Well this is at least a step in the right direction Woodsta. At least this post actually contains something to debate rather than your usual posting style of nothing but insults at digs.
You throwing shade is not observational evidence, since you know nothing about me clearly. All you do is make false claims and throw insults questioning my character and motives etc.
So I decided to give you some of your own medicine, since I am not here representing AMD I'm just a regular user as I was before 2014. I asked for my name to be changed back to LtMatt because it gave the impression I was here repping AMD as a community manager on OcuK when that is not the case since May 2015. That's right, I left that position almost 7 years ago. But you wouldn't think that reading every single post you make about me here. This is the only time I'll talk about this here because it's no one else business but mine, however I just need to correct the false stuff you keep posting about me.
Happy to have a chat with you on mic 1-1 on Discord if you want to sort this out? Maybe you will be less confrontational there than on a forum.
Now to get to your actual points. I have no problem with you disagreeing with me, linked articles etc. Nor do I care if you believe Nexus is right and everyone else is wrong. But your posts are largely framed around insulting me. I can give you a dozen examples just by searching your name if needed. If you took out the insult part, there wouldn't be much left but we could at least debate something. A forum is place to talk and debate such things, is it not? If someone is only allowed to post/talk about something they own, this forum would be quite boring. I can understand if I
was posting this stuff in the 3080 owners thread and being off topic. That's not the case though, I've not made one post there. Remember when you jumped into the 6900 XT owners thread to insult me? I remember that and don't recall you owning a 6900 XT.
Regarding the techpress, the problem was very few of them used maximum settings with the HD texture pack. They either ran with HD Textures on, or HUB for example ran HD Textures on and only used the high preset and not Ultra. This issue was always 4K max settings. That was what the results from techpress I shared actually used. Also, these sites typically do 30 second benchmark runs, so it's not always representative of what a gamer might see if you play for longer periods of time. The two German sites that showed the issue (pcgameshardwarae and computerbase) ran longer testing sequences (still not long enough IMO ) and most importantly, they used true maximum settings. They both reported FPS drops to single digits as the GPU ran out of video memory. They reported the same on every GPU with less than 12GB too.
I have tried to get a 3080FE for a long time, but they are near impossible to get at RRP. I managed to get a 3090 at RRP so I settled on that. Not ideal and I'd have preferred a 3080 to test it myself, but this is all I was able to get. This is why I was keen to seek out other 3080 owners running Far Cry 6 at 4K max settings to see if the issue was reproducible. It was, three different users validated the tech press findings when using 4K max settings. I think that's sufficient evidence of one example where 10GB is not enough in FC6. I say this while still agreeing with your points about just lowering settings to get an optimal experience. However, if you do that then you won't see the single FPS drops that has long been debated. I hope that is clear now.
I've said this before in this thread, but it does not take anything away from a good GPU that is competitively priced. It's just one example and as I have said multiple times in most things it will be fine and will run out of grunt before VRAM. I don't see what is so controversial to admit that. If everyone admitted that, the thread would have only been a dozen pages long.
Yes OLED is better, nothing surprising about that. The extra zones improve quality, that does not mean the other solution is terrible, HDR 1000 even on an ultrawide was still a big improvement from non HDR display I had used previously. Now, let's be honest about this, you only took so much offence to that because I shared a video from HUB who polled their viewers to say which is more important to you, HDR or RT and HDR won comfortably.