OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

I can not and don't want to go into the reasoning behind it.

Anyone know what decent shake i can get my hands on?

Make your own. oats, whey, banana, berries in milk, for example.

The problem i have with offering you too much guidance is that you seem to have issues that will affect your progress that you do not want to speak about.
Its kinda hard to offer any advice when we don't know what we are dealing with.

All we can do is offer generic advice, which you seem to not want to take. Cant do much more than that really :(

If you must buy something from a tub, then find one of the bulk sites as it will be cheaper.
I'll recommend BSD as i buy their other stuff, but have no experience with any mass gainer.
I agree with comments above re: weight gainers, BUT saying that I have used them in the past when I was working a job which only gave me a few minutes for food outside of lunch. I don't use it anymore mind.

I took Mammoth 2500 and got good results and I know plenty of loads who still use Mammoth and think its a decent gainer. You can get the 5kg tub for a decent price if you search around. My bro takes the BSD gainer as he's know doing a similar job and says its useful to bump up the carbs.
Way too much text, not enough pics :p

Toxic- Looking full there mate. Arms and shoulders looking really thick in the back double bi.

Took some newer pics of my legs the other night,I am definitely starting to see an improvement in the ham/ quad separation and general quad thickness.

Maybe it's just the pose, but you don't appear to have much on your glutes/at the top of your thighs (compared to knee).. do you squat? :p
Way too much text, not enough pics :p

Toxic- Looking full there mate. Arms and shoulders looking really thick in the back double bi.

Took some newer pics of my legs the other night,I am definitely starting to see an improvement in the ham/ quad separation and general quad thickness.

Cheers dude.

Big quads man:eek: Thats a lota leg work right there! Would look beter shaved:D
Nice size on those legs! I see you have the same issues as me in terms of getting the rectus femoris out, unlike your powerful vastus medialis and lateralis.

I think the posing doesn't do you justice, but I can't talk as I'm rubbish at posing. Definite good size there. So come on then, how big are they?! :D
Thanks. Yep I squat every week on a Friday. Last week for example I did 6 sets of leg extensions for warm up then 4 hack squat with a dropset, 4 front squat and finished with 3 single leg leg press/ single leg leg extension each leg focussing on my outer quad superset. Wednesday I do hamstrings and calves finished with abductor work. I agree my lower posing is no where near as good as my upper body currently but I'm working on it :p Oh and my quads are 24" right now.
I doubt it, apart from maybe a tested local comp for fun. My training partner competes and so do a lot of the guys at my gym. Do you have any questions about it or did you fancy just popping in the "ocuk bodybuilders" thread with no interest other than winding people up?
Jesus Christ, if I had legs like that... no one would want to get in the ring with me :p

/looks at own legs

(a bit harsh towards ic1male though dun? I read it as a genuine question.)
Started weight training properly this week, Diet has been really good now for about nearly 4 weeks tracking everything on dailyburn.com

I don’t want to get big, but just get real definition. I done chest last night and im stiffer than a board this morning, going up later to work on back. After the workout im using Maximuscle Progain.

Anyway im 5'10 and 64kg
*please dont laugh*

Any advice on how to get cut would be brilliant, last night i done this routine, along with some dips, and cross trainer and one or two weight machine excersises (don’t know what called yet :(


10 reps of 10 kg x 3

Flyes - Dumbbell, Inclined Bench

10 reps of 8 kg x 3

Cable Crossover

Set 1: 10 reps of 15 kg x3

Bench Press - Barbell, Declined

Set 1: 10 reps of 10 kg x3

Flyes - Dumbbell, Inclined Bench

Set 1: 10 reps of 8 kg x 3

I was really getting annoyed with myself, as the boys i was training with are big guys and really muscular, and although they where very supportive i felt a wimp as they where lifting more than triple what I was doing.
Sorry, if my tongue-in-cheek comment was perceived as disrespectful to your hobby/pastime.

Makunouchi- Thanks mate. We're just getting started!

ic1male- Ah very sorry then mate :o. It just winds me up when people feel the need to make snide comments about something they have no interest in, and I read it as such :D

kai- Don't worry about people laughing at you, there are plenty of people with much worse bodies when starting out. You look like you have pretty wide shoulders and high trap insertions. Keep the diet clean and train hard, you'll see progress in no time.
look bigger than 24!!! Got a bit to catch up with me then! ;) great work dun. Keep it up.

As for competing I don have the time or effort to compete. I put several long hard hours in the gym and have reaped the benefits but although I'd love to have the determination to compete I couldn't do it.
Hehe, I'm always happy to give accurate figures if someone asks (unlike a few people I know) :) You've got a few years on me yet FF! :p
The thing with competing in untested federations is the pure size/ low bodyfat combinations of most of the competitors isn't achievable for natural guys full stop, and with that comes the relatively high financial outlay as well.
@ kai, whats your waist and chest size?

Im also 5,10 been doing this a few months now, though im 75kg but u look much bigger than me!!!!???

Im just curious, plus i wanted to sunscribe to the thread
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