An Audience With...the Pope

bringerofdecay said:
pitt is an idiot, im pretty sure cholera is a bigger problem then diarrhea :p
Ok but I think the point is that people in developed countries get diahrrhoea (god I still cant spell it) but they dont die from it. Its a pretty pointless thing to die of really.
knip said:
Ok but I think the point is that people in developed countries get diahrrhoea (god I still cant spell it) but they dont die from it. Its a pretty pointless thing to die of really.

"people are crapping themselves silly after a friday night p*ss up and kebab" is what he sould have said :p

and yeah, can you imagine dying in a pool of slurrey, much better ways to go :D
bringerofdecay said:
"people are crapping themselves silly after a friday night p*ss up and kebab" is what he sould have said :p

and yeah, can you imagine dying in a pool of slurrey, much better ways to go :D
Shush this is a thread about Madeline McCann, we'll have people jumping on our heads. :D
knip said:
Shush this is a thread about Madeline McCann, we'll have people jumping on our heads. :D

dont give a diahrrea, she's 99% dead and i dont care, the parents should be locked up and their other children taken away for being such selfish faggots

just my opinion
sniffy said:
This meeting with the pope is a bit over the top. Well the situation in general is. Maybe I'm just an old fart but I think a lot more important things are happening in the world at the moment
There's a hell of a lot more important things going on in the world. Soldiers dying for our country and some madman's failed crusade in the middle east don't get this kind of coverage. It's absolutely sickening.
bringerofdecay said:
dont give a diahrrea, she's 99% dead and i dont care, the parents should be locked up and their other children taken away for being such selfish faggots

just my opinion
Hey im with you on this, and im relieved to see that this thread is in agreement mainly. In fact I might move in here, I dont think there are any newspapers or news reports in here, so I think we're safe.
knip said:
Hey im with you on this, and im relieved to see that this thread is in agreement mainly. In fact I might move in here, I dont think there are any newspapers or news reports in here, so I think we're safe.

just dont go in SC and i think were safe :p
its got to the point now where all I can compare it to is Little Timmy down the well on the simpsons

expect a celebrity charity record any day now.........
Meeting the Pope is potentially hugely important to what we are trying to achieve as a family

so what is that exactly? finding them? or becoming famous worldwide? :o :confused:

Dont get me wrong, I want them to find her..but still!
iCraig said:
They came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist.
They came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Catholic.
They came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak up for me.
OT: Does that mean there are only catholic, jews and communists in the world? :p
Booner! said:
so what is that exactly? finding them? or becoming famous worldwide? :o :confused:

Dont get me wrong, I want them to find her..but still!
Hey I got a better one from todays paper, (please dont kill me for reading it!)

Gerry admitted he was nervous about meeting the pope but said the move would take the family's campaign to find Maddie to "a stratospheric level"

knip said:
Hey I got a better one from todays paper, (please dont kill me for reading it!)

Gerry admitted he was nervous about meeting the pope but said the move would take the family's campaign to find Maddie to "a stratospheric level"

Haha, quality.
Heres me expecting to get flamed into the stone age for my comments but everyones agreeing with me, wow, just goes to show how crazy this has all become.

I think the problem is no one has the bottle to say what they truly believe like i did cause they feared the backlash. Almost everyone knows that its out of hand and only one writer for the Guardian newspaper has openly said that the coverage is over the top.

Like vibez said, i used to watch the news every day, but i havent for the past month.
Stopped at the local shop this morning for my smokes and noticed that you can now buy a Maddy band. How in hell will buying a piece of rubber to put around your wrist help at all? Luckily there was no around when I shouted at the giant advert :D
sniffy said: - 5 Britons abducted from the finance ministry in Iraq. Unless it's a Shiite group, the videos of their beheadings will probably be on the net shortly...

i like the way you used the double "i" to get round OCUK's family friendly word checker.

Better watch or you'll have to do this **i*** leaving us to guess the word :p

As for maddy at the start I was horrorfied then annoyed at the parents but now I feel sorry for them (I'm one step ahead of the nation it seems).

The girl is 4 now. My niece is 4 and I was with her this weekend. I can't imagine anyone taking her and how I'd feel

Would I do what the McCann's were doing. Damned right I would!!!

Thought the Mastercard "joke" a bit tasteless. That being said who would want a blow up reminder during your holidays. I'm sure people who prebooked are scanning their cancellation policies right now for get out clauses which mean they don't have to be depressed all week on holiday in that resort.
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