OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

Yep. But I prefer the real thing. A few hours in the sun with my top off clears up any spots I have amazingly.
Yep. But I prefer the real thing. A few hours in the sun with my top off clears up any spots I have amazingly.

I could have spent every spare waking hour I had this summer outside and still not achieved a suntan! UK weather = dire = use a sunbed if necessary.

I don't personally but I can totally understand others doing so and as for the sun being good for spots, absolutely. When I used to get the occasional face spot, every year that I went abroad somewhere hot, I came back with my skin looking much healthier and clean as a whistle.
Haha. Depends on your skin tone/ genetics I guess. If I'm out in moderate sun for a few hours I come back brown so I don't even consider tanning. Down the gym this is the new craze:

"I found there was two different products on the UK Market. Melanotan and Melanotan II. the MTII looked like it was the most popular as you need to used less of it to get the same result of MT.

Its bought in powder form and mixed with bacteriostatic water to make an injectable solution. Used in dose of 0.25mg. Attempt to increase daily dosage by 0.25mg where possible, until you reach 1-1.5mg daily. You have to calculate your dosage with your body weight. Its used daily till the desired colour is achieved and then maintaining phase is then used (1-2 a week) to keep it toped up.

It can be used on its own, but works better with UV.

Side effects include - Nausea, Facial Flushing, Vomiting, skin and hair pigmentation, appetite (reduced), libido and physical sexual arousal (increased)"
I know a lot of people that use MT. It's a great way of getting a base layer before going on holiday as it stimulates melatonin generation in the body. Yet again though needles = unecessary. :p I tan v.quickly thanks to my Med genes. :D
Yep. But I prefer the real thing. A few hours in the sun with my top off clears up any spots I have amazingly.

Same here. Not that I suffer from it greatly but you can't beat a bit of sunshine to clear it up. I find just sitting in the sun boring so washing the car topless or doing some work etc outside is a good alternative.

Sunshines also supposed to make you feel good :)
Sunshine is amazing. Helps produce Vitamin D for a start and sunlight can have a and effect on either dopamine or seratonin levels in certain people hence why some people get addicted to sunshine.

loving this higher weight low reps low volume at the moment.



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