Aliens and UFOs explained on Google Video

When you think about it there probably are some really amazing utopias out there, and here we are on a small planet at the outer edge of a typical spiral galaxy with a quite mundane and often messed up world, there must be some really lucky life forms out there living it up in their high tech utopian civilization and happily zipping around the galaxy and possibly universe, lucky gits.

There must be so much going on at every moment of every day, i don't know but who often wonders about how much must be going on out there when your just doing your boring daily routine?

Quite weird when you think about it and statistically incredibly likely as to almost be fact but science needs proof and basically until we know it doesn't really exist to us or even enter our minds in everyday life.
Richdog said:
No of course, none of understand the concept of light years... it's a little too advanced for people like us. Only a clearly extraordinarily intelligent man such as yourself could possible truly comprehend such things.

Anybody else see the irony in this statement?

I'm just a thick working class bloke but one thing I can be absolutely sure about is that there aren't 1000's of boy racer aliens flying their UFOs just beyond our atmosphere and making stupid right angled turns and being fired at with star wars type lasers.
dmpoole said:
I'm just a thick working class bloke but one thing I can be absolutely sure about is that there aren't 1000's of boy racer aliens flying their UFOs just beyond our atmosphere and making stupid right angled turns and being fired at with star wars type lasers.

Ignore the right angles and laser bullocks... we're talking about the possibility that aliens can travel these distances.
dmpoole said:
No they can't and in a million years time we still won't be able to do it either.

Goodness grief... before I thought you were just a bit slow... now I think you're barking mad...

dmpoole has just accurately definitively mapped out 1'000'000 years of human advancement based on less than 100 years of spacefaring and advanced physics... and his own comprehensive knowledge on the subject... lol! :D
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Science is changing and we will see huge advances over the next few years.

The world is waking up, we need free clean energy.

"Necessesity is the Mother of invention" from listening and reading various articles I believe ZPE will be attainable.

Nikola Tesla the man who shaped the 20th Century, just maybe the man to shape the 21st.

Search Google Video

Nikola Tesla

and check out these two

Tom Valone Thomas Francis Valone is an engineering physicist with 25 years of experience in emerging energy sciences. His activities include design of Instrumentation (specialized in Bioelectromagnetics) and laboratory testing and measurements.

Tom Bearden Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army (Retired). President and Chief Executive Officer, CTEC, Inc. MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. BS Mathematics, Northeast Louisiana University. Graduate of Command & General Staff College, U.S. Army. Graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officer's Course, U.S. Army (equivalent to MS in Aerospace Engineering). Numerous electronic warfare and counter-countermeasures courses.

Tom is a leading conceptualist in alternate energy technology, mind/matter interaction, EM bioeffects, paranormal phenomena, parapsychology, psychotronics, Tesla technology, and unified field theory concepts. He is the leading advocate of scalar potential electromagnetics, and has worked with several inventors involved in alternate energy devices and scalar electromagnetic system prototypes.

What have these got to do with UFO's Scott?

Because we are in the infancy of Quantum physics, over the next decade it will explode with nanotechnology at the forefront of the explosion. Things will change, and maybe our concepts of what we are and are not capable of will too!!!

Steven Greer talking to a Priest of the Vatican.

The Priest; asked if he believed in UFO's says: It would be terrible if god invested all of his hopes for intelligent conscious life here on Earth!!!

I could not agree more.
Richdog said:
Goodness grief... before I thought you were just a bit slow... now I think you're barking mad...

dmpoole has just accurately definitively mapped out 100'000 years of human advancement based on less than 100 years of spacefaring and advanced physics... and his own comprehensive knowledge on the subject... lol! :D

When I was a little boy I spent all my time reading books and looking up at the stars. It was my ambition to be anally probed by an alien and I was quite an expert on every UFO encounter case at the time. 30 odd years on and I haven't seen a single shred of evidence of aliens or UFO's. I still want there to be because I'm a massive sci fi fan but I know in my heart its all bull. I have no doubt that there are lifeforms on other planets and they have their own craft and who knows, they might be able to visit other planets in their systems but theres no way they will be able to get here. Of course they could have technology way advanced than us but they're still bound by universal laws and the theory that a wormhole could cut your journey by 99.9999% is just for Star Trek.

