and I ended up going home and having to work because I always had so much to do and not enough time while at work to actually do my job, I had no support from any of my collegues so it was hell for me.
I'm still struggling with debt, and I moved away from the area to force myself to get out and get a new job, something I always wanted to do but never had the time or energy to do. I still don't know what I want to do with myself but with my current job, I'm just a delivery driver for a motor factors, despite stupid hours and 6 days a week I am able to go home and forget about work for another day, which gives me a bit of time in the evening to try and do some things I enjoy, it's a struggle trying to get back into them as they've been pushed to the side for so long, but I think slowly I will get there and start enjoying my hobbies / passions again.

So right now, I don't have any passion for anything, but I am slowly working on it and hope to one day be passionate again.

that must be hard working 6 days a week ,i have a pretty rubbish job (but im been redundant in july) but i like to get my work over with and then have long stretches off ,at the moment its a 4 day weekend then a 3 day weekend leaving loads of time for the coastal walks and bodyboarding i mentioned in the last post.
i will make sure my next job is the same ,shifting that work life balance is life changing imho
Hmm what passion??
Learning i would say. Science and all things technology. Just got to keep getting more stuff to read about, play with and learn how it works.
Cannot understand folk who just leave school or what ever and dont learn another blinking thing.
You can spot them a mile away, no interest in there job its just there to bring the money in thats needed. No real passion for what they are doing. You wont see them doing an upgrade to your esxi host at 2am in the morning because you just finished downloading it.
Some say folk like us are sad, get a life. Well i would prefer to keep gaining knowledge than stagnate and become a numptie.
that must be hard working 6 days a week ,i have a pretty rubbish job (but im been redundant in july) but i like to get my work over with and then have long stretches off ,at the moment its a 4 day weekend then a 3 day weekend leaving loads of time for the coastal walks and bodyboarding i mentioned in the last post.
i will make sure my next job is the same ,shifting that work life balance is life changing imho

Its frustrating as I spend most of Sunday, my only day off doing housework, catching up on cleaning etc and getting ready for the next week, and just resting.
Its also difficult as I don't really have much time to see my partner or my parents or friends.

I'm treating this job as an in-between job while I figure myself out and put effort into my future. With my last job in McD, it consumed almost every minute of every day, even when I had time off or was on holiday I was working, or helping my colleagues with issues etc, so it was difficult to enjoy myself and my life, i've definitely learn't a big lesson.

Current job is extremely easy, I just drive around the south west delivering parts to other branches, its a no brainer job, so helpful for me at the moment so I can earn money and work on myself.

Having said that, (and partially replying to what @Stephanie Peterson said) I tried to learn as many skills as I could, whilst also researching varying subjects relating to science, mechanical stuff etc, I taught myself to fix smart phones, tablets etc, had IT experience from a previous job, this turned into a small side income, I had a small ebay "business", taught myself a lot about car mechanics, which ended up me doing a lot of work on my own cars, plus friends and family cars, people would come to me for help and i'd fix it for them. Also ive done gardening and DIY tasks since a young age, my Dad being disabled relied on my help a lot, so spent a lot of time doing that, I even go home now and do stuff for them, I've always enjoyed that though, using tools to complete a task, aswell as being creative, I've done a number of building jobs around the house aswell all self taught stuff, most of my time on my PC / phone is looking into subjects, trying to understand new stuff etc, even currently teaching myself welding.

I guess a passion for my is being creative, making / building things, i'm not doing it for a living at the moment, im not sure if its a confidence issue, or if its just of no interest to me, but I've taught myself loads of stuff but I never see them as being a job for myself, I am working on myself so hopefully will work it out soon enough.
Hmm what passion??
Learning i would say. Science and all things technology. Just got to keep getting more stuff to read about, play with and learn how it works.
Cannot understand folk who just leave school or what ever and dont learn another blinking thing.
You can spot them a mile away, no interest in there job its just there to bring the money in thats needed. No real passion for what they are doing. You wont see them doing an upgrade to your esxi host at 2am in the morning because you just finished downloading it.
Some say folk like us are sad, get a life. Well i would prefer to keep gaining knowledge than stagnate and become a numptie.

Keep on learning and evolving. That's what separates the successful from the average Joe.
Same here. Love all things aviation. One of my earliest memories as a toddler was seeing a helicopter fly overhead which scared me so much I went running to my mum in floods of tears!

Would love to work professionally in the field but I'm colourblind so that's put a stop to that.

