So I need to pick up a proper shaving mug because lathering up in a normal mug is a) painful (I cut my finger on the chip) and b) difficult due to the size. I think perhaps I should also get an alum block and (it kills me to say this) some kind of after-balm. Suggestions?
I use a bowl instead of a mug. Dipped into the cupboard and took out a bowl that didn't see much use, reason it didn't get much use was because it was apparently a "good" bowl. So that would have been alright except the cat comes in & out our bathroom window and of course knocked it into the sink taking a chip out of it. Yea, I was popular that day.
Anyway, I'd imagine a bowl might be easier than a mug although haven't tried a mug but I'm guessing it might be a bit cramped to work a lather up.
On a different note, I hadn't used Feather blades for a while as I'd been working my way through a sample pack. They definitely are a good job, think there a step above a lot of the ones I'd tried recently and if I was looking to order a single brand I don't think I'd look past them.