Aliens are too thick to exist around our planet. They are too numerous in all sizes and colours and their crafts are all different shapes. They can't even make proper contact without cutting cattle to pieces or scaring people with half a brain. Proper contact would have been made by now if only one million percent of sightings were true and not with some dumb american in the back of nowhere.

Adamski didn't know what he was about to start when he took pictures of his modified hubcaps back in the 40's. I blame him.

Hopefully I've got around 25 years of life left in me but I'll wager my guitar collection that in that time no contact will be made and there will still be geeks claiming UFO's are being zapped by lasers and they're doing wheelies.

(and I still want to be anally probed by an alien)
Another reason why I became interested in this question is because after I read that BBC article which concluded that UFOs are all natural phenomena I asked my parents if they believe in UFOs. They said they have seen one, in Wales when they were my age. When I visit my mum this Christmas she's going to show me the picture - can't wait! :D

The way I think about the evidence that exists for UFOs is by Newton's Law - every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. If the government (or aspects of) has perpetrated the greatest cover-up in history then the ufologist has created an orgy of evidence. Then I ask myself what is more likely; did the government and military lie and deceive the public or did many individuals invent all of the evidence and the stories in an often, semi-coordinated way? My problem is that I like to make decisions, I can't sit on the fence and ultimately I don't care if I'm wrong so long as I can justify my choice.

Therefore I choose to side with the ufologists because all it requires for them to be right is for a few seconds or minutes of their thousands of hours of evidence and for just one of their thousands of sources to be both real and interpreted correctly. Even looking at the videos I posted in the OP - only a single event of the thousands of events posted has to be accurate and UFOs exist and aliens visit Earth. Having watched them all I'm happy to make the decision, with the videos as my evidence, that "we're not alone". Always wanted to say that! But seriously, as crazy as that might sound can anyone who has watched all of those videos seriously say to me that all of the evidence they depict is either a hoax or an incorrectly interpreted event? Can you honestly say to me that you trust the military industrial complex over and above all of these people, most of them with credible careers behind them?

If you can then frankly I think it is you, not I, who is crazy! :D
ritcH said:
I asked my parents if they believe in UFOs. They said they have seen one, in Wales when they were my age.

But seriously, as crazy as that might sound can anyone who has watched all of those videos seriously say to me that all of the evidence they depict is either a hoax or an incorrectly interpreted event? Can you honestly say to me that you trust the military industrial complex over and above all of these people, most of them with credible careers behind them?

I've been a witness to two UFO sightings along with lots of other witnesses.
The first was around 75 and somebody called us out of the bungalow to look up at the sky. Everybody was out in the street and eventually the cops were called and they stood there staring at it with us while making radio calls. A few minutes after the cops were called the object moved on and flew out of range.
The second sighting was outside the Victoria Hall and it was the night where Brian Robertsons (Thin Lizzy) band called Wild Horses were playing. We all watched this triangular object move slowly across the sky and it had lights in the three corners. It was quite funny because everybody in the queue was doing the five hand signals that were in Close Encounters and doing the tune.
The following night in The Sentinel a couple had described a UFO they had seen over Mow Cop at a certain time and judging by the speed and direction it was going in and the time I saw it I was 100% sure it was the same one.

HOWEVER, do I believe they were UFO's with aliens in them? - absolutely not and somebody somewhere knew what they were.

I'll give you a third sighting I had about seven years ago and it was brilliant. I was travelling down the A50 to Uttoxeter when over to my left I saw a craft. It was sausage shaped and the driver of the car could only have quick glances. He eventually pulled over into a layby and we got out and watched this UFO and stood there convinced it was like 'nothing we'd ever seen before'. I'd got my camera on me because we were going to a gig we were doing and just as I reached into my case the UFO turned and it was a bloody helicopter. I've seen helicopters all my life flying to and fro but whatever angle this was at made it look like 'nothing we've ever seen before'.

