Using the term Superior is just marketing. All that freesync/g-sync does is help prevent tearing. There is no superiority for that. Also a larger market on console with disagree with you.
I know they ultimately achieve the same thing.
But I think Gsync is superior because with Gsync there is no confusion over things like Freesync and FreeSync 2. No confusion over what monitor supports which features of the Freesync standard and what it doesn't.
A Gsync certified monitor does everything that the standard says it should do which makes it very easy for the consumer.
You buy a Gsync certified monitor it will support the full Gsync standard.
I think in this regard Freesync still has work to do. A FreeSync certified monitor should support the full suite of the Freesync standard. Not leave the consumer to dig in to what parts of the FreeSync standard does this monitor support etc...
AMD tried to achieve this with FreeSync 2. It was meant to standardise the technology and a FreeSync 2 certified monitor would support the full FreeSync standard. But this was years ago and the waters are still muddy.