An Audience With...the Pope

I agree. Bored of the media circus now. The parents were incompetent idiots for leaving them alone. There is simply no excuse. I dont care how safe they thought the area is! I think my neighbourhood is very safe as well but I wouldn't pop down the local and leave the kids alone. The whole thing about meeting the pope is just beyond madness.
Clinkz said:
'You killed your daughter with your incompetence, now get the **** out.'

Thats what the pope should say

I honestly don't think she is dead. A blonde haired young girl would be highly valued in some parts of the world. Like Ben Needham before her, I suspect she will grow up with a new wealthy family somewhere in the world.

Rob H
Super Tigers said:
I honestly don't think she is dead. A blonde haired young girl would be highly valued in some parts of the world. Like Ben Needham before her, I suspect she will grow up with a new wealthy family somewhere in the world.

Rob H

Well that's ok then, lucky her! Seriously with all this media attention you think she's going to be quietly brought up somewhere else in the world? She's been abused and murdered or she's alive, kept captive and being abused.
platypus said:
This has descended past lunacy now.

Because the media are following it still or simply because they're going to see the Pope?

Don't get me wrong, the media are spinning it beyond all belief, but it sells, simple as. However I don't blame them going to see the Pope, or any publicity drive they've done so far.

When your 4 year old daughter is missing, what do you do? Sit at home by the phone waiting, or get up, go out there and raise all hell and high water in the hopes of finding her? I know what I'd be doing.
I hope she is ok, but I can't help thinking that whoever took her probably disposed of her due to the huge media frenzy. And what on Earth is meeting the Pope going to do? I appreciate that they have lost a child and want to do all they can, but I think they need guidance to focus their energy more productively.

The cynic in me also thinks that her parents will be set for life with the charities, foundations, books, TV appearances and so on that will ensue. That is of course if the media doesn't turn on them if the worst happens.

Anybody remember the parents of Leah Betts?
iCraig said:
Because the media are following it still or simply because they're going to see the Pope?

Don't get me wrong, the media are spinning it beyond all belief, but it sells, simple as. However I don't blame them going to see the Pope, or any publicity drive they've done so far.

When your 4 year old daughter is missing, what do you do? Sit at home by the phone waiting, or get up, go out there and raise all hell and high water in the hopes of finding her? I know what I'd be doing.

No matter what led to Maddy's kidnap it is about the worst thing that can happen to loving parents, and Maddy, by a very long way. Do what ever keeps you going I say to the McCanns. If others dont want to read it then dont.
Super Tigers said:
I wonder if they have got an agent yet? I wonder Max Clifford has offered his services as a consultant?

Rob H

would be viewed as a waste of money by them, they are getting enough media coverage and attention from wealthy people they dont need to pay an agent to hunt down the money

and the fact this couple are profiting and becoming "uk style" celebs for something which is fundamentally their fault is beyond a joke

i cant wait for karma to come and **** on them from a great height tbh
FFS, how many kids right now are missing around the UK? How many of them have gathered as much publicity and attention as this one case? The british media love to pin the blame on others, and in this case another country is to be blamed when really it is the stupid parents fault. And before I hear all this 'but they don't deserve this' etc etc, I agree, but I'm already sick to death of hearing about this one case over and over and over again on the radio, internet and tv.
quoted from the link "The pair's twins, Sean and Amelie, have been left in the care of relatives. "

So off they go again leaving their kids, look after your own kids you idiots.
Linoge said:
FFS, how many kids right now are missing around the UK? How many of them have gathered as much publicity and attention as this one case?

Only one so far had caused concern, due to the amount of time he went missing. Fortunately he was found safe and well.

Tell you how many kids right now are missing? Plenty.
How many will turn up safely within the next 24 hours, long before the police begin to do anything? Probably all of them.
How many kids in the UK have been abducted right now? I'd guess at none.
TC1 said:
What do they expect from the Pope? Gee....

The Pope has... powers.


I can imagine that these people are very sad, but this case has got so much publicity it is strange.

I'm not sure whether the child is dead or alive, but wouldn't one expect that whoever has this child has only made their security higher on them now that they know the whole world is looking for them?

The bad bit (for the parents) will be when the whole thing dies down (if they haven't found the child) as they will just keep looking forever, and the money coming from everywhere will stop.

It is a sad case though.

Angus Higgins
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