Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 2nd June 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 2nd June 2006

Current Team Position: 48th
Current Team Score: 15,359,643
Crunched This Week: 223,561
Change from Last Week: -51,043

Next on the stomping horizon

43 MacAddict4Life - 241 days (+77)
47 Linux - 35 days (+7)

Teams stomped this week


Ones to keep an eye on :eek:

56 TSC! Russia - 20 days (-6)

This Week's Top Dumpers

1 . sculptor(OcUK) - 20,459
2 . Bigstan - 8,448
3 . Walter_Anderson - 7,984
4 . Ricko - 7,915
5 . BigDom - 7,286
6 . hornytoe - 7,105
7 . Appleby - 6,961
8 . verbal - 6,056
9 . polandro - 5,947
10 . Whitestar (LigerZero) - 5,827
11 . Steevo38_(OcUK) - 5,444
12 . Prescott28 - 5,400
13 . MajorPart - 5,366
14 . DarkendViper - 5,299
15 . BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 4,726
16 . vent - 4,541
17 . lightning512 - 4,506
18 . Dunc - 4,474
19 . kinnison - 4,387
20 . Huddy - 4,373
21 . dr.who - 4,064
22 . piggott - 4,046
23 . _Berserker_ - 3,648
24 . br - 3,533
25 . duggyruss - 3,416
26 . rich99million - 3,364
27 . aXeR - 3,125
28 . froggy - 3,072
29 . Concorde_Rules - 3,058
30 . the_running_man21 - 2,837
31 . Ken - 2,514
32 . A_N_Other - 2,391
33 . Corran - 2,239
34 . sr4470 - 2,203
35 . Trick - 1,840
36 . OcUKWildweasel - 1,735
37 . RobOC - 1,721
38 . penfold - 1,649
39 . Hominid - 1,622
40 . Sammael(OcUK) - 1,450
41 . FatRakoon - 1,410
42 . MetalGuru - 1,258
43 . casale - 1,235
44 . Elston - 1,226
45 . Mattus - 1,211
46 . Neil - 1,177
47 . Joe42 - 1,174
48 . Rincin - 1,134
49 . diogenese - 1,092
50 . cheets64 - 1,084
51 . TheTross - 1,061
52 . GT3 - 1,051
53 . 2bullish - 992

Single Machine Crunchers League

Colour Key: MultiCore/MultiCPU, SingleCore, Unclarified

1 . Dunc - 4,474
2 . Concorde_Rules - 3,058
3 . Corran - 2,239
4 . sr4470 - 2,203
5 . RobOC - 1,721
6 . Rincin - 1,134
7 . TheTross - 1,061
8 . slamma06 - 883
9 . SB - 849
10 . nellystew - 785
11 . Pilgrim57 - 770
12 . pmbuzz - 707
13 . divinemadness - 657
14 . Zirax - 634
15 . The_Ohio_Psycho - 534
16 . Bennah - 436
17 . benjo1989 - 426
18 . MrWhippy - 406
19 . slamma07 - 359
20 . TinkerBell - 226
21 . Euphoriabuzz - 0
21 . killer_uk - 0
21 . m4cc45 - 0
21 . Napalm - 0
21 . OcUKIsotope - 0
21 . Stelly - 0
21 . Zip - 0

This Week's Top Stompers

Unforgiven - 171
Rojin - 140
br - 68
Bunjiquo - 52
benjo1989 - 48
verbal - 48
Bungle_Bear - 43
divinemadness - 37
lordganesh - 31
The_Second_Cookie - 25
Appleby - 21
slamma07 - 19
2bullish - 11
White_Fang - 11
Corran - 10
FatRakoon - 10
slamma06 - 10
lightning512 - 9
jidh007 - 8
penfold - 8
RobOC - 8
Elston - 6
Neil - 6
SB - 6
SquAmy - 6
BigDom - 5
OcUKWildweasel - 5
Huddy - 4
JoeyJoJo(OcUK) - 4
oceaness - 4
GT3 - 3
the_running_man21 - 3
TheTross - 3
ThyFlame - 3
Zirax - 3
A_N_Other - 2
Acolyte - 2
DevilsGT2 - 2
DooMSireN - 2
nellystew - 2
piggott - 2
Rincin - 2
spring85195 - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

