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ATI/AMD's new Morphological Anti-aliasing

Can somene post how to get this working on 5 series?

How enable MLAA with Catalyst drivers?

MLAA support is provided by the Catalyst 10.10a (hotfix) and is automatically enabled on Radeon HD 6800. But it’s disabled on Radeon HD 5000. Why? Only AMD knows the answer…

How to enable MLAA on Radeon HD 5000 series?

Just download this file: C7106976.txt.

Go in
C: \ AMD \ Catalyst_8.782.1RC5_Win7_MLAA_Oct21 \ Packages\ Drivers \ Display \ W7_INF \

and replace all the content of C7106976.inf by the content of C7106976.txt. Or delete C7106976.inf and rename C7106976.txt in C7106976.inf, as you want ;)

Do the same thing for

C: \ AMD \ Catalyst_8.782.1RC5_Win7_MLAA_Oct21 \ Packages\ Drivers \ Display \ W76A_INF \

Now you’re ready to install the Cat10.10a. Then install it. At the end of the installation, reboot Windows.

Edit:- Too slow.
The only killer is that it seems to blur the image quite badly. I'll have to give it a try to see if it makes a difference in motion, but the screenies do look quite "soft" and I think that'd bug me.
Does seem to make the images softer and duller - whites aren't quite so white, reds aren't so vibrant, etc. tho it does smooth edges better than I thought - I would have thought the jitter sampling would have induced more artifacts than is so far apparent.
Yup, looks like AMD users won't be shut out from AA anymore...
Whilst I'm not denying that it works and for any/all games, it's a bit like (and I know this is an exaggeration) smearing vaseline across the screen. I don't think it's a real substitute for the more traditional forms of AA, particularly if you want high image quality.
Does seem to make the images softer and duller - whites aren't quite so white, reds aren't so vibrant, etc. tho it does smooth edges better than I thought - I would have thought the jitter sampling would have induced more artifacts than is so far apparent.

Softer yes but change of vibrancy no & i have looked real careful & cut & pasted the images in paint & checked the colour values.

What your suggesting would mean a tint filter which this is not.
@ crackbear

Judging by the screen shot's it doesn't look like that to me personally.
But I do think it could do with a touch of sharpening to add contrast between the pixels.

Personally though I could see myself using this AA as standard, especially gaming at 2560x1600...
Softer yes but change of vibrancy no & i have looked real careful & cut & pasted the images in paint & checked the colour values.

What your suggesting would mean a tint filter which this is not.

Well it certainly looks less vibrant even if its actually not. Not sure what you mean with the tint filter as that would imply a deliberate effect which is not what I'm saying.
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