I have never seen a video that has convinced me. I did as a kid when I was easily led but I also believed in God then too. Every picture, every video, every witness account as just made me laugh and until proper evidence has been bought forward then I won't believe.
The American Govt has spent billions on NASA and the whole idea of that is to search for other life outside our planet. They're getting excited because they might have found water on mars (cue pictures) and there might be life. NASA of all organisations should have concrete evidence but theres none.

Once again i'll ask the question - why would the worlds governments want to keep this concrete alien proof away from us? What purpose would it serve? Do they think we'll all turn mad if we see one? I accepted about 26 years ago that the universe isn't like Star Trek or Dr Who.
I think the argument is that the governments who we elect aren’t in control of this issue. That's an amazing statement because it means democracy and accountability just doesn't exist on certain levels.

If we go back in time indeed, the government and press used to acknowledge their existence, but then in America in the 40's official denial became common. We can only speculate why this is the case but I think that following the world war and especially following the nuclear bombing of Japan, the US Airforce became obsessed with security of the air. They realised that - like they did - an enemy could fly in and destroy whole cities. Then when they realised they had no control of these UFOs, the felt their security slipping and not wanting to worry the public or admit incompetence they denied their existence.

Then along comes the coldwar and the CIA actually used the UFO phenomena to conceal the existence of black projects. They wanted the Russians to believe in UFOs before they believed in US surveillance aircraft such as the Blackbird.

Today, as I said, I think the reason why the government doesn't reveal their existence is because it is no longer in government hands. Eisenhower warned in his final speech that the military-industrial complex had the potential to become unaccountably powerful and today I believe they are. Today, the secret is maintained, in my opinion, because the military-industrial complex wants to maintain the power they have. This power allows them to quash any threats which emerge to their agenda, and it allows them to control the development of new technologies especially in the energy industry. I think today, we are past the stage of denial for national security reasons and we are in very dangerous times indeed. I think actually that many governments probably want to come clean, or at least want to know the truth e.g., Bill Clinton who according to Steven Greer was denied access to the truth.

I appreciate that you have followed this issue for over 25 years and seen little progress but I would argue we live in different times now. Only in the past year have "ordinary" users started to use the Internet for sharing video on a large scale. This alone has led to the situation where it is impossible to conceal the truth. No offence but these videos will be far more compelling to the general public than your own experiences, but that doesn't make what you saw any less valid. What these videos do is bring together a mass of evidence which consequently means that it is less likely that mistakes such as your helicopter example are a valid explanation. As I said all it takes is one event or story to be true.

I hope you’re wrong too. I hope that in the next 25 years the world will wake up to this reality. That's why I made this thread because I want to wake people up. It's hard to maintain your belief in a world that disagrees with you and I think that's what happened to you but I think in time your opinion is going to change again just as in the 1940's everyone believed in UFOs.
ritcH said:
Then along comes the coldwar and the CIA actually used the UFO phenomena to conceal the existence of black projects. They wanted the Russians to believe in UFOs before they believed in US surveillance aircraft such as the Blackbird.

What these videos do is bring together a mass of evidence

Can't remember when (probably the 70's) but the whole of Russia was put on UFO alert because a certain UFO get being spotted. All 7 million of the Russian Army were ordered to look up at the sky for UFO's over a period of a couple of weeks to try and get to the bottom of UFO's.
They actually saw one and tracked it and millions also witnessed it flying overhead. It turned out to be the Blackbird which they never knew about at the time.

I have yet to see any videos that are evidence and I've watched every one that is linked to over the last four years I've been on here and other forums.
You would think that after all this time there would be something.
dmpoole said:
Once again i'll ask the question - why would the worlds governments want to keep this concrete alien proof away from us? What purpose would it serve? Do they think we'll all turn mad if we see one? I accepted about 26 years ago that the universe isn't like Star Trek or Dr Who.

