OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

been training almost 2 years now (including those several months of newbie training and learning the ropes). 75kg body weight, 5'11, 20 years of age.

Used to be skinny but high in body fat. My body destroys calories like it's going out of fashion (the amount of people that think i have worms is unreal), so being at university and on a budget makes it difficult to eat 3000~ calories a day. I started off for months on rippetoe's SS and now i switch between that program and a 4 day split routine every month.

Hit a plateau a few months ago and can't get higher than these stats:

Deadlift: 120kg 1RM
Squat: 105kg 1RM
Bench: 77.5kg 1RM
My fingers okay to lift weights with now so i'm back in the game and feeling great for it. 2-3 weeks and i was feeling generally down. Just done some weights now and feel great, back to building up and eating a load of food now :D
LOW bodyfat mate, perhaps detrimentally so if you are trying to get bigger. What height and weight are you currently?
Any less body fat and you will start looking like an ethiopian in a summer drought!
TBH...from the first pic Id say you bodyfat was low enough...and Id be going for clean bulk to look bigger. Start eating like man! Nice abs though.
I'm 20 years old, 5'6" and at that last photo about 116lbs so very light. I'd have guessed that last photo was at about 8% body fat but i can't be quite sure as i hold most of my fat on my lower back. I'd like to stay around 10-12% throughout the bulk which is why i'm considering carb cycling. At the same time however i'm getting sick of not being able to eat out etc and don't know how strict i want to keep it considering i've already been on holiday so have no real target goal other than to get big by christmas and then get lean for next summer.
1/2" taller than me...so basically the same height...but im 172 lbs :eek: Your getting me worried im overweight now.
1/2" taller than me...so basically the same height...but im 172 lbs :eek: Your getting me worried im overweight now.

toxic you must be a monster to way that much at your height :D I'm 6ft 2" and weigh 162 lb atm, by no means am i big but I look on the bulkier side of thin.
That link doesn't work if you don't have nancy small pages :p But I remember Toxic looking tonk and in good shape.
Right now I'm 190-191lbs at 6ft but very rarely feel even normal size nevermind big so don't worry about that.
Qeffects Don't let being shorter have any impact on how big you want to be. The guy I train with is 5'6-5'7 at most and is over 205 lean currently.
Time to grace you all with an update.
(http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=14062939&postcount=927) about 2months ago?

After returning home from Uni i've found my bodyfat has been a little up and down. Trying to clean bulk, whilst not in full control of my diet, I find difficult, with temptations lying around I wouldn't normally have at Uni! Plus working 8 hours a day sat on my arse 5 days a week, eliminated the walk up steep hill to the workshops and back every day. However I am not phased!

Just started GVT, completed the first of 3 sessions in my second week today, and it's absolutley agonising, but I love it and as grueling as it is, it makes a nice change! The addition of standing military press has added much more size and shape to my shoulders. Anyway, here we are, hovering around 90KG. Abs are visible sometimes, in better light yadda yadda yadda, but not really fussed by them, they are there I assure you!

Taken 20 minutes after a session, so fairly pumped, but not tensed.



Back shots taken from a slightly lower angle as my brother was eating his dinner and refused to get up!

Lat spread, lower lats need a bit of work I think


(Not the best angle as tops of shoulders and bicep peak can't really be seen very well, shoulders weren't pushed far enough back to show proper shape either, bahh:()

Was working hard on my traps too before I began GVT


No arm or proper shoulder shots i'm affraid! some up soon. No legs either as not leg day yet!

All comments welcome!
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Coming along nicely mate - a lot more thickness in the upper back. :) Lower back and lats as you say need a bit more but you should be happy.

You have strong shoulders, but lots and lots of slow controlled and agonising lateral raises would really help add some shape to them.

how are your legs coming along?

How tall are you again?
Benny you mention 'steep hill' do you go to Lincoln Uni? (long shot I know)

If so do you know where there is a more Free weight orientated gym around there? Currently I use the uni gym and its a bit busy in the free weight section and they don't have a squat rack etc :(
Coming along nicely mate - a lot more thickness in the upper back. :) Lower back and lats as you say need a bit more but you should be happy.

You have strong shoulders, but lots and lots of slow controlled and agonising lateral raises would really help add some shape to them.

how are your legs coming along?

How tall are you again?

Thanks. Yeah my lower lats are there, but lack mass. The lower back is actually fairly solid, but covered by bodyfat, always room for improvement though :)

I've found, doing much more controlled reps to already be adding size. Currently aiming for a 6 second rep, split 2 positive 4 negative, or if i can't manage it in seconds, whatever time duration split like so.

Legs have never really seemed to grown much on paper/measurements however i've become more aware of them having less room in my trousers! Obviously on my lifts they are getting stronger, as extensions and curls have seen weight increases, as have deadlifts, but not so much on the squat, as I've been focusing on volume/mass. My quad separation isn't bad, but the main bulk of my leg is on the upper front of the thigh and on my hip flexors. I hate my calves, they seem in comparison to the rest of my body, tiny. Theyre quite defined, but lack any ooomph! Measured just now at 15 1/2" so they're not tiny, but deffinate room for improvement( I think I have more mass lower down near my ankle which makes my calf look smaller. Legs are in proportion, but could do with a good hammering when I get back to Uni, getting enough growth stimulation to not hinder my upperbody so they must be getting enough attention but they could do with some more. We'll let the pictures decide!

My height is around 5'10.

Will hopefully post some decent leg/shoulder pictures over the weekend.

Jonny L - Yup, be entering my third year in September. Did you go there? or currently there? Considering it?
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Definitely good progress made, no doubt about that. I hate pics as they never really give a true reflection - but still you're doing well! :)
Definitely good progress made, no doubt about that. I hate pics as they never really give a true reflection - but still you're doing well! :)

Thanks :) I agree, pictures aren't the best! Much better to see it in the flesh.
I think some post GVT workout summaries and gains/before after photo's should be in order, providing it works! I'll be happy with any gains, let alone the quoted!

How much are you hoping to put on? Or do you intend on using this extra mass to house some extra strength to edge toward the 600KG mark?
Yup hope to get to the 600kg mark, and tip the scales at 16st hopefully, whilst keeping my low BF that I have (around 13% at the moment). I worked out that if I accepted 15% BF I'd have a heck more size, but I like being relatively lean, but not too bothered about being cut up - you can see my abs, serratus and striations in the shoulders - it's enough for me. :)
Moved back to Sheffield, I've been on the 5x5 since last week and I'm enjoying the quick/hard workouts! I've joined a proper rocky style gym :D

Squatting 3 times a week is quite something!



The pic on the right is approx 1.5-2month ago, I've lost about 2% bodyfat since then. It's surreal, I can't believe how much my body's changed :)

Since my last measurements (6 weeks back) I've lost almost a inch off my arms! That's some major fat loss! This is whilst I've been enjoying my food and stopped cutting back on cals :cool:

I've started to bulk up as of last week and I'm finding it a wee bit more difficult than I imagined! I'm eating good food and testing the water over the next weeks increasing 6-700 cals a day.
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