***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

crysis 2 high res findings...

right. just installed and set everything to max settings at 2560X1600

game ran like a dog in intense scenes. less than40fps
as expected. was expecting a more severe impact.
I ran it on one card to see what happened and it gutted a single 480.
25 fps. not good at all. SLI scaling is supreme on this game now.
so I enabled my second 480 to see what difference it makes.

changed motion blur to low settings which improved the overall performance a little and got it nice and smooth.

have managed to get a solid framerate now:
55fps in intense scenes
60fps with vsync at all other times
I achieved this by over clocking the cards to 902MHz on both cores. the scaling for the overclock works well too. I saw big gains going from 700mhz stock clocks to 800mhz then another big leap going onwards to 900mhz.

system specs I am running at 2560X1600
i7 2600K @ 5GHz
8GB of 1600MHz DDR3 [running around 60% usage with the high res pack]
GTX 480 SLI @ 902MHz core [running at 1460mb mem usage in game]
Intel 510 SSD
right. just installed and set everything to max settings at 2560X1600

game ran like a dog in intense scenes. less than40fps
as expected. was expecting a more severe impact.
I ran it on one card to see what happened and it gutted a single 480.
25 fps. not good at all. SLI scaling is supreme on this game now.
so I enabled my second 480 to see what difference it makes.

changed motion blur to low settings which improved the overall performance a little and got it nice and smooth.

have managed to get a solid framerate now:
55fps in intense scenes
60fps with vsync at all other times
I achieved this by over clocking the cards to 902MHz on both cores. the scaling for the over clock works well too. I saw big gains going from 700mhz stock clocks to 800mhz then another big leap going onwards to 900mhz.

system specs I am running at 2560X1600
i7 2600K @ 5GHz
8GB of 1600MHz DDR3 [running around 60% usage with the high res pack]
GTX 480 SLI @ 902MHz core [running at 1460mb mem usage in game]
Intel 510 SSD

thats a beast of a set up you have. Nice to hear your destorying the new updates :D
yes, very much so. :)
thanks man
right. just installed and set everything to max settings at 2560X1600

game ran like a dog in intense scenes. less than40fps
as expected. was expecting a more severe impact.
I ran it on one card to see what happened and it gutted a single 480.
25 fps. not good at all. SLI scaling is supreme on this game now.
so I enabled my second 480 to see what difference it makes.

changed motion blur to low settings which improved the overall performance a little and got it nice and smooth.

have managed to get a solid framerate now:
55fps in intense scenes
60fps with vsync at all other times
I achieved this by over clocking the cards to 902MHz on both cores. the scaling for the overclock works well too. I saw big gains going from 700mhz stock clocks to 800mhz then another big leap going onwards to 900mhz.

system specs I am running at 2560X1600
i7 2600K @ 5GHz
8GB of 1600MHz DDR3 [running around 60% usage with the high res pack]
GTX 480 SLI @ 902MHz core [running at 1460mb mem usage in game]
Intel 510 SSD
what are ya specs ?
thats a beast of a set up you have. Nice to hear your destorying the new updates :D

it is indeed :) does the job well. helps that its all overclocked to high heaven!
just posted to show the improvements that can be had from a little tinkering.
half an hour of overclock testing has netted me a big enough increase to play at max settings smoothly which is what I was aiming for.

should mean that anyone struggling can get a nice boost from a bit of messing using afterburner.

what are ya specs ?

specs in the post you quoted there bud :)
if you need to know any specifics, then the link in my sig will show you what my hardware looks like currently [check the last pages for the current setup]
Do you think when the new 22nm cards come out, a single card will be able to own this game? (and Metro 2033 for that matter)?

depends on res.
with my testing in mind. I see no reason why a single 590 would not max this game out at 1080p [seeing as this is the most common res now]

you could probably get away with a single 480 at 1080p but it depends on the rest of your system.
a fast ssd is useful for the high res pack and then obviously you need your cpu to not be bottlenecking everything.
What you think of the gfx rjokneill? i think witcher 2 is best looking game considering it's based on a DX9 engine but this is very very good still.....definitely best use of DX11 so far in a game.

I turn motion blur off always in every game as it's not worth it at all in my view.
What you think of the gfx rjokneill? i think witcher 2 is best looking game considering it's based on a DX9 engine but this is very very good still.....definitely best use of DX11 so far in a game.

