Think your razor is supposed to do the cutting.
Anyway, I use Tesco's own "cooling" gel. It works really well, specially with a new blade. Really does cool my face when I am shaving.
But then again, I have never really had any shave rash or irritation, and my stubble grows thick and fast and is also quite tough.
I shave against the grain as it's the only way to get a close shave.
How often do you change your blade, whats shaving like with a new blade?
A lot of gels dont do anything, but the tesco's one I am using now is really nice and much cheaper than gillette rubbish.
I too use a Fusion and its the best razor I have ever used. For years I wouldnt change from my Gillette Sensor Excel. I tried a Mach 3 but it was useless and then when someone bought me a Fusion for christmas one year, I never looked back. Blades last for ages too.
I dont shave every day, maybe you are shaving too often? I dislike shaving but also dislike having a long stubble, so normally shave every 2 or 3 days, or longer if I leave it over the weekend.
You might find that if you let it grow for a few days, that when you shave it again it will be easier and slightly less painful.
Oh and I never apply anything after a shave anymore... no balm/lotion/aftershave etc... Never did see the benefit myself.