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Oh no, we got tang0d
Now we are in for some proper ******* mental CT's
Now we are in for some proper ******* mental CT's

No, he wont be impeached....
Democrats are clutching at straws
Stop watching the BBC you muppets
This will just fall away to nothing exactly like the Russia collusion rubbish.
No, he wont be impeached....
Democrats are clutching at straws
Stop watching the BBC you muppets
This will just fall away to nothing exactly like the Russia collusion rubbish.
Erm he HAS been impeached, and they used the process put in by the Republicans to do it.No, he wont be impeached....
Democrats are clutching at straws
Stop watching the BBC you muppets
This will just fall away to nothing exactly like the Russia collusion rubbish.
Erm he HAS been impeached, and they used the process put in by the Republicans to do it.
The fact the Republicans have played nonsense games and pretended they were kept out of it (they weren't) doesn't look good for them when anyone with half a braincell looks at it.
No, he wont be impeached....
Democrats are clutching at straws
Stop watching the BBC you muppets
This will just fall away to nothing exactly like the Russia collusion rubbish.
lol at the state of people in this thread.![]()
This will just fall away to nothing exactly like the Russia collusion rubbish.
It's quite interesting really and could be a sign of how impeachment won't have much effect on his standing, lots of people who haven't really been following this in detail seem to think it's a witch hunt, maybe this will be the case for swing voters.
You do realise that withholding aid to ensure they carry out the foreign policy of the United States (both the executive and congress) and it's allies is very different to withholding aid to ensure that they carry out the personal favour/bidding of the president, in an effort to help his re-elections attempts right?
What Biden did was based on a bipartisan policy within America and with it's allies. There is zero evidence that firing Shokin would have made any difference whatsover to whether his son was or was to be under investigation.
What Trump did was based purely on an effort to help his re-election chances.
Democrats just signed their death warrant with this, you have no idea how much of the their corruption is going to be revealed from now until election.
They are impeaching him to cover up their own crimes. The Obama admin illegally spied on their own political rivals without a warrant, illegally searching the highly classified NSA database on their political rivals including Trump and many others before the election. The FISA surveillance was a coverup of them illegally spying on their political opponents without a warrant. The Russia hoax was created to provide a predicate for the FISA abuse, and the Mueller investigation was a cover up of the FISA abuse.
An insurance policy would be needed and the Steele Dossier becomes the investigative virus the FBI wanted inside the system. To get the virus into official status, they used the FISA application as the delivery method and injected it into Carter Page. The FBI already knew Carter Page; essentially Carter Page was irrelevant, what they needed was the FISA warrant and the Dossier in the system.
Fusion GPS was not only hired to research Trump, the intelligence community was already doing surveillance and spy operations. The intelligence community needed Fusion GPS to give them a plausible justification for already existing surveillance and spy operations.
Horowitz' FISA report showed the massive amounts of wrong doing in the FISA process, and showed clear evidence of political bias. His report proved that the Nunes memo was correct and Schiff was a complete liar
Here are the main points of the FISA report:
Aside from this there are a number of investigations ongoing into the Democrats criminality:
- Omitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an “operational contact” for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application;
- Included a source characterization statement asserting that Steele’s prior reporting had been “corroborated and used in criminal proceedings,” which overstated the significance of Steele’s past reporting and was not approved by Steele’s handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures;
- Omitted information relevant to the reliability of Person 1, a key Steele sub-source (who was attributed with providing the information in Report 95 and some of the information in Reports 80 and 102 relied upon in the application), namely that (1) Steele himself told members of the Crossfire Hurricane team that Person 1 was a “boaster” and an “egoist” and “may engage in some embellishment” and (2) INFORMATION REDACTED
- Asserted that the FBI had assessed that Steele did not directly provide to the press information in the September 23 Yahoo News article based on the premise that Steele had told the FBI that he only shared his election-related research with the FBI and Fusion GPS, his client; this premise was incorrect and contradicted by documentation in the Woods File- Steele had told the FBI that he also gave his information to the State Department;
- Omitted Papadopoulos’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in September 2016 denying that anyone associated with the Trump campaign was collaborating with Russia or with outside groups like Wikileaks in the release of emails;
- Omitted Page’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in August 2016 that Page had “literally never met” or “said one word to” Paul Manafort and that Manafort had not responded to any of Page’s emails; if true, those statements were in tension with claims in Report 95 that Page was participating in a conspiracy with Russia by acting as an intermediary for Manafort on behalf of the Trump campaign; and
- Included Page’s consensually monitored statements to an FBI CHS in October 2016 that the FBI believed supported its theory that Page was an agent of Russia but omitted other statements Page made that were inconsistent with its theory, including denying having met with Sechin and Divyekin, or even knowing who Divyekin was; if true, those statements contradicted the claims in Report 94 that Page had met secretly with Sechin and Divyekin about future cooperation with Russia and shared derogatory information about candidate Clinton.
- Omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;
- Omitted Page’s prior relationship with another U.S. government agency, despite being reminded by the other agency in June 2017, prior to the filing of the final renewal application, about Page’s past status with that other agency; instead of including this information in the final renewal application, the OGC Attorney altered an email from the other agency so that the email stated that Page was “not a source” for the other agency, which the FBI affiant relied upon in signing the final renewal application;
- Omitted information from persons who previously had professional contacts with Steele or had direct knowledge of his work-related performance, including statements that Steele had no history of reporting in bad faith but “[d]emonstrates lack of self-awareness, poor judgment,” “pursued people with political risk but no intelligence value,” “didn’t always exercise great judgment,” and it was “not clear what he would have done to validate” his reporting;
- Omitted information obtained from Ohr about Steele and his election reporting, including that (1) Steele’s reporting was going to Clinton’s presidential campaign and others, (2) Simpson was paying Steele to discuss his reporting with the media, and (3) Steele was “desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being the U.S. President”;
- Failed to update the description of Steele after information became known to the Crossfire Hurricane team, from Ohr and others, that provided greater clarity on the political origins and connections of Steele’s reporting, including that Simpson was hired by someone associated with the Democratic Party and/or the DNC;
- Failed to correct the assertion in the first FISA application that the FBI did not believe that Steele directly provided information to the reporter who wrote the September 23 Yahoo News article, even though there was no information in the Woods File to support this claim and even after certain Crossfire Hurricane officials learned in 2017, before the third renewal application, of an admission that Steele made in a court filing about his interactions with the news media in the late summer and early fall of 2016;
- Omitted the finding from a FBI source validation report that Steele was suitable for continued operation but that his past contributions to the FBI’s criminal program had been ” minimally corroborated,” and instead continued to assert in the source characterization statement that Steele’s prior reporting had been “corroborated and used in criminal proceedings”;
- Omitted Papadopoulos’s statements to an FBI CHS in late October 2016 denying that the Trump campaign was involved in the circumstances of the DNC email hack;
- Omitted Joseph Mifsud’s denials to the FBI that he supplied Papadopoulos with the information Papadopoulos shared with the FFG (suggesting that the campaign received an offer or suggestion of assistance from Russia); and
- Omitted information indicating that Page played no role in the Republican platform change on Russia’s annexation of Ukraine as alleged in the Report 95, which was inconsistent with a factual assertion relied upon to support probable cause in all four FISA applications.
Giuliani has been cooperating with Ukrainians that have been spilling the beans on Obama's corruption in the country and are willing to come to the US to testify, and that has been ongoing since November last year.
- Horowitz has another report coming out on Comey's misconduct
- John Durham has a massive criminal investigation into the origins of the Russia probe and is wide and reaching
- John Huber has an ongoing investigation regarding the Clinton Foundation & Uranium One
- It was revealed the other day by the DoJ through the rejection of a FOIA request, that there is a secret ongoing case into Imran Awan, the IT aide that had access to congress IT system and is thought to have been selling access overseas in Pakistan
His findings includes:
Witness Viktor Shokin:
- Evidence revealed that corruption in 2016 was so extensive it was POTUS’s DUTY to ask for US-Ukraine investigation
- Extortion, bribery & money laundering goes beyond Biden’s
- Also, DNC collusion w/ Ukraine to destroy candidate Trump.
- National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) was an organization set up (extra-judicially) by the Obama Admin within Ukraine to help the Democrats cover up the vast corruption that had been going on
Witness Yuri Lutsenko, inheritor of Shokin’s office:
- Holds doc’s proving money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s.
- Fired due to VP Biden’s threat not to release $1B in vital US aid.
- Shokin’s med records show he was poisoned, died twice, and was revive
- Records proving Amb Yovanovitch perjured herself at least twice.
- Doc’s showing she was denying visas to witnesses who could prove Biden & Dem corruption.
- Clear doc proof of money laundering by Burisma & Biden’s.
- Dem’s impeachment for innocent conduct is intended to obstruct the below investigations of Obama-era corruption:
- Billions of laundered $
- Billions, mostly US $, widely misused
His Presidency ended rendering the impeachment efforts moot. You cannot impeach someone if they have already left office. If Trump had quit before the final vote he wouldn't have been impeached because he would have already have left office.Why didn't they impeach Bush?
At the moment this is nothing but a conspiracy theory, there is no evidence of any wrongdoing.
If I keep telling myself it's not happened then it's not happened, you can't make me believe something.I do love it when people such as yourself with literally no knowledge come in to threads and start talking like you have a clue.
HE's ALREADY BEEN IMPEACHED. You're so clueless on the subject you don't even know what impeachment is lol
Indeed, and didn't Trump merely ask that the allegations be investigated?
No, he blackmailed a foreign government to investigate, which is a treasonous act.
Democrats just signed their death warrant with this, you have no idea how much of the their corruption is going to be revealed from now until election.
They are impeaching him to cover up their own crimes. The Obama admin illegally spied on their own political rivals without a warrant, illegally searching the highly classified NSA database on their political rivals including Trump and many others before the election. The FISA surveillance was a coverup of them illegally spying on their political opponents without a warrant. The Russia hoax... blah blah blah ...
I stopped reading this drivel below when I got to "Russian hoax". It wasn't a hoax, there are literally people being put in jail. What they were unable to prove was direct Trump involvement, it is quite apparent that the staff around him interacted with Russia and either protected him and kept him out the loop (seems very likely) or he adequately covered his tracks.