1984 Arrives

IF for some reason the Goverment had a reason to ransack my home, which I would imagine would have to be a very good reason then I wouldn't mind no. Why would I?

They don't have unlimited resources, they are limited by money and man power. So they would have to have a VERY good reason to want to enter my home and search it. Who am I to stop them doing there job.

And of course I wouldn't want them to watch everything I do, and anyone who beleives they are going to watch everything you do in your home is very paraniod and needs to step away from the drugs.

in a perfect world you would be right. unfortunately we are far from it in the UK. i have known the police to raid people's houses and stash stuff for the next raid.

we cant trust the watchmen any more....
I have absolutely nothing to hide but I'm still really not happy about this. I don't see a convincing argument to justify why this is required. Are the intelligence services in this country really in need of this data or is it a political move?

I'm not sure if all people realise how much this potentially impacts our privacy in an increasingly digital age! I honestly thought it was an April fools joke yesterday..

You have to remember this would mean allowing people, just regular people (strangers in fact), access to your data.
They are probably running the end points anyway ;)

Algorithms such as AES are completely unbreakable.

Better off saying it's currently not known to be broken. I'm sure at some point in time it will be broken, who knows when though :p
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Not saying it's definitely possible now, but as with other forms of encryption what was once deemed secure is now not :)

Who is to know in x years time if it will still be the case.

But you're probably safe with it for now :p

Its changed from 'tackling serious crime and terrorists' to 'tackling serious crime, terrorists and paedophiles'...... WONT SOMEBODY PLEASE THING OF THE CHILDREN, FOR GODS SAKE. ITS TO PROTECT THEM.

Well, that will have got the tabloid readers on board then. These people are a ******* joke, using dirty tactics and hyper-sensitive issues to gain support.
Labour wanted these powers and now the Tories are after it too.

There is a lot of people outraged on the forum about this and so may other issues, but come the next election I bet most of you will still vote for one of the major parties.

Don't vote....it only encourages them.
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