The Manly Shaving Thread

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Just decided to dive into this... Been using a Fusion for ages and this seems like a far cheaper long term option.

1 of: Merkur 34C Double Edge Razor (Safety razor)
1 of: Edwin Jagger Ivory-Coloured Plastic Handle Pure Badger Hair Shaving Brush
1 of: 100 Derby Extra Stainless Steel Double Edge Safety Razor Blades
1 of: Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shaving Cream (150 g)
1 of: Osma Bloc - Alum Block

On its way to me now :)

Good gear there, nice choices.......I wouldn't commit to 100 derby blades to begin with, there are so many blades to try & tbh a good few are better than Derby. My Blade of choice is the ASTRA platinum (Green), I can get 4 shaves from one if I really wanted to & each one leaves me Baby smooth, the mrs said so & I never argue with her......
I quite like the Gilette 7 Oclocks seem to be sharper than the Derbys and every other blade I've had out of the trial pack though I still need to try feathers, etc.

It really is a try and see so getting a mixture is probably a good idea as you can make your own mind up.

Just get the Feather blades, don't worry about people saying try with other blades first :p If you do want to then maybe try a cheeky 5-pack of something like the Derby.

Going back to Derby for me now feels like going back to a Mach 3 :)
About to order the following from the rainforest (it's the only place that seems to have anything in stock at the minute!)

- Edwin Jagger DE89L
- Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood Shaving Cream (unsure which flavour, this one seemed the most popular?
- Edwin Jagger Ebony Shaving Brush (Best Badger Hair)

Do I need a pre and post shave balm or some sort? Seems silly to splash out on all this nice stuff and carry on using my L'Oreal lotion.

Stumped for the DE89L purely because it's £10 cheaper than the Merkur 34C and the chrome lined handle looks quite nice.

Do people have any preference over alum blocks or styptic pens?

Edit/ Should say the razor comes with 5 Derby blades which I'm going to try out
Pre & post shave stuff I don't really bother with, just slap on some cheap asda after shave moisturiser type thing once done.

alum blocks or styptic pens? - pens are for cuts, blocks do the whole face once you've finished shaving.
Postie's been.

Yes, one for 'down below' and one for my chins. I like to live dangerously!

Or if you prefer, here's the truth:

No. The razor was in the box on the left, I took it out for the photograph :)
Not posted in this thread for a while but I am still DE shaving and loving it. I am still using the same gold Merkur Slant I have always used.

There are days when you just need a quick shave ahead of a key meeting at work, so lo and behold I bought an ELECTRIC SODDING SHAVER. Now most of these perform the same (yes I know they are poor) so I went and bought a Philips SensoTouch RQ1180cc.

Now when I was in my teens (I'm 35 now) I used to use a Philips model very similar in looks to the above shaver. Obviously it was one of the earlier generation models. It was rubbish and left unshaven blotches around my face but after about 15mins use I did have a shaven face albiet rather red.

This new device is the same! It is just plain crap and I can't believe nothing has changed over the years. Wet or dry makes no real difference. I am so surprised. The battery life is superb though but as for effectiveness - 2/10.
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Leccy razors are generally pretty bad, I got on ok with my old one which had the nivea stuff in it, it's still a mile away from a good shave though.

Interested to see how Feek gets on with his new stuff.
Just thought that I didn't get any kind of mug for the cream so I'll just grab an old one out of the cupboard. I guess it's trial and error to see how much cream I need to make the lather.
I've got a Braun 390cc leccy shaver, i used to get a good shave from it, but it took ages.

It's much quicker for me to have a relaxed 2 pass DE shave, including soaking the brush and clearing all the stuff up afterwards. It's a much more enjoyable experience as well!
applying aftershave balm just doesn't cut it anymore.

Think your razor is supposed to do the cutting.

Anyway, I use Tesco's own "cooling" gel. It works really well, specially with a new blade. Really does cool my face when I am shaving.

But then again, I have never really had any shave rash or irritation, and my stubble grows thick and fast and is also quite tough.

I shave against the grain as it's the only way to get a close shave.

How often do you change your blade, whats shaving like with a new blade?

A lot of gels dont do anything, but the tesco's one I am using now is really nice and much cheaper than gillette rubbish.

I too use a Fusion and its the best razor I have ever used. For years I wouldnt change from my Gillette Sensor Excel. I tried a Mach 3 but it was useless and then when someone bought me a Fusion for christmas one year, I never looked back. Blades last for ages too.

I dont shave every day, maybe you are shaving too often? I dislike shaving but also dislike having a long stubble, so normally shave every 2 or 3 days, or longer if I leave it over the weekend.

You might find that if you let it grow for a few days, that when you shave it again it will be easier and slightly less painful.

Oh and I never apply anything after a shave anymore... no balm/lotion/aftershave etc... Never did see the benefit myself.
^ I think you might be posting in the wrong thread if you're extolling the virtues of a Fusion. As a side note, your Tesco cooling gel is made by Procter & Gamble, the same people who make the Gillette 'rubbish' you mention.
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