Finally the Jeremy Kyle show has been axed, 14 years too late.

You can insult me by calling me special but you are the one who grouped us all together.
Why don't you go back and edit your post to read 'some of us know and loathe' instead of 'we all know and loathe', that will work and you don't have to group me in with your nonsense.

First time in a long time I’ve had to use that emoticon.

Only nonsense is you taking my original post so personally, when no one else has taken issue with my original comment.
I'm not so sure it's a good thing.

Yes it's a spectacle, yes it's gross, yes it's in poor taste.

However, many of the people on this show obviously need help, and this show as pretty much their only option for specialists support, care, counseling etc

I don't like the show, but I honestly believe it did a lot of people good. It's not the fault of the show that the man committed suicide, imo.
Just to shed some light in case no one has done so yet:

A woman was convinced his bloke was cheating on her , giving the real incessant pain in the neck treatment as only that type of insecure woman can do and apparently it was all over facebook between them and her/his friends, He adamantly and veermently denied it at which point he said "ok i will prove it by going on jezza kezza and taking a lie detector test"
Goes on show, takes test, test says he's lying, all her friends and her rip him to shreds over text facebook and in person calling him all the names and laughing at him in the hordes along with people that saw the show. So millions. (too much speculation sorry)
All pointed at him and calling him out, so he tops himself.

Not something I would do but the empathy in me can imagine someone going through that and choosing that as a solution to stop the accusations and make her realise.

The JKS has come out with other things as a result of this, like when they do the "come back next week and show us how you've changed" Skit, they just change their clothes and hair and do it the same day, if they dont agree they are not paid for the time off work (if they have) the hotel and travel costs either. (They don't get paid a lump sum, its just the hotel and travel and work comp)
Which is pretty underhand and dark imho
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This isn't something I've been following closely, so has it emerged yet whether he was actually cheating on his partner or if he appears innocent. Only it seems slightly odd if someone believed the polygraph worked, that they'd agree to it if they were guilty. Seems more likely an innocent person would agree to it thinking it would clear them.

See above post
I'm surprised the bear baiting lasted as long as it did tbh. I'm not sorry to see this go but i understand why people watch it. It's like a train wreck or car crash, horrific but you can't stop watching.

I'm very surprised that no one has shared this yet.
Just to shed some light in case no one has done so yet:

A woman was convinced his bloke was cheating on her , giving the real incessant pain in the neck treatment as only that type of insecure woman can do and apparently it was all over facebook between them and her/his friends, He adamantly and veermently denied it at which point he said "ok i will prove it by going on jezza kezza and taking a lie detector test"
Goes on show, takes test, test says he's lying, all her friends and her rip him to shreds over text facebook and in person calling him all the names and laughing at him in the hordes along with people that saw the show. So millions. (too much speculation sorry)
All pointed at him and calling him out, so he tops himself.

Not something I would do but the empathy in me can imagine someone going through that and choosing that as a solution to stop the accusations and make her realise.

The JKS has come out with other things as a result of this, like when they do the "come back next week and show us how you've changed" Skit, they just change their clothes and hair and do it the same day, if they dont agree they are not paid for the time off work (if they have) the hotel and travel costs either. (They don't get paid a lump sum, its just the hotel and travel and work comp)
Which is pretty underhand and dark imho

Pretty much what I expected the context to be, how a small mistake can become irreversible social media ruination, I can entirely understand his headspace because of this.
I won't miss the show but it did help me find a job as I watched it most mornings after leaving university as an incentive not to end up on it. Took a good few months but it worked :D.
The JKS has come out with other things as a result of this, like when they do the "come back next week and show us how you've changed" Skit, they just change their clothes and hair and do it the same day, if they dont agree they are not paid for the time off work (if they have) the hotel and travel costs either. (They don't get paid a lump sum, its just the hotel and travel and work comp)

Surely there'll be a suitcase full of cash involved or the people will be under a strict NDA about payment? they probably even had to agree to being the subject of abuse and bullying and baited with lies to prevent public disclosure and lawsuits. I know the people who go on it aren't the sharpest tools in the box but a couple of nights in a hotel isn't much of an incentive for what they have to go through on it and the long term embarrassment.
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Surely there'll be a suitcase full of cash involved or the people will be under a strict NDA about payment? they probably even had to agree to being the subject of abuse and bullying and baited with lies to prevent public disclosure and lawsuits. I know the people who go on it aren't the sharpest tools in the box but a couple of nights in a hotel isn't much of an incentive for what they have to go through on it and the long term embarrassment.

Yeah but its fame innit! Been on telly and all that, shows I got creds. My twitter followers went up by ten, all me mates saw me.
I'm not so sure it's a good thing.

Yes it's a spectacle, yes it's gross, yes it's in poor taste.

However, many of the people on this show obviously need help, and this show as pretty much their only option for specialists support, care, counseling etc

That is dubious. They get put up in a nice hotel and given a free bar which the producers hope they'll make full use of then go on a TV show, potentially humiliate themselves and make their situation/relationship even worse. Then some young staffer on the show googles a random therapist near where they live, not really fussed about their qualifications/experience and the show pays for just 4 sessions.
theSun said:
A FORMER worker on The Jeremy Kyle Show has blasted its after-care service — saying therapists for vulnerable guests were found via Google.

The £20,000-a-year staffer, who quit last year, said people would be pressured to appear on the next day’s show with promises of help for their issues.

She and her colleagues would then read from a script, telling them: “We won’t offer it again. It’s now or never.”

Very few guests met the show’s therapist Graham Stanier, she claimed.

The woman, who asked not to be named, said: “Guests were promised the best level of aftercare, which was non-existent.

“We were told to Google therapists where they lived, with no regard for reputation or expertise. The show would pay for four sessions and that was it.”
Jeremy Kyle comes across as a nasty piece of work

When you think about it, I'm surprised ITV ran it. Just goes to show their morals I guess. Money above all else.
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