£10,000 And I Don't Want It!! Arrghhhh!

25 Feb 2010
Cash it mate.

If I was mega rich, I would do the same for my friends and would be disappointed if they refused.

He's just trying to inject a bit more happiness in your life. Don't let your pride get in your way. Cash it, do something good with the family like a nice expensive holiday and maybe email him some nice pics or the like.

It will make his day I promise you.

I tell you what though, for someone so educated and obviously very smart, his handwritings a bit ropey!

This, this and more this. If he makes £4000 a day, he would be more than happy to see you happy.

Send him lovely photos. and he will know that thats 10 grand well spent.

He wants to make you happy to make him happy at the end of the day.
27 Jan 2009
My head is still buzzing .... i don't need the money but i would LOVE the money lol ... if i cash it in then , then it's like i owe my old mate something back in return. I'm off to bed my head hurts .....
Man of Honour
2 Jan 2009
My head is still buzzing .... i don't need the money but i would LOVE the money lol ... if i cash it in then , then it's like i owe my old mate something back in return. I'm off to bed my head hurts .....

I'm assuming you're quite wealthy if you're happy to turn down £10,000.

As I said above, if you're not a fool, get it cashed.
14 Aug 2008
North Sea
My head is still buzzing .... i don't need the money but i would LOVE the money lol ... if i cash it in then , then it's like i owe my old mate something back in return. I'm off to bed my head hurts .....

He offered you the cheque, then insisted you take it. You don't owe him a damned thing, except perhaps the knowledge that it brought you and your family a bit of happiness. I'd suggest taking the family on a holiday, say Orlando, then send him a load of pics of you and your family enjoying the theme parks and so on. The knowledge that he brought you that kind of experience would probably make his day.
27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
I'd have tried to cash it before he finished writing it, and had an awkward moment when I had to come back to allow him to finish writing it out. :o

Is it wrong (and snobby) to wonder why someone whos earning nearly 1.5million a year banks with the yorkshire bank ?

No doubt has a business account elsewhere, I have 3 accounts and I earn **** all :p

Yorkshire bank, Santander(A&L then they turned crap under santander) and Halifax
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29 Aug 2005
Albert if he didn't want you to have the money he wouldn't of left it for you and if it wasn't a gift he would have said otherwise! If it makes you feel more comfortable about it why not cash it in and put it into savings for a while, that way you've cashed it and if the extremely unlikely situation occurs that he wants it back, you can just draw it back out of your savings account. Some people feel genuine happiness sharing their wealth with others, your friend is one of them enjoy the gift.
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