I turn motion blur off always in every game as it's not worth it at all in my view.

the witcher 2 looks lovely at times but also very rigid, character models also look and move quite poor occasionally. Neither is the best looking game on pc in my opinion
What you think of the gfx rjokneill? i think witcher 2 is best looking game considering it's based on a DX9 engine but this is very very good still.....definitely best use of DX11 so far in a game.

I turn motion blur off always in every game as it's not worth it at all in my view.

the graphics are very spectacular. as someone mentioned earlier somewhere on the forums, it seems that you get used to high res and textures/tessellation very quickly.
its nice when a game plays smoothly but i do feel that it is easy to forget how much detail is packed into games. especially action games like this.
for instance:
the save point I started at for my testing is a quiet moment in the game. i got a chance to chill out and wander round inspecting things basically being a tourist. "ooh look at those pretty textures and the detail in that..."
then the next minute I have 10 grunts and a tank kicking off at me so its a little difficult to appreciate the extra textures and things when you are knee deep in action.
I haven't played the witcher but have heard it is pretty. the screen shots i have seen leave me unconvinced if I am being honest.
but its not my type of game so i probably wouldn't ever play it.
I would have to say, crysis2 is easily the prettiest but most demanding game I have played, I cant see it being beaten in terms of system requirements any time soon.
the graphics are very spectacular. as someone mentioned earlier somewhere on the forums, it seems that you get used to high res and textures/tessellation very quickly.
its nice when a game plays smoothly but i do feel that it is easy to forget how much detail is packed into games. especially action games like this.
for instance:
the save point I started at for my testing is a quiet moment in the game. i got a chance to chill out and wander round inspecting things basically being a tourist. "ooh look at those pretty textures and the detail in that..."
then the next minute I have 10 grunts and a tank kicking off at me so its a little difficult to appreciate the extra textures and things when you are knee deep in action.
I haven't played the witcher but have heard it is pretty. the screen shots i have seen leave me unconvinced if I am being honest.
but its not my type of game so i probably wouldn't ever play it.
I would have to say, crysis2 is easily the prettiest but most demanding game I have played, I cant see it being beaten in terms of system requirements any time soon.

That impressed!? thats a big statement. Ill have a little wander around on it later and try to take in the scenery! :cool:

also has raven commented on this yet? id imagine this is more what he was after rather than the dissappointment of when it was released for him
So far look s lovely but its only using about 60% of each 6950 for me, is this the same for anyone else? I remember it using a lot more pre DX11.

downloaded the update? v 1.9 (seems to have better crossfire performance)

texture pack and dx11 pack?

also changed settings in game?

Id imagine you havent done something you should expect not better performance than before surely. even though 2 6950's is very nice
Apparently this is what the dx11 benchmark looks like, not sure how this guy got it to run since it was supposodly removed at the last minute.

And same bench on dx9

That impressed!? thats a big statement. Ill have a little wander around on it later and try to take in the scenery! :cool:

also has raven commented on this yet? id imagine this is more what he was after rather than the dissappointment of when it was released for him

I would agree, the game was a little disappointing when it first came out. i prefer it to crysis 1 and warhead but it was definitely lacking in visual finesse.

the only thing they can do to improve it now is to put it back on steam and support it through there properly. but that is an argument for a different time and something that both EA games I am currently playing [this and shift 2] are very guilty of. :mad:

I cant see a post of his but I personally like his posting style.
every thread I have spotted him in, he has been an informative and valuable contributor. I'm sure he will agree with the points I have made, we use similar hardware so the findings should hopefully help.
also has raven commented on this yet? id imagine this is more what he was after rather than the dissappointment of when it was released for him

MIA since just before the release. 23rd or so i believe.

I cant see a post of his but I personally like his posting style.
every thread I have spotted him in, he has been an informative and valuable contributor. I'm sure he will agree with the points I have made, we use similar hardware so the findings should hopefully help.

You obviously don't remember him from his GFX card forum days. :p
You obviously don't remember him from his GFX card forum days. :p

I do, and never had a problem with him or his posting.
as I said, every thread I have posted in that he has been in has been pleasant.
I take a very relaxed standpoint with my moderating and prefer to post how I always have done, as long as users are respectful of each other then a little light-hearted banter is where its at in my opinion.
baiting people into a negative reaction is very much against the spirit of these forums and something I would never encourage.
that's just my 2p, but back on topic anyway :)
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