hornytoe - 400,000
kinnison - 225,000
dr.who - 140,000
vent - 120,000
Prescott28 - 90,000
MajorPart - 70,000
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 60,000
Gunda - 50,000
TheTross - 30,000
Appleby - 20,000
OcUKWildweasel - 20,000
verbal - 10,000
RobOC - 10,000
Elston - 7,500
br - 5,000
Bungle_Bear - 1,000
divinemadness - 1,000

This Week's New Members


A very warm foldy welcome to the nuthouse...

If you haven't done so already then why not check out the Folding@Home Setup Guide and the Quickie Guide for more foldy-tastic tips especially for when you're in a rush

Gone mowing... :p
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

***Only got one machine crunching? - Have a looky here***

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 17:25 May 26th and 17:45 June 2nd

Previous Weeks' News:
May 26th, May 19th, May 12th, May 5th, April 28th, April 21st, April 14th, April 7th, March 31st, March 24th, March 17th, March 10th, March 3rd, February 24th, February 17th, February 10th, February 3rd, January 27th, January 20th, January 13th, January 6th, December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th

Single Machine Crunchers:
benjo1989, Bennah, Concorde_Rules, Corran, divine_madness, Dunc, Euphoriabuzz, killer_uk, m4cc45, MrWhippy, Napalm, nellystew, OcUKIsotope, Pilgrim57, pmbuzz, Rincin, RobOC, SB, slamma06, slamma07, sr4470, Stelly, The_Ohio_Psycho, TinkerBell, Zip, Zirax ...
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BillytheImpaler said:
Time for an edit, Rich. The blurb under the stats is a holdover from last week. ;) :)
lol well spotted - I thought I must not have written anything last week but I was looking in the wrong place :o :p

Well certainly not that great a week for us but the Russians must have had a similar one as they only gained 6 days on us over the week (so they must have had a slightly worse week than we did compared to the week before)

Going to try out the new mower on the 2 foot tall jungle that is my garden :eek:
It was not a great week for The_Ohio_Psycho. In my zeal to overclock higher I went through and attempted to update all my chipset drivers, hoping to gain additional stability. I downloaded the freshest ones for i875 from Intel's web site. Bad move. :( Upon rebooting I discovered that some system-critical .dll was corrupt, I can't quite recall which. No matter, thought I, I'll just do a Windows repair installation. Bad move. :( The installer BSOD'd and upon reboot I discovered that it no longer detected any previous installations of Windows. :( :mad: I also discovered that it overwrote my bootloader, preventing me from accessing my other operating systems on other partitions. I could not go into Linux to recover my data.

I formatted the partition NTFS and reinstalled from scratch, thus destroying more than 3000 points worth of WUs that were all at more than 80% complete ( I had three massive ones and another mostly-massive one). Soon after booting to the Teletubby hill I remembered I'd need my chipset and NIC drivers CD to get anywhere with my PC-DL Deluxe. It was not to be found. I ended up tearing apart my house searching for it. In the end I emailed Amp32, a BOINC'er who set up a PCH-DL not too long ago. I had him image and upload a copy of his drivers CD to my FTP server. A few hours later, I was back crunching but I did manage to lose about 5 days in the process. :(

I hope next week's better. Thank you very much, Amp, you're a lifesaver.
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So you're hoping for a better week next week :p . How many points do you think it will churn out, I assume its gonna be on 24/7?
I'd very much like to break 2000 points. It would be utterly fantastic to take 2nd place behind Dunc but I don't see that happening.
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I am glad I'm not the only one that has days which are complete computing disasters Billy. One thing leading to another until you just want to give up, but never do! Glad to hear you've got it sorted.

