Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Stupid Offer... Trying to think of something to buy now! I guess I could get more BCAA and Leucine (as its in the price beater). Still got like 6kg+ of protein left as I rarely need to use it now.

Anyone think of anything of use from MP while the offer is on? :p
UE how you getting on with Hydrolysed Whey Protein? I'm tempted to get some to put together the ultimate post workout shake (CBL style).

Whey Isolate 15-20 g
High-GI Carb 20-40 g
Casein (intact) 10-15g
Hydrolysate(Whey, Casein or Both) 10-15 g
Leucine 3 g
Creatine 5 g

I missed this post. Hydro tastes like hell but recovery seems good i havent had a real go yet though kicking off high volume high intensity program this yr which will push recovery. I'll check back after
What dosage do you take on a day? 600mg a day?
You can start at 250mg but I usually take 500mg, though that is quite a lot I wouldn't take more.

Best taken on empty stomach, I take first thing in the morning. Works well when using Intermittent Fasting.
Can you use it on coconut oil?
This. Awesome stuff, I don't cook in anything else :)

Quite possibly one of the healthiest single changes you can make to your diet imho.
Agreed with this earlier, but have to quote again for truth.

Even at 45g dose ("experienced" dose is 17g), I feel almost nothing except a slight "pump". I'm only 57kg BW too!
Then there's something wrong with you if you can't feel anything from 400mg of caffeine at that bodyweight lol! :D

I think the Pulse is quite good to help you focus, it's not a pump product. Not worth the money though I agree. I prefer to have a strong coffee and take N Acetyl L Tyrosine and ALCAR seperately :)
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What are peoples thoughts on fat burners, l-carnitine in particular?
Carnitine on it's own I wouldn't bother with. I use ALCAR (Acetyl L-Carnitine) and I think it's worth using.

You need to take it for months though, so just buying a tub of 90 caps of Carnitine for example is a waste of money. You can buy ALCAR from Myprotein at the moment for a good discount using the pricematcher and 25% discount code.
I must be doing something wrong then.
Login. Price Match. Iron Science. Add to basket. Checkout. FUEL2013

Ah ok I've just had a play around to see what's wrong and I've sussed it :)

I've got 10 items in my basket 9 of them are pricematched and the only thing that isn't is liquid chalk. The 25% off code works for all 10 items, knocking £40 off the price.

If I delete the liquid chalk so every single item is pricematched then the code doesn't work. So you need to add something else to the basket. I'd suggest a small plastic scoop?
What are peoples thoughts on fat burners, l-carnitine in particular?

From looking about it seems they're useful when you're lean to the point where only stubborn fat stores remain but you probably don't need them otherwise, especially if you've not gotten your body to a low fat % before and don't know how it deals with it on it's own (some people find it harder to get down to a certain % than others) - it might not even be necessary.

Also a lot of the recommended ones I've read about are banned in the EU as well, since they contain alpha-yohimbine but are freely sold in the states, despite most people find it easier on the body than regular yohimbine.
L-carnitine would appear to be a precursor to pyruvate dehydrogenase (yeah...).

As such, it's role is to assist in recovering the output of glycolysis Via aerobic means, but is limited via the concentration of ATP. Certain papers appear to suggest 'administering' it prior to hardcore cycling increased the concentration of pyruvate dehyd. in the working muscles.

Which - to me- suggests that this only gets going through aerobic recovery of muscles (if there is any effect at all). So you're going to have to drop creatine supplementation (to prevent buffering of ATP) and engage in endurance activity to get carnitine to have an effect. And even then, it doesn't appear to have any direct effect on fat burning.

Also, to have any increase in people with healthy diets and engaged in training, supplementation does not increase muscle concentrations of carnitine... So I would not bother.
All this PWO magic window is a marketing gimmick. Over the course of 24 hours after a workout does it really make any difference what protein you use? or if the amino's get into your boodstream 13.45 mins quicker? Maybe if you're a huge 300lb juiced up pro bodybuilder when 0.5% can make a difference but for most people...?

Also there's arguements against highly processed proteins, are you 100% sure that expensive protein you're paying for is even good for you?

Rhodiola Rosea has a stimulant effect and will affect your sleep taking it late in the day. I didn't realize this at first and spent nearly 2 months having restless nights doh! If it's not doing then it's poor quality and you don't need to worry. Rhodiola Rosea is arguably my No.1 rated supplement, it's fantastic and some of the side effects are a bonus.

Lets just say taking 500mg an hour before bed will have the missus making you breakfast in bed and calling you stallion baby! ;):D

Couldn't agree more - but people have blinkers on and listen to the broscience.
Just a couple of exerts from CBL book that may be interesting to read. I'm not saying it's gospel, but it's does suggest they have their uses.

At least the benefits out-weigh the nasty taste. For example,
ingesting either whey or casein hydrolysate post training
substantially enhance post-training muscle protein synthesis and
decrease muscle protein breakdown.

NOTE: Supplementing with hydrolysates
blocks the catabolic, protein-burning effects of
resistance training while potentially doubling the
growth over intact proteins

Ingesting hydrolysates, particularly casein and whey, rapidly
increases free amino acid and insulin levels. Hydrolysates absorb
through the intestinal wall faster than individual amino acids while
not interfering with their absorption. An independent transport
mechanism for the di- and tripeptides contained in hydrolysates
moves these short peptides rapidly through the gut wall.
FF you may like isolate for it's additional benefits.
Other advantages to whey isolate besides hypertrophy exist that
modern nutrition experts ignore or are ignorant of. For one, whey
isolate is particularly effective at alleviating and preventing
oxidative damage.
It works by increasing levels of an amino acid called glutathione,
which fuels the main anti-oxidant machinery of the cells in the
body. Eating fruits and vegetables pales in comparison to the
glutathione mechanism. Glutathione also helps recycle other antioxidants
like vitamin C and vitamin E, decreasing the need for these
The two systems differ wildly. Anti-oxidants of the fruit-and-veggie
type float around the blood stream and might bump into a freeradical,
neutralize it and prevent it from doing damage. Even with
massive amounts of blood-born anti-oxidants, it's still a crap-shoot
as to whether free radicals get nullified. The glutathione-driven
system, however, works within each cell, so cells neutralize the
free-radical, thus preventing an attack. It's no longer random chance
if the reactive-oxidative agent gets neutralized—it does.
Originally Posted by Chong Warrior
All this PWO magic window is a marketing gimmick. Over the course of 24 hours after a workout does it really make any difference what protein you use? or if the amino's get into your boodstream 13.45 mins quicker? Maybe if you're a huge 300lb juiced up pro bodybuilder when 0.5% can make a difference but for most people...?

Also there's arguements against highly processed proteins, are you 100% sure that expensive protein you're paying for is even good for you?

Rhodiola Rosea has a stimulant effect and will affect your sleep taking it late in the day. I didn't realize this at first and spent nearly 2 months having restless nights doh! If it's not doing then it's poor quality and you don't need to worry. Rhodiola Rosea is arguably my No.1 rated supplement, it's fantastic and some of the side effects are a bonus.

Lets just say taking 500mg an hour before bed will have the missus making you breakfast in bed and calling you stallion baby! ;):D

I agree also...standard protein...try and keep a decent diet and train hard>. Keep it simple is what works for me.

Interesting point about the RR. Ive never taken before but might try it soon hearing u say this :)
I use daily 10g glutamine + vit c in the morning pre food (youll probably know that thing) to try boost HGH levels to help with injuries/recovery etc. This give me the exact same effect for some reason :) Its pretty mental sometimes actually but can be really annoying if you just want a Who needs the blue pills..Just get some Glutamine!
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