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- 23 Sep 2018
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yours look a lot better than mine should i use their settings for calibration
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yours look a lot better than mine
im starting to get a severe case of buyers remorse when i look at your guy's blb compared to mine ;/
you think so ? i mean it looks bad, but its fairly invisible in 90% of games, or when browsing anything bright. i can see it in games like dishonored 2 when you crouch your vision gets darker, but i can only see it because i know what to look for, and where.Yours looks pretty good EXCEPT for the lower left corner. If it was showing up in gameplay it or during actual desktop usage I would definitely exchange it.
you think so ? i mean it looks bad, but its fairly invisible in 90% of games, or when browsing anything bright. i can see it in games like dishonored 2 when you crouch your vision gets darker, but i can only see it because i know what to look for, and where.
Try to set brightness to 17 and leave for couple days. Ur eyes get used to . I did that long time ago because for long gaming sesions my eyes was nearly bleeding lol. I had eizo fs2333 around 250cd/m2 and my brightness was set to 90. I drop it to 30 , for start it was strange but after I noticed mutch improvment .you think so ? i mean it looks bad, but its fairly invisible in 90% of games, or when browsing anything bright. i can see it in games like dishonored 2 when you crouch your vision gets darker, but i can only see it because i know what to look for, and where.
im starting to get a severe case of buyers remorse when i look at your guy's blb compared to mine ;/
nah only when its dark in game/ loading screensThats why these plain black shots are kind of useless. If the only time I saw that was on a black screen like that then it wouldn't bother me. But if it was showing up when actually viewing real content then I would exchange it yes.
Try to set brightness to 17 and leave for couple days. Ur eyes get used to . I did that long time ago because for long gaming sesions my eyes was nearly bleeding lol. I had eizo fs2333 around 250cd/m2 and my brightness was set to 90. I drop it to 30 , for start it was strange but after I noticed mutch improvment .
Search on you tube ,, lims cave how to reduce ips glow ,, I can't give U link right now as I am only on mobile but watch that and see If that makes diffrence for U .
Edit : One more thing . Check in NV control panel settings colours for video are set to 0-255 . I had set to limited 18-255 whith makes picture wash out a little bit . I noticed that playing shadow of tomb rider , full range 0-255 improves Ur black and overall colours . That mey help whith glow as well .
My was the sameyeah my unit was not calibrated out of box lol. it was on like 70 brightness, and warmest setting. it was extremely yellow and bright hahaha
paying this much for a monitor shouldnt ******* have any issues with them. absolutely disgraceful marketBare in mind your paying a big premium for the monitor, for me personally my unit had a dead pixel and uniformity\yellowing issues and for what im paying at the screen size its not on so its going back. If its bothering you with brightness around 20/25% then id consider if its really worth what your paying for it, but only you can decide that.
U have 2 weeks to send monitor back or exchange and U don't even have too say a reason . Check out another one and see if that be any better .paying this much for a monitor shouldnt ******* have any issues with them. absolutely disgraceful market
are they not gonna mind that i returned one and purchased another immediately? theyll just resend the same one lolU have 2 weeks to send monitor back or exchange and U don't even have too say a reason . Check out another one and see if that be any better .
The panel is de-clocked to work with G sync so your not really overclocking it just putting it back to its actual clockJust received the monitor today. I have to say I absoultely love it. I see no blb and barely any glow. The monitor overclocks with no issue. Coming from a 24 inches dell screen that is such a massive upgrade. I have never had an ultrawide before so perhaps I am not the best person to objectively assess the monitor vs its competitors and I am not as techy as most of the people here but all I can say is that this monitor is everything I expected. Just thought I would share it because people mostly post here after their bad experience coming from a few deficient panels adn the people with good panels just stop coming here so prospective purchasers need to know this seems to be the best monitor to this day and in this category (UW 1440p 120Hz Gsync).
I have one question, as I never had gsync before: is it a bad thing to leave the monitor overclocked or should you turn it off after each game session?
The panel yes, but isnt the gsync module overclocked from 100 to 120 ?The panel is de-clocked to work with G sync so your not really overclocking it just putting it back to its actual clock
The panel is under clocked from 144Hz to 120Hz and not overclocked from 100Hz to 120Hz which means that it has a Native 120Hz Panel
So you should be more than safe to leave the G sync overclock on as its really just running natively
Still massively overpriced though at the moment sadly
it is, yesThe panel yes, but isnt the gsync module overclocked from 100 to 120 ?