Thanks for the stats Rich. I'm clinging on to my position at the top of our newfound singlecore list :D Still didn't manage to take a swipe at the bottom of the dualcores though :rolleyes: next week maybe. Don't slack you multi's cos I'll nab your spot.

Oh, and... yay. :D
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RobOC said:
I am glad I'm not the only one that has days which are complete computing disasters Billy. One thing leading to another until you just want to give up, but never do!
Im having a whole week like that!
Got exams so i haven't time to dismantle my opty and send various suspect parts to the other end of the country for some dubious northerner to say 'aye theres nowt wrong with it. Send it back'
Still got the 3200+ cruching and a sempron tho.

I have tweaked the quick guide a little, and i'm hoping we will get some new members as we seem to have had around 100 active for some time. No matter how many new people join the active members never seems to change...
Well I've given up finally on the ABIT UL8 mobo for my 3800x2.. one quit on me after only an hour, the next one I've got keeps crashing every few hours, unless I turn the multiplier down from x10 to x5, and even then I've had it crash on me once.
I've gone for an ABIT AV8 instead, which I got Friday, so far - cross fingers - it's performing well. I had it overclocked to 2160Mhz for a while while it did the povray benchmark (7'22"), the temp got a bit toasty, 74C , but no crashes or anything.
It's now folding happily on 2 Wu's, clocked at 2100Mhz and running at 60C. Getting about 220pps on the double gromacs one and 190pps on the GBgromacs. I guess there's no substitute for throwing a bit of money at a motherboard instead of trying to get a cheapo for 30 quid.. <sigh>

Oh, I tried installing windows XP 64, but it was a pile of poo, well it was no good! My ASDL modem wouldn't work, so I couldn't even go onto the net to see if there were updated drivers for it!
Mikey1280 said:
I agree, we need all the machines we can, get the mac out Concorde

It is out LOL.

Mac1 = Project: 2364 (Run 2, Clone 10, Gen 15) @ 586 Points - 2 days left
Mac2 = Project: 2393 (Run 0, Clone 26, Gen 6) @ 627 Points - 3 days left
PC1 = Project: 2392 (Run 2, Clone 18, Gen 10) @ 667 Points - 1 day left
PC2 = Project: 2362 (Run 0, Clone 18, Gen 8) @ 723 Points - 1 day 12 hours left

(Mac isnt on 23/7 so double the completion times....)

PC, each core is averaging 370PPD, problem is it has been crashing, I think its down to that rubbish that is starforce, removed and its all good :mad:

well the best thing to do would be to get yourself suspended again :rolleyes: :o

summertime is the overclocker's enemy - the mac teams always used to hold their ground a lot better then the oc teams :(
rich99million said:
summertime is the overclocker's enemy

Got that right. If my PC gets any more fans running in it I think my neighbours might complain lol. And my mobo temp readouts are drastically under reading, silly p4p800.

My adsl router is even overheating and that doesn't even crunch!
RobOC said:
Got that right. If my PC gets any more fans running in it I think my neighbours might complain lol.
my fans are on full now and it's not too bad, think I'm going to forget about overclocking this X2 till after the summer though as I remember last year was really bad - I'd much rather have a stable machine that can complete work than one which gets to 90% much faster and then crashes before resetting the WU back to 0% again :o

if this machine wasn't in the living room I might have been able to get away with another fan or two :p
rich99million said:
I'd much rather have a stable machine

Ya I go for that philosophy these days. Everytime I've tweaked something and then tried to push up the fsb on this any more it becomes unstable, which is annoying because it'd go up to 3400. I was wondering whether to try the mosfet cooling that there were some images floating around on here recently of. Not sure whether there are any real benefits to that though. This isn't the best motherboard in the world really, but it is probably just that my cpu won't go any further without dangerously volting it and I'm not willing to fry my chip over it. This'll do fine. :D
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