Finally the Jeremy Kyle show has been axed, 14 years too late.

To be perfectly honest any reality/junk tv should be scrapped. That includes the likes of love island, towie, made in Chelsea and various reality dating tv shows out at the moment.

There is absolutely nothing redeeming about these shows in general and I find them crass and loathesome. But they seem to attract the dregs of society so I suppose they serve a purpose for the dole scrounges/ young generation of today.
To be perfectly honest any reality/junk tv should be scrapped. That includes the likes of love island, towie, made in Chelsea and various reality dating tv shows out at the moment.

There is absolutely nothing redeeming about these shows in general and I find them crass and loathesome. But they seem to attract the dregs of society so I suppose they serve a purpose for the dole scrounges/ young generation of today.

I think telling people what they can and cannot enjoy should be scrapped
To be perfectly honest any reality/junk tv should be scrapped. That includes the likes of love island, towie, made in Chelsea and various reality dating tv shows out at the moment.

There is absolutely nothing redeeming about these shows in general and I find them crass and loathesome. But they seem to attract the dregs of society so I suppose they serve a purpose for the dole scrounges/ young generation of today.

Then don't watch them, wanting things to be scrapped simply because you don't like them or they're not to your taste etc.. is just really silly. It is the sort of position taken by conservatives and religious loons, and indeed conservative religious loons.
Then don't watch them, wanting things to be scrapped simply because you don't like them or they're not to your taste etc.. is just really silly. It is the sort of position taken by conservatives and religious loons, and indeed conservative religious loons.

I've no beef with the likes of towie or (sorry) love island as they're just naff entertainment. With Jeremy Kyle though there was the fact that they were exploiting (mostly) poor people and fueling the nations misguided view that anyone on benefits is fair game to be mocked/blamed for the UK's problems. That's not even accounting for the fact that a lot of the people going on the show genuinely believed that the show would help them rather than exploit them. You could argue that it should have been obvious to them, but desperate people do desperate things. For a lot of guests the misery was compounded by the show cutting down their episodes into YouTube sized clips and those clips then going viral, thus extending their misery. Seems like a big trade off for some crappy daytime entertainment show.
@FishFluff I agree, my objection was just in relation to the reason presented by the other poster. I don't have an issue with JK being cancelled over the way it has exploited people to such an extent.
I've no beef with the likes of towie or (sorry) love island as they're just naff entertainment. With Jeremy Kyle though there was the fact that they were exploiting (mostly) poor people and fueling the nations misguided view that anyone on benefits is fair game to be mocked/blamed for the UK's problems. That's not even accounting for the fact that a lot of the people going on the show genuinely believed that the show would help them rather than exploit them. You could argue that it should have been obvious to them, but desperate people do desperate things. For a lot of guests the misery was compounded by the show cutting down their episodes into YouTube sized clips and those clips then going viral, thus extending their misery. Seems like a big trade off for some crappy daytime entertainment show.

They're poor because of their really **** life decisions, and I say that as someone who was brought up and lives in an area where those type of people live. They aren't to be pitied, they steal, they're antisocial, they do jobs on the side while claiming benefits, they claim job seekers while not actually looking for work, they have kids simply so they get a bigger house and more child support. They don't need protection they need a kick up the arse and less people feeling sorry for them.

It's also funny that politically they're the type of people who are hated the most because they're more likely to support groups like the EDL and BNP. I used to work at a local pub, I've just seen the reality
I think with something like X-Factor, Love Island, or the Apprentice it's essentially a competition with a prize and associated fame at the end, the person signing up for it often does so in the knowledge that there will be elements of difficulty and ridicule along the way, because it comes with the territory of being a competition.

The difference with Jeremy Kyle, is that it takes difficult life changing family disputes (DNA tests, etc) often with damaged or less educated people, whilst at the same time deliberately causing as much upset as possible in order to cause shock and drive views. For example, when they get someone on the show who's been 'prepped' to cause as much verbal abuse or violent threats as possible, that they bring on from the sidelines simply to cause an affray on stage.

I think it's a cruel show, I think it sets out to cause cruelty to individuals under the guise of 'help', along the way making a lot of money - which boils down to basic exploitation of desperate, poorly-educated and troubled people/families.

I get the argument; 'If you don't like it - don't watch it' but to me that ignores how people really behave. You only have to go back to that New Zealand mosque massacre - where even people in this forum were admitting they'd watched the video, even wishing they hadn't - they still watched it, because some people seem to want to automatically tune in and watch others suffering.

