***** The Crysis 2 Thread *****

..aparently the melee bug where it occasionly doesnt let you melee, stealth kill or power kick after dying or reaching a checkpoint has been fixed, but my steam version is still getting it. is this happening to anyone else?
Looks stunning. Best looking game currently released in my opinion.

The level of details is fantastic. The tesselation and real time reflections look gorgeous as well.
I think it is easy to understand why most of us feel underwhelmed even after this dx 11 patch. When crysis 1 came out there was nothing comparable to it. The closest game to it was far cry and if you actually had a side by side image of both far cry and crysis 1, your jaw would have hit the floor because crysis 1 was in fact that far advanced in every department. Same thing with far cry 2. it did not seem as a big jump because we had crysis.

Now when we see crysis 2 we have something to compare it to. So even if the game may use similar graphical technique as before it would not be the same "jaw-hitting the floor" experience as it did with the original. I guess we really need to see something out of the ordinary to be at that same point where we could not stop thinking about how to upgrade our pc just to play a game and not just a slideshow.

I would think the next jump would be to actually have a game where graphics are like those seen in cgi.

My thoughts anyway.:)
lads what specs would you need to get the most out of this game ?

I keep hearning 8gb ram and 2 gtx 580 graphic cards, is that right?

Quad, 4Gb ram, 5870 would get you perfectly playable frame rates at 1080p. My 5770 512mb copes with around 30-40fps at 1080p on High/V.High.

The new DX11 patch and Hi-Res stuff will require more GPU power though.
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