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The GTX Titan X owners thread.

11 Mar 2013
If I was to sell now it would have been so pointless to buy. I'll be keeping mine all through Pascal I reckon. When the prices really drop I might chuck 2 more in.

I totally disagree with this. I bought the TitanX very cheap and made 90% of my money back. So selling now was the best option for me. Glad I did too The longer I left it the less money I'd make. I had lots of fun with it, but with pascal coming shortly I don't see the need to keep it any longer. I have most of the money waiting for pascal :D
18 May 2003
If you bought a TX in april for 800-900+ you'd have to be mental to sell it now and drop to something like a 970.

A rough look around for rumours on pascal launch date says mid 2016 so even if it's 1st July that's still 7 months away, and we've only had the card for 6 months.

You'll still be able to sell it for a few hundred a month before launch and you will have had another 7 months out of it.

Not to mention nvidia could well repeat the prior 2 launch cycles by launching the mid range part first and calling it x80 (680/980) then launching the full fat part months later.
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Man of Honour
21 May 2012
Dalek flagship
I got this last week to replace my 980 branded one. Fortunately I've got a 980 in my other PC. Not got round to fitting it yet.

Welcome and TROH updated.:)

The Roll of Honour.

Make EVGA SC, Kaapstad, Link
Make Gigabyte/EVGA SC, Gregster, Link
Make EVGA, magpie1966, Link
Make EVGA SC, Cosimo, Link
Make MSI, Orangey, Link
Make Gigabyte, BG1980, Link
Make Gigabyte, Boomstick777, Link
Make EVGA SC, andrewohare, Link
Make Gigabyte, Born_2_Kill_83, Link
Make EVGA, Silent_Scone, Link
Make Gigabyte, tipes, Link
Make MSI, Five.Stars, Link
Make Gigabyte, Nocky24, Link
Make Gigabyte, mac40, Link
Make Gigabyte/Zotac, africanos23, Link
Make Gigabyte, Ayahuasca, Link
Make EVGA SC, fantasticCG, Link
Make Gigabyte, darket, Link
Make Gigabyte, Scimitar1, Link
Make MSI, Drojman, Link
Make Gigabyte, SS-89, Link
Make MSI, ndaar, Link
Make Asus, 8 Pack, Link
Make Asus, gerardfraser, Link
Make EVGA SC, Evil Shubunkin, Link
Make Gigabyte, wunkley, Link
Make Gigabyte, crinkleshoes, Link
Make MSI, VincentHanna, Link
Make Gigabyte, Amidar, Link
Make Gigabyte, Twisted Kid, Link
Make EVGA, romanlegion13th, Link
Make EVGA, danw872, Link
Make Gigabyte, davisdavid, Link
Make Palit, Watlinguk, Link
Make Palit, TTomax, Link
Make Gigabyte, seth1969, Link
Make Palit, straxusii, Link
Make Asus, Firefox35, Link
Make Gigabyte, GarryO, Link
Make NVidia Direct, Seyumi, Link
Make Gigabyte, Mal X, Link
Make Gigabyte, Budge4, Link
Make Palit, Quartz, Link
Make EVGA SC, whyscotty, Link
Make EVGA, ^JP^, Link
Make Palit, Meaker, Link
Make Gigabyte, cwgk91, Link
Make Gigabyte, andy_taximan, Link
Make Gigabyte, hexblitz86, Link
Make MSI, garymcq23, Link
Make Palit, SpeckleD, Link
Make Gigabyte, jim0082, Link
Make EVGA, vasilltino, Link
Make EVGA SC, Aylan1196, Link
Make Gigabyte, cadmunkey, Link
Make EVGA, Shamrock, Link
Make EVGA SC, Genjuro82, Link
Make Gigabyte, HACO, Link
Make MSI, dasimpse, Link
Make Gigabyte, CapitalOne, Link
Make Gigabyte, Montegue, Link
Make Palit, ish1, Link
Make EVGA SC, Streetlight, Link
Make EVGA SC/Zotac, dessimpson, Link
Make EVGA SC, Mayh3M, Link
Make EVGA SC, Deks, Link
Make EVGA, elfoscuro, Link
Make EVGA, thefogo, Link
Make EVGA SC, Klunt Bumskrint, Link
Make EVGA SC, faxfan, Link
Make Asus, cjdavid, Link
Make EVGA, alex_123_fra, Link
Make OcUK, fatlenny, Link
Make EVGA SC, darkslidez, Link
Make EVGA, nath247, Link
Make OcUK, Huntyz, Link
Make Asus, crasher, Link
Make EVGA SC, N19h7m4r3, Link
Make OcUK, Sequence, Link
Make OcUK, GSXR Gaz Mc, Link
Make Asus, Dicehunter, Link
Make Zotac, Worthy, Link
Make Zotac, Maverick2332, Link
Make Zotac/EVGA SC, Radox-0, Link
Make EVGA, texxx74, Link
Make EVGA, bake73, Link
Make EVGA, UltraNEO*, Link
Make Asus, OracIe, Link
Make Zotac, Simon Belmont, Link
Make EVGA SC, MrPix, Link
Make Palit, kazuya1337, Link
Make Zotac, spiralz, Link
Make Gigabyte/Palit, TooTay, Link
Make Zotac, oldestgregg, Link
Make Palit, MrMason, Link
Make OcUK, S2KIP, Link
Make EVGA SC, trawetSluaP, Link
Make EVGA Hybrid, jommy999, Link
Make Gigabyte, littlepuppy, Link
Make Zotac/Gigabyte, PFarrey, Link
Make EVGA Hybrid, dessimpson, Link

