** Official Days Gone Thread **

Caved in and bought this on friday. It's pretty awesome! Easiest way to describe it: TLOU goes open world....with motorcycles.

Borrows themes and mechanics heavily from other games: Horizon, Dying Light, TLOU and Mad Max.
Days Gone Patch 1.60 Notes

Patch 1.60
Reset Hordes, Ambush Camps, and Infestation Zones

The option to reset Hordes, Ambush Camps, and Infestation Zones is live!

  • Players can now fully reset all open world Hordes, Infestation Zones, and Ambush Camps

  • The jobs can be reset as many times as the player wants
There are a few conditions that need to be met for you to utilize this feature

  • Complete the story mission “For an Outlaw Biker”

  • Have any of the Storylines for “Horde Killer”, “Ambush Camp Killer”, and “Infestation Exterminator” at 100% complete
    • Players can only reset jobs if they have completed the appropriate Storyline at 100%
How to Reset your Hordes, Ambush Camps, and Infestation Zones

  • Ensure that you met all the conditions above

  • Load your saved game

  • Hit “Options”

  • Select “Reset Jobs”

  • Select the jobs you wish to reset!
    • Note that you can reset your jobs as many times as you would like
Death Stranding Bike Tanks and More!

To celebrate the launch of Death Stranding on Friday, we released exclusive bike decals in Days Gone! Take to the broken road and show off your excitement for Death Stranding today.

Please note that you can unlock the Death Stranding tanks in both New Game+ and when starting a New Game

  • Death Stranding Tank

  • Death Stranding: BB Tank
    • Both tanks can be acquired ONLY from the Diamond Lake Mechanic
  • Death Standing Decal

  • Death Standing: BB Decal
    • Decals can be acquired from any valid mechanic
  • Death Standing: BB Base
    • This frame paint can be applied on from any valid mechanic
Black Friday Changes

  • We increased the amount of Freaker ears it cost to repurchase weapons/ammo

  • Due to a scoring error that occurred, we have done a one-time reset ONLY for the “Black Friday” leaderboard. We don’t expect to reset these or any leaderboards in the future
    • This reset is planned to go live on 11/8/2019 @ 8:00am PT
A reminder that all the DLC challenges we released are planned to stay unlocked indefinitely.

General Fixes

  • General improvements to stability and optimization has been added

  • Various Crash Fixes

  • General audio adjustments

  • The ammo counter should now display as intended in certain challenges

  • The UI should remain shown(?) as intended during bike chases

  • Infestation nests should repopulate properly if the player is killed

  • The weapon stats at the merchant should show the correct stats for each weapon

  • In New Game+, the skill “Up The Ante” will now provide more ammo capacity for 6MM on the BND-150

  • The challenge “Reloaded” score has been adjusted

  • Certain trophy progress should transfer over correctly when starting New Game+

  • A specific character has finished their work at Cloverdale Research Facility and has made their way to Iron Mike’s
Known issues with Patch 1.6

  • For the mission "Nothing But Ease", the helicopter lights are not showing properly
Accessibility Features


In our push for accessibility, we’ve added UI COLOR MODE to help visibility and contrast in certain HUD elements in Days Gone. When enabling HIGH CONTRAST, certain key HUD elements on screen will swap color palettes to become easier to see and more visible during the game.

New Linear Option for Aiming

Some of you have requested a linear input curve for Aiming, and we heard you. This will make camera movement more one-to-one with the Right Stick input, instead of using more of the input range for smaller aiming adjustments. You will find this setting in Options->Gameplay->Dead Zone Sensitivity->Linear.

Our team will continue to identify and resolve major bugs if needed in future patches.

Be sure to post your high score to this thread and on social media with the hash tag “#DaysGone”!


The devs are really supporting this game
Just started this game, put a few hours into this today and really enjoying it, looks lovely, the sound is pretty decent though I do find Deacon quite quiet sometimes.

Looking forward to progressing some more and unlocking a few more skills
Did anybody beat the chemult mandatory horde when they’d levelled to only hold 3 grenades? Also without proximity mines? can’t beat the horde and I’m about to give up which would be a shame. Can’t get into the horse shoe cafe as must have already been in at some point so the chairs are blocking the entrance. Playing on hard difficulty. Was really enjoying the game prior to this but I guess not taking on any hordes and so not levelling up enough may have meant I can’t beat this and progress the story. Really frustrating.
How long is Days Gone to complete for the average gamer, I'm thoroughly enjoying it, but I've no idea where I am up to, searching online for it is vague, anywhere between 30 and 60 hours. I'm not looking for 100% platinum or anything just curious.

I am up to the bit where.......

you find the plane wreckage and you come across the first big zombie when you are looking for antibiotics for Boozer

Thoroughly enjoying it!
Just finished the story, loved it! The odd bug but certainly nothing too major. Brilliant world, got a little repetitive but plenty of games do that I guess.

How much do you need to do in the post story world before you get the 'other' ending?
Just finished the story, loved it! The odd bug but certainly nothing too major. Brilliant world, got a little repetitive but plenty of games do that I guess.

How much do you need to do in the post story world before you get the 'other' ending?

Like a mission or 2.
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