World first QD-OLED monitor from Dell and Samsung (34 inch Ultrawide 175hz)

Does the topcashback work with the promo codes?

Some people i've seen on hotdealsuk claim it works but some say after awhile it declines.
Has anyone else had any problems running the Windows HDR calibration tool? Mine seems to do odd things throughout like mouse getting stuck, slider disappearing from the bottom and other odd things...
There are a lot of games that dont support HDR thiugh. I am on Windows 10 and have been avoiding Windows 11 but read it has auto HDR for older games. Do you guys recommend upgrading to Windows 11 or better to get round the problem by using ReShade presets or mods?

Some games look terrible with Auto HDR, and can be turned off

Display Settings -> System -> Display -> Graphics -> Select Game -> Options -> Don't use Auto HDR

DayZ Standalone for example doesn't work with HDR as it struggles with the games ambient light ( Dark, Light, Dark Light Woods )
Any idea how long this promo is going to run for? Are we expecting up until Black Friday atleast? Tempted for one of these now but could do with waiting until after the 20th really to order
Would bite but still concerned about how text etc appears on screen, as I mostly use my PC for DAW and for Photoshop/ Indesign etc, anyone here using it in a similar way and give feedback? Think its cause these programmes use so much small text in menus etc.
I know I have asked before, just if anyone had this newer version.

Well I blame you all for not responding and made an impulse purchase, I hope you are all happy with yourselves.
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Would bite but still concerned about how text etc appears on screen, as I mostly use my PC for DAW and for Photoshop/ Indesign etc, anyone here using it in a similar way and give feedback? Think its cause these programmes use so much small text in menus etc.
I know I have asked before, just if anyone had this newer version.

Well I blame you all for not responding and made an impulse purchase, I hope you are all happy with yourselves.

The text can be changed with a Windows app called ClearType. For me though I was expecting blurry text, but I'm finding text to be too sharp and too bright with what looks to be some sort of fringing to it. I can't adjust the brightness of the text without affecting everything else :o
Dell must be making so much margins on these monitors, can't explain their business strategy otherwise.
A few days back I mentioned here the fan on AW3424DW was too loud - the always-on fan that is. So I contacted them, sent the recordings, etc and the answer was: '' not loud enough to trigger a replacement but we can arrange a refund''??? I did have the extended 3 years pro warranty, not sure if that mattered or not, the monitor was 15 months old.

So they refunded me the purchase price of £ 1200 at the time in full, I then purchased the new DWF version for £ 760 ( with the same 3-year pro warranty).
Another way to look at it: for a doggy fan they gave me a new monitor DWF version with a new warranty and a 440in cash.

Anyway having had both DW and DWF now I can see the difference slightly. The screen is the same, and I have never used g-sync properly so it is not much of a loss for me but I noted the colors on DW were more punchy in HDR1000 - by that I mean less saturated but probably more accurate ?(or maybe I have not set up the DWF properly yet ?? - I use the ICC for the DWF that come Dell support in the same way I used the ICC for DW, used window HDR calibration tool ..etc)

I like that DWF can update firmware for the end users and has more control options
I did have the extended 3 years pro warranty, not sure if that mattered or not, the monitor was 15 months old.

I believe these come with that warranty as standard - there is the option to upgrade to 5 years, but crucially that does NOT include the burn-in protection :(

So far the line on mine has not come back, fingers crossed it doesn't, but if it does, then I'll probably do the same if they give the option - get a refund for the DW and get the DWF instead.
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My DWF just arrived. Very happy with speed of delivery. Not next day like with buying another monitor elsewhere. But with experience with Del ar work I always get a delay. Have unpacked and it looks beautiful and screen looks to be intact
Now just need to research best settings for gaming
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