I think the biggest issue is that of a fuel source, if there really is UFO's and there not made by us, that means they must have created a power source that is capable of propelling them through the stars, which could possible be a clean source of energy. Now if the governments were to make public that that UFO's exist then scientists will be asking the same energy questions.

if this energy source was reverse engineered and made available to the world the current economic structure would collapse. Just look at how much money is made from Gas, oil and coal, if a new clean energy source was made available these three existing sources would be virtually worthless and the countries surviving on the trade of these resources would financially collapse.

I reckon that if UFO's exists and if we have retrieved one/many and reversed engineered them successfully, then any significant finds particularly to do with energy will not be drip fed to us until the worlds natural resources are nearing an end, or that the price becomes to much, at that stage they would have nothing to lose in releasing the technology.
Yes but the argument, that therefore all UFOs that aren't natural phenomena must be secret military aircraft breaks down when the evidence is for flying craft that are totally silent and absolutely huge, or craft that move slowly (5-30mph) and then accelerate to immense speeds almost instantly, or credible witnesses who say UFOs disarmed nuclear weapons, or credible witnesses who say they’ve seen alien bodies and material, or videos from space showing objects with a diameter of 2-3 miles, or the Discovery Channel exposing top secret documents that, if real, confirm the US government believes UFOs are of interplanetary origin.

I mean... yes, not all UFOs are interpreted correctly and not all stories are believable. But some of them are and if in turn some of them are real then the debate is wide open once again and as I've said, I'm at the stage where I'm happy to take sides with the believers - even if some of them are clearly inbred and a bit weird ;p

edit: See this Discovery Channel - Huge Silent UFO observed by credible witnesses (9/10) - This video presents an objectively created animation of a UFO event from credible witnesses.
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Gman said:
if this energy source was reverse engineered and made available to the world the current economic structure would collapse.

No it wouldn't.
It would be another fuel they can charge another arm and a leg for and I don't think America would give a flying fig if the Middle East collapsed because they could sell no more oil.

I find it amusing that because of movies I'm coming out with the nonsense that its America with a UFO. Why not Papua New Guinea? No, because its always America (and Mexico).

ritcH said:
edit: See this Discovery Channel - Huge Silent UFO observed by credible witnesses (9/10) - This video presents an objectively created animation of a UFO event from credible witnesses.

Seen it before and it proves nothing. I'm sure the TV stations could make a great animation from the 100's of people who witnessed my two UFO encounters but it doesn't prove they were aliens flying alien craft.
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Richdog said:
especially when all we have to go by is our incredibly limited grasp of the universe as we know it... ie: **** all.
What :confused:

Of course it's possible that there are aliens flying around in our atmosphere for no apparent reason, and that they have the ability (and will) to travel interstallar distances, but it's incredibly unlikely.

We cannot know anything with absolute certainty, so all we can do is make assumptions; we have to start somewhere. A good place to start would be our current understanding of the universe and how it works.

All we can really do is examine the options and decide which one makes the most sense and is most feasible based on available evidence (Ockham's razor).
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I agree, nothing will prove that apart from having some alien making themselves publicly known. But we don't live in a world where proof is always available to make decisions; there will always be an aspect of judgment based on evidence. The evidence in this case is no single case; it is everything that I have presented in this discussion.

I believe a conclusion can be made and with confidence that aliens exist and that UFOs from other worlds exist. Whether they are all manned, who knows, I doubt it. But my point is that if this were a case and I was on the jury I would find it difficult to not come to the conclusion I have.
ritcH said:
I believe a conclusion can be made and with confidence that aliens exist and that UFOs from other worlds exist.

And I agree but they haven't been here yet and are very unlikely to come here.

I used to think like you. If 99.99999% of all sightings were explained it still leaves some that aren't and therefore they must be aliens. I now think they just are explained yet.

If we take every alien sighting and every UFO sighting and pin all the pictures up on a wall there will probably be about 5000 different shaped craft and at least 1000 alien shapes. It would be like the bar scene from Star Wars and must also mean that Earth is the Little Chef of the Universe. Every alien in every type of craft must be stopping off to fill up with cattle or whatever they take from up our bottoms.

After over 50 years of constant UFO witness accounts its only recently that all (most) aliens that are now seen are Greys. Perhaps over the next 50 years witnesses will also agree on the car they drive.
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