Oh my... PLEASE don't tell me you're going to increase the weight on your clean and OHP with a clean like that!
You're going to screw your back, shoulders, elbows and wrists doing that at a not particularly interesting weight, so you REALLY should get into good habits as soon as possible.
And no, the example video you posted was abysmal as cleans go, too.
Regarding the advice already posted,
Why trainers are not a great idea
Did you notice your knees getting unstable at all? That's probably because you're in cushioned trainers. Taking my trainers off when squatting was the best thing I ever did. Yes, I wear lifting shoes now, but they're quite different.
Stand on a wobble board as an example. Notice how it's not very stable? Same premise for trainers.
Pussy pads are not a good idea for the same reason.
Why belts are not a great idea unless you are lifting a LOT of weight
If you need a belt at 97.6kg for a squat, your core is either too weak to support the weight (which is not a good sign) or you are not using the belt correctly. I suspect the ofrmer, and this will only limit you going forward.
Why gloves are a bad idea
Same principle as trainers but between the bar and your hands. Rather than gripping the bar, your hands will be gripping the glove and the more surfaces that have the potential to slip (i.e. hand -> glove -> bar) the more likely you are to lose that grip.
Notice how none of the elite powerlifters or weightlifters use gloves? There's a reason for that.
Now, I would never stop somebody using these in the gym unless they were doing something dangerous. However, using gloves, trainers or pussy pads at weight IS dnagerous because of the forces involved and scope for serious damage to yourself.. Trainers will just make your knees unstable when you squat or deadlift and hinder your ability to lift more. Simple as.
Belts? As Syla5 suggested, they won't magically help you lift more, and will impede your progress as your rely on them rather than bracing your core properly.