To get on the Roll of Honour all you have to do is post a pic with your user name on it of your TitanX.​

9 Mar 2015
Well I just went the opposite way and sold my second Titan X. It was the one with all the stripped screws (first time mistakes :( ). Alas tried every method getting them off so just made it worse. Would have kept it otherwise considering, but still got a reasonable price on it, more then 980Ti's brand new.

Not the biggest of issues as my remaining Titan X can overclock much higher and will be added to the loop now. For 3440 x 1440 a single card seems to handle it fine. Bring on Pascal I guess :D
11 Mar 2013
If you bought a TX in april for 800-900+ you'd have to be mental to sell it now and drop to something like a 970.

A rough look around for rumours on pascal launch date says mid 2016 so even if it's 1st July that's still 7 months away, and we've only had the card for 6 months.

You'll still be able to sell it for a few hundred a month before launch and you will have had another 7 months out of it.

Not to mention nvidia could well repeat the prior 2 launch cycles by launching the mid range part first and calling it x80 (680/980) then launching the full fat part months later.

Not mental at all mate. I bought the Titan X for £749 brand new. Sold it for £680. Come this spring Titan X will be near worthless if your trying to sell them that is. Saving that money for new pascal., Could care less for Pascal Titan. Just looking for middle of the road pascal which should beat current Titan X by at least 30% to 40% I reckon. I'm hearing late march early april. I very much doubt Nvidia will wait that long to release pascal. My 970 was a gift. I made out like a bandit:D
11 Jul 2003
Telford//west mids
I'm more than happy to keep my Titan X sc for a good few years to come as the games I play maxed out on my MG279Q Run so buttery smooth,and now I've installed the EVGA hybrid kit I can start overclocking it.
18 May 2003
Not mental at all mate. I bought the Titan X for £749 brand new. Sold it for £680.

You didn't read my post, I said if you bought it for £800-£900+

I've kept an eye on second hand titan x and you don't clear 680 after all fees unless you get very lucky, that price is the exception not the rule.

Come this spring Titan X will be near worthless if your trying to sell them that is.

That's a very silly thing to say, of course they won't be near worthless then.

I very much doubt Nvidia will wait that long to release pascal.

For one they have no option but to wait until Pascal is ready and my quick google says mid next year, also until AMD have a credible alternative they will sit on Pascal selling 980Tis like hot cakes until they have to release it.
11 Mar 2013
You didn't read my post, I said if you bought it for £800-£900+

I've kept an eye on second hand titan x and you don't clear 680 after all fees unless you get very lucky, that price is the exception not the rule.

That's a very silly thing to say, of course they won't be near worthless then.

For one they have no option but to wait until Pascal is ready and my quick google says mid next year, also until AMD have a credible alternative they will sit on Pascal selling 980Tis like hot cakes until they have to release it.

I find OCUK forum members nit pick over everything any one says. This is no different. Think what you will. You don't need to justify anything to me or yourself.
27 Oct 2008
Unless there's a huge improvement, I'll be keeping my Titans for another year, and by the time I do upgrade they might not be worth much, but I'll have had my enjoyment out of them for 2 years or so.

If I do get a Pascal card it will be when they've been out for a while and the prices have settled down too.
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