OcUK Health Seekers: Post your progress pics

What do you mean? The UE thing?

If so then that is what I mean. In reality it doesn't matter what UE says or does he is just a man on the internet who is very easy to ignore as you have done in the past, why bring it up again?

Also not convinced UE is really a man :eek:
That's cool. Sit back, relax, and if somebody misinterprets something or bites at you, either explain or strata log in the Log sub-forum. :)

Well the majority of the hoo-har goes back to the last UE outburst that was unfounded (obviously not unfounded if you ask him) and that was somehow taken to be gospel.

I decided to stay away from here for a while and less than 10 posts since coming back and he's being a **** again. Yet I'm the one trolling? :\

What do you mean? The UE thing?

If so then that is what I mean. In reality it doesn't matter what UE says or does he is just a man on the internet who is very easy to ignore as you have done in the past, why bring it up again?

Also not convinced UE is really a man :eek:

Because people seem to think that what he posts is the truth and then say things like I'm lacking in motivation or that I've been training non-stop for many years with no progress.
No one is judging your character, they are judging the attitude with which you respond to criticism and/or suggestions on here. Obviously the two are different otherwise you wouldn't have got on with people at the meet.

UE gets away with "personal attacks" because frankly you are the only person who rises to what he says. No one else takes it seriously and then you go down the 'lol juicer idiot i blocked your posts' route which only makes things worse.

It's the unnecessary sarcastic **** like this and the last past of this (which wasn't even directed at your but somehow you make it so?) that irks people.

You don't need to explain everything, but you do ask questions that require more info than you usually give. How else can people help if you don't give all the info?

Anyway that's my 2p, take it or leave it.
Indeed? How is that even remotely sarcastic? :| I was agreeing with him!

And I was being sarcastic to you because you always seem to be posting sarcasm so I thought you could take it.

See what I mean about having to explain myself?
hey epic help thanks man looked at the shoulder stuff and did incline today, started with just the empty bar to practice the new position, felt weird and took a fair big of concentration to maintain it (shoulders naturally want to roll forward have to constantly keep it in mind)

slowly increased weight did 8x60kg on final set and felt could still go heavier but didn't want to push it as was getting a bit knackered :D

Improvement of 20+kg purely from better form, felt it right in my chest not my shoulders they felt good and solid and not painfully stressed like before :D

will see how i get on next Wednesday :D

It will feel a little odd for a few weeks, but eventually you'll convince your body it's the better position to be in. Keep working on the stretches until it sticks, and then you'll be able to feel when you need to do them again for maintenance.

Also, I wish I could add 50% to a lift by improving my form :(;)
yeah man was standing round for the rest of the session while my partner was doing his sets on stuff doing a little subconcious happy dance :D

only realised when i noticed the petty cardio bunny looking at me like i was a mentalist >.<
Also, I wish I could add 50% to a lift by improving my form :(;)

that's easy find a new lift and perform it like a retard, then do it properly :D

....hmm i could probably market this

"increase your lifts by 1000% in 12 weeks" :D

"week one lie on bench and attempt to press bar up with your face*
that's easy find a new lift and perform it like a retard, then do it properly :D

....hmm i could probably market this

"increase your lifts by 1000% in 12 weeks" :D

"week one lie on bench and attempt to press bar up with your face*

Literally loled :D.

Also I believe the cardio bunny was giving you the sex eyes when she was miron your gainz ;).
Literally loled :D.

Also I believe the cardio bunny was giving you the sex eyes when she was miron your gainz ;).

hehehe I doubt it :p

gotta admit though hardest part of doing it going back to just the bar and practicing, tuning out the stupid looks people give you for just using the bar is surprisingly hard. Stupid ego :mad:

Still handing over the bench some some smug little spice boy git who was smirking while i was using only the bar and seeing him have to take weight off to do it was worth it in the end :D
hehehe I doubt it :p

gotta admit though hardest part of doing it going back to just the bar and practicing, tuning out the stupid looks people give you for just using the bar is surprisingly hard. Stupid ego :mad:

Still handing over the bench some some smug little spice boy git who was smirking while i was using only the bar and seeing him have to take weight off to do it was worth it in the end :D

Aye, just ignore the looks mate. I warm up with the bar, so meh
Aye, just ignore the looks mate. I warm up with the bar, so meh

I thought you worked out with the bar ¬_¬

sorry :p

yeah you're right it is a case of just ignore them and get it ****ing right, that way you can gain and gain well rather than hitting stupid barriers like i had because of stupid ego saying "this is a light weight practice with this til lyou can do it"
I have a friend who benches over 200kg paused and he still uses the bar. It's the done thing.

I had a guy ask to work in on monday when I was going for a new 1RM. I'd just done a set but loaded the bar in advance of the next but he decided to jump straight in at 110kg. He did it so fair play to him but it was very strange.
aye there's a guy who does 140kg bench for reps and he is the only pother person i;ve actually seen use the bar alone.

Not really a major meat head gym though, there's a few but most are "mens health" style monkeys with smug attitudes.

Ah well **** em, if all else fails i'll hit them with the bloody thing :p
what you doing on ohp now?

I've looked at doing it, done it with the bar, but i think from the low ceiling above the rack if i do it with anything wider than a 10 plate it will hit the ceiling, not that i think that will be an issue given how many 10 plates you can fit on an Olympic bar though :p
Not tried an rm or anything. working set is about 30, depends how many reps I'm after. Need to watch my lower back when I do them as well.

Only been doing them recently really, could do much major shoulder work due to issues there...Slowly but surely
Started cutting diet last Monday, lost 10lb diet only no CV. Will aim for 10% body fat, have a look at my symmetry then look if there are any Body building shows close then cut from there, if my Roto-cuff op in two weeks time goes to plan that is.


Six trays a day every 3 hours and at least 5 litres of water, Prep every 2 days cook 2 chickens and a kilo of frozen broccoli make up twelve or so trays. Use hot Nando`s sauce to stop them getting boring. Total cost works out at £5 a day.


Looking at shifting at least 2 to 3 stone. 15 stone 6 lbs now
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