What, you mean releasing high-end cards?
Nope, the way they release and market their products. It's brilliant. The introduction of the Titan cards, and renaming the mid range cards to x80/x70 was genius, people think it's a whole new layer of performance, but actually it's just the x80/x70 cards renamed to Titan/x80ti. And, then, the timing of the releases is perfect too. First they release the x80/x70 cards. Then the Titan card. And then a few months later the x80ti card. So gamers are upgrading twice in the same card cycle. And because Titan is so high priced, the x80Ti seems like a bargain in comparison.
Ahh, but, you thought I was been critical of Nvidia, didn't you? Sorry, to spoil your sarcastic comment.
Nvidia run their business really well and know how to get the most from their customers.