I am, however, extremely fortunate to fly for pleasure and regularly take friends and family flying.

@Dynix that an Archer you're flying?

That was one of our Warriors! I also fly the T67 Firefly, which is great fun as it's as stable as a Warrior when you want it to be, but fully aerobatic up to +6g -3g. I'm about to check out a new airfield and get sorted on one of their high wing flavours - I've been on low wing aircraft since 3 hours into my training so should be a nice change! If you're based in the West Mids as your location says, we may be close - I'm just West of Birmingham's airspace :)
Nearly 40 here too (liking how many peope here are in the same age group as me).

My kids were my passion but due to contact issues after divorce I no longer see them. Ive tried to fill the void with hobbies so I enjoy playing piano, mountain biking, walking and gym. Problem is that all these hobbies are loner hobbies. I really want to find something where I can be in a group with likeminded people but im quite shy and not a chatty person so its hard. I think back to my college days where i had a big group of friends and we'd be out all the time and I miss that. Makes getting older quite scary.
Hmm what passion??
Learning i would say. Science and all things technology. Just got to keep getting more stuff to read about, play with and learn how it works.
Cannot understand folk who just leave school or what ever and dont learn another blinking thing.
You can spot them a mile away, no interest in there job its just there to bring the money in thats needed. No real passion for what they are doing. You wont see them doing an upgrade to your esxi host at 2am in the morning because you just finished downloading it.
Some say folk like us are sad, get a life. Well i would prefer to keep gaining knowledge than stagnate and become a numptie.

I constantly read and learn, but I wouldn't be doing an esxi host upgrade at 2am either, sod that for a game of soldiers. I'm quite happy with my work/life balance and I'm not money driven, doesn't make me or anyone else who doesn't wish to act as an over-paid slave thick though :)
That was one of our Warriors! I also fly the T67 Firefly, which is great fun as it's as stable as a Warrior when you want it to be, but fully aerobatic up to +6g -3g. I'm about to check out a new airfield and get sorted on one of their high wing flavours - I've been on low wing aircraft since 3 hours into my training so should be a nice change! If you're based in the West Mids as your location says, we may be close - I'm just West of Birmingham's airspace :)

Normally the top of the engine fairing on a Warrior is flat and curved on the Archer, hence my guess. Only ever flown low-winged aircraft.

I'm just west of EGBB's airspace too. Fly out of EGWC. So yes, I think we could be close! :D Guess you're out of EGBO, or are you a member of my club lol?
Nearly 40 here too (liking how many peope here are in the same age group as me).

My kids were my passion but due to contact issues after divorce I no longer see them. Ive tried to fill the void with hobbies so I enjoy playing piano, mountain biking, walking and gym. Problem is that all these hobbies are loner hobbies. I really want to find something where I can be in a group with likeminded people but im quite shy and not a chatty person so its hard. I think back to my college days where i had a big group of friends and we'd be out all the time and I miss that. Makes getting older quite scary.

That's were many men struggle, soon after a relationship break up early 30s and beyond they can become stuck. Especially if their partner has the kids most of the time.

I have never been in that situation but I used to do martial arts (had to stop a few weeks back) Its a nice hobby I found you have to speak and interact with people as a group, not so much as a loner hobby

When I look around at the world we've created I see a car crash in slow motion.

Everything from golf to cars to painting is a distraction. We want to be distracted tho. We've created a society that very much looks like a prison. A prison that consumes, destroys, expands, repeat.

There's a lot of crap going on around us, but I believe that if you do your bit to try and make some of it better (even if it isn't your passion) then there should be space to do what you really care about.

I love photography. I'm not always very good at it or happy with what I shoot, but when I've the time it does take me to some interesting places. I love motorbiking and travelling, and every year manage to combined the two for a few good trips. Bizarrely, I also love pensions and getting people more engaged with their retirement, which is handy as it is part of my work :)
From the age of 15 it was clubbing and dance music, and that has persisted for over 20 years, but I can't deny that 'real life' gets in the way now.

From bedroom DJ who would crank out at least one mix a month, to struggling to find the time to do maybe 5 mixes over an entire year, and I don't even have kids yet!

Does help that 20 years of dance music has made me exceedingly picky, so it takes longer for me to amass enough new music for a mix of any given genre, but I still love it.

Nothing like sitting on a train, hearing a track you have heard a thousand times before, and still getting goosebumps.
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