OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

15 Oct 2006
You have some muscle definition, but as I suspected still look a little "soft" - you don't look like you're lugging around over 16st but fair play to you if you do. You need some more distance/all over body shots to really make a fair call though - you look slim and lean, but not as though you have much "mass", certainly from your back shot you do look quite slight. However it could just be bad pics. There's definitely muscle definition and muscle there and definitely a good base to work on, I'm just surprised by your bodyweight. Get some better shots up!

Yeah well I am still a bit soft but im only starting to cut lol. And yeah I know lats are lagging, trying to build it up it's just a nightmare, and yeah I've only been doing this for like 2 years, and yes I was one of those ones who when started just worked chest a lot, never much emphasis on back etc as I wasn't clued up. I am quite slim, and lean as you say but im still holding more bodyfat than I would want to be. What you mean by slight?. And yeah my bodyweight is suprising but weighed a week ago and it was on 16 stone, can prove it with taking a pic ha. My legs aren't massive but they are decent tbh, I've got quite big calfs, and quads are decent. Thats because I am SK07 ;).
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Yeah well I am still a bit soft but im only starting to cut lol. And yeah I know lats are lagging, trying to build it up it's just a nightmare, and yeah I've only been doing this for like 2 years, and yes I was one of those ones who when started just worked chest a lot, never much emphasis on back etc as I wasn't clued up. I am quite slim, and lean as you say but im still holding more bodyfat than I would want to be. What you mean by slight?. And yeah my bodyweight is suprising but weighed a week ago and it was on 16 stone, can prove it with taking a pic ha. My legs aren't massive but they are decent tbh, I've got quite big calfs, and quads are decent. Thats because I am SK07 ;).

When I meant "slight" I mean you have a small frame and you were less than 14st less than a year ago, you haven't changed much either and I very much doubt you're 16st - even if you are, you've got a lot of work to do to fill out. Thanks for admitting your second account.
2 Jan 2009
So I was bragging last week about my progress in the past 7 months of going to the gym, thought I should share some pictures.:D
So, august 2008, before stepping in a gym:

Started in October, but took 2 months off for Christmas and Easter while going home.
height: 1.89 cm
weight 92kg to 102kg.
Everything measured cold:
arms: from 14.2" to 16.5"
chest: from 42" to 46"
legs: from 24.5" to 27"
waist: didn't measure but 3-4 less notches on the belt so I'd assume I've lost around 2 inches.

Obviously everything wasn't perfect at first, used to jump over legs training a lot, or missed essential exercises in my routine, but I've learned a lot and know a lot more now. And from march till mid May was always busy/tired on Fridays for legs day and barely struggled to maintain the weights.
Calves only grew like half an inch, I've increased the weights a lot, but only recently started hitting them with big volume as well.

Picture of quads is a bit old, but they look the same now so didn't bother to take another one.
Anw, rest of the pics:

17 May 2009


EDIT: Ignore the terrible tan. :p
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15 Nov 2008
Don't know how to thumbnail so here are some links:



Will take proper pics of my arms etc tomorrow.

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 154lb, although I probably lost about 5lb of that running around playing 5-a-side!
Training: Not much to speak of really: pullups, weekly football, cycling, situps.

I think I'm doing reasonably well considering my bird boned build and asiatic heritage, though obviously a long way off from my goals. I'd like improve definition and gain some lean mass before my wedding in September, at least.

My legs are great at the moment and I couldn't figure out a satisfactory way to take a pic of them, but I've not been neglecting them.
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5 Nov 2004
West Midlands
Archaeopteryx - Age? Height? Time training? Goals?

naknakkus - Looking ok mate but if you aren't even lifting weights then how are you going to gain anything never mind definition and lean mass before September?
And please post a pic of your legs, as I'm finding it a little hard to beleive they are great at 150lbs and no weight training :)
15 Nov 2008
Thanks, dun.

I'll get a pic of my legs soon. By "great " I meant they don't get tired when I'm doing cardio activity, rather than size wise.

I was intending on doing just the same kind of thing as I'm doing now, but I realise that won't really cut it as pullups probably won't do much for my torso etc.

I don't have the money for the gym at the moment (saving up for September, seems like my whole life is centred on that stuff right now!) but it's a consideration for next year as I get half price through my work at a gym nearby. I could probably scrounge enough money for a set of weights, though*.

I'm a blank slate, does anyone feel like taking me on as a project?:D

*I have a a 20kg set of dumbells but I've been pretty bad about using them. Now is the time to start, I suppose.
17 May 2009
Archaeopteryx - Age? Height? Time training? Goals?

Twenty and somewhere around 6'3". I've been following Gordy's guide and a similar one from another forum since early April. I did prat around with weights for a few months before that but I had no idea what I was doing. My goal right now is to bulk up as much as I can manage and see how things go from there.
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