Supplements the debate/discussion thread

No, hydrolysed is as good as it gets, which is why it's so expensive. It's basically pre digested, so is absorbed by the body so much quicker, even than isolate. It's why it's perfect for in post workout shakes
UE how you getting on with Hydrolysed Whey Protein? I'm tempted to get some to put together the ultimate post workout shake (CBL style).

Whey Isolate 15-20 g
High-GI Carb 20-40 g
Casein (intact) 10-15g
Hydrolysate(Whey, Casein or Both) 10-15 g
Leucine 3 g
Creatine 5 g
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CNP Pro Recover is fantastic, people moan at me because it's apparently overpriced and the equivalent on MP is far cheaper (which is rubbish by the way), so if you can afford £60, go for it. Will last you 2+ months if you're training no more than 3-4 times a week.

And before someone chimes in with the MP equivalent argument, try buying hydrolysed whey from MP, it's £60 for 2.5kg!! So buy another 1kg on top of that, that's £80. Then you have to buy the Dextrose as well. So it's far from cheaper
Bad, they're just filled with sugar and simple carbs to bump the calories

Erm.... 'isn't Pro Recover 60% sugar? :p
I heard it's 58% sugar, but I can't be sure as only 72% of the people I asked were 90% sure. I'll check my book of statistics after my download has finished, currently on 32%

But in all seriousness, yes it has sugar, but thats a bit different. That's meant post workout when your body needs simple carbs and sugars, weight gainers are meant to be taken any time during the day. I certainly wouldn't take Pro Recover any other time than post workout, so why would I want to take a mass gainer for lunch?
I heard it's 58% sugar, but I can't be sure as only 72% of the people I asked were 90% sure. I'll check my book of statistics after my download has finished, currently on 32%
No need for all that effort mate, the ingredients list reads Glucose as the only source of carbs and there's 60g of sugars per every 100g.

Quality product :D

The only thing Pro Recover has going for it is it has Rhodiola Rosea in it but you don't want to be taking that after 5pm, trust me!

... sorry I'm just on the wind up, I don't buy into all that hydrolyzed, Isolate, particle atom BS but if it works for you. :)
Anybody ever try craze? Wanted to try jack3d however heard its been nerfed now and is pants :(

I got some Craze, i find it doesn't really work for me, 2 scoops and im not really noticing much. Jack3d for me was the king, need to try another pre workout next time
No need for all that effort mate, the ingredients list reads Glucose as the only source of carbs and there's 60g of sugars per every 100g.

I don't know what you expect from a post workout? :D Where do you want your carbs to come from? Do you expect to scoop out a sweet potato from the bag, coated in a rice and oat jus?

The argument was against a weight gainer, which is effectively a meal replacement, being made up of mostly sugar and simple carbs, which isn't ideal.

The only thing Pro Recover has going for it is it has Rhodiola Rosea in it but you don't want to be taking that after 5pm, trust me!

How come?

... sorry I'm just on the wind up, I don't buy into all that hydrolyzed, Isolate, particle atom BS but if it works for you. :)

It's hardly BS though if you look at how the body digests stuff and the way in which each of those wheys you listed is made and processed :p
All this PWO magic window is a marketing gimmick. Over the course of 24 hours after a workout does it really make any difference what protein you use? or if the amino's get into your boodstream 13.45 mins quicker? Maybe if you're a huge 300lb juiced up pro bodybuilder when 0.5% can make a difference but for most people...?

Also there's arguements against highly processed proteins, are you 100% sure that expensive protein you're paying for is even good for you?
How come?
Rhodiola Rosea has a stimulant effect and will affect your sleep taking it late in the day. I didn't realize this at first and spent nearly 2 months having restless nights doh! If it's not doing then it's poor quality and you don't need to worry. Rhodiola Rosea is arguably my No.1 rated supplement, it's fantastic and some of the side effects are a bonus.

Lets just say taking 500mg an hour before bed will have the missus making you breakfast in bed and calling you stallion baby! ;):D
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