They're poor because of their really **** life decisions, and I say that as someone who was brought up and lives in an area where those type of people live. They aren't to be pitied, they steal, they're antisocial, they do jobs on the side while claiming benefits, they claim job seekers while not actually looking for work, they have kids simply so they get a bigger house and more child support. They don't need protection they need a kick up the arse and less people feeling sorry for them.

It's also funny that politically they're the type of people who are hated the most because they're more likely to support groups like the EDL and BNP. I used to work at a local pub, I've just seen the reality

I dare say *some* of this is true, but not everybody can 'make it' not everybody can have a £100k a year job and succeed at life, there always will be people at the lower end who have to scrounge through, who simply don't have what it takes to succeed in the same way as others.

To allow 'open season' on them, simply because they're not at the higher end of society, to me seems cruel, seems exploitative and unnecessary - we should know better.
I dare say *some* of this is true, but not everybody can 'make it' not everybody can have a £100k a year job and succeed at life, there always will be people at the lower end who have to scrounge through, who simply don't have what it takes to succeed in the same way as others.

To allow 'open season' on them, simply because they're not at the higher end of society, to me seems cruel, seems exploitative and unnecessary - we should know better.

I went to the same school as them, a lot of my friends did, I don't have a £100k a year job - but they don't have any job, and don't want one, that's the difference. They want the government to provide for them. They lie about disabilities, they subsidies their benefits by illegal means or doing cash in hand jobs. The lower end of society is people working on minimum wage who want to better themselves and progress, these are the people who should be helped, not the terminally idle.
I went to the same school as them, a lot of my friends did, I don't have a £100k a year job - but they don't have any job, and don't want one, that's the difference. They want the government to provide for them. They lie about disabilities, they subsidies their benefits by illegal means or doing cash in hand jobs. The lower end of society is people working on minimum wage who want to better themselves and progress, these are the people who should be helped, not the terminally idle.

Lets be 100% honest here though.

A lot of the time on Jeremy Kyle, they're not making fun out of some drunken cretin in isolation who simply won't get a job, quite often children and families are involved in some quite serious disputes, such as who a specific child's father is, or who got who pregnant or who's been cheating. (I believe this is the case with the person who took their own life)

These are very serious and difficult things to be falling out / disputing, even with trained professionals behind closed doors, let alone on a television set - where the whole environment is rigged to cause as much tension and pain as possible, where the only metric of success is views and profits.
Why hasn't Love Island been cancelled? I demand it be cancelled. Two people have died because they went on it.

why indeed .. (mid-corrie) they're now advertising it's revival -

presumably none of the companies who use ITV for advertising have any scruples.
I'd have more respect for the likes of the Banks, advertising how they care about mental health causes, if they bouycotted ITV.
Can people please stop with the why hasn't Love Island been cancelled stuff.

Jeremy Kyle was the runt that was sacrificed so the superior shows could survive... we're supposed to now forget about Love Island as they've "made changes" etc.. w.r.t. counselling/aftercare.
so itv will have two series of love island, to try and restore the channels flagging viewers; they interviewd the producers(maybe controller) on the R4 and they said that asserted a thorough conselling programme was available to contestants ... but - they will proceed with the show nonetheless.
(they should have manadatory broadcast of the counselling sessions .. like the more innocuous bake-off post-mortems show)

It would seem these broadcasters are just as irresponsible as Youtube/facebook who we lambast, I am now thinking hypocrticially, for their behaviour;
complaints about the consequence of online porn to childrens behaviour, must be mirrored with the stereotypes they takes away from these shows.
I'd love to see the viewership of something like Love Island, like... why? Who the hell are you to have such low standards that you watch a bunch of highly attractive people have fake relationships all day?

At least it'd be more interesting than the show.
I'd love to see the viewership of something like Love Island, like... why? Who the hell are you to have such low standards that you watch a bunch of highly attractive people have fake relationships all day?

6 of the 7 women in my office talk about Love Island

And they are a range of ages, from 20 to 65!
6 of the 7 women in my office talk about Love Island

And they are a range of ages, from 20 to 65!

Someone should do a paper on it, i'd gladly read it, it's an easy PhD for a sociological student frankly.

Unrealistic ideas of a relationship are probably (my opinion) why a lot of "real" ones are farcical, abusive or simply never happen because the limits set are so high that no one ever squares up.
Yes, the great programme that displays to the world how great it is that so and so made £100k on their 16th house, while the rest of us struggle to afford the one we live in. Inspiring stuff.

I assume you'll be voting Labour in the next election to try and